Устная тема для 10 класса "Animals in our world" учебник New Millennium English
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
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Animals in our world
Many people have different pets. Humans prefer keeping domesticated species such as dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, different birds and fish.
To tell the honest truth, the most widespread of them are cats. These creatures have always been in our lives. In Ancient Egypt, for example, cats were sacred animals. Nowadays we keep cats as pets, we really need them. They give us companionship and pleasure. For example, a lonely man keeps a cat, because it is a companionship for him. You feel happier when you stroke a cat. Cats teach us to be loving and responsible.
They say that keeping a cat as a pet is good for health! Scientists have proved that if you stroke a cat, then your blood pressure will go down and your stress and loneliness will reduce too.
But sometimes people choose exotic pets for keeping at home, for example, such wild cat as tigers, bobcats, lions. Such experience could be very dangerous and people should know it. First, young animals may seem tame but they may become very aggressive and unpredictable as they get older. Second, captivity is not natural and it is rather cruel to keep wild animals in a small flat or in a cage. Moreover, exotic animals must be examined by vets with special knowledge.
As for me, the best pet for keeping at home is ____________.
(I have a cat. I love it and take care of it, because I like these beautiful animals. When I stroke it, I become happier. I also like to listen to happy purring, coming home.)
Animals in our world
Many people have different pets. Humans prefer keeping domesticated species such as dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, different birds and fish.
To tell the honest truth, the most widespread of them are cats. These creatures have always been in our lives. In Ancient Egypt, for example, cats were sacred animals. Nowadays we keep cats as pets, we really need them. They give us companionship and pleasure. For example, a lonely man keeps a cat, because it is a companionship for him. You feel happier when you stroke a cat. Cats teach us to be loving and responsible.
They say that keeping a cat as a pet is good for health! Scientists have proved that if you stroke a cat, then your blood pressure will go down and your stress and loneliness will reduce too.
But sometimes people choose exotic pets for keeping at home, for example, such wild cat as tigers, bobcats, lions. Such experience could be very dangerous and people should know it. First, young animals may seem tame but they may become very aggressive and unpredictable as they get older. Second, captivity is not natural and it is rather cruel to keep wild animals in a small flat or in a cage. Moreover, exotic animals must be examined by vets with special knowledge.
As for me, the best pet for keeping at home is ____________.
(I have a cat. I love it and take care of it, because I like these beautiful animals. When I stroke it, I become happier. I also like to listen to happy purring, coming home.)
Animals in our world
Many people have different pets. Humans prefer keeping domesticated species such as dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, different birds and fish.
To tell the honest truth, the most widespread of them are cats. These creatures have always been in our lives. In Ancient Egypt, for example, cats were sacred animals. Nowadays we keep cats as pets, we really need them. They give us companionship and pleasure. For example, a lonely man keeps a cat, because it is a companionship for him. You feel happier when you stroke a cat. Cats teach us to be loving and responsible.
They say that keeping a cat as a pet is good for health! Scientists have proved that if you stroke a cat, then your blood pressure will go down and your stress and loneliness will reduce too.
But sometimes people choose exotic pets for keeping at home, for example, such wild cat as tigers, bobcats, lions. Such experience could be very dangerous and people should know it. First, young animals may seem tame but they may become very aggressive and unpredictable as they get older. Second, captivity is not natural and it is rather cruel to keep wild animals in a small flat or in a cage. Moreover, exotic animals must be examined by vets with special knowledge.
As for me, the best pet for keeping at home is ____________.
(I have a cat. I love it and take care of it, because I like these beautiful animals. When I stroke it, I become happier. I also like to listen to happy purring, coming home.)
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