Аутентичный текст "Netflix" с набором компетентностно-ориентированных заданий. Unit 5 "TV or not TV", УМК Millennium English, 11 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Аутентичный текст с дотекстовыми, текстовыми и послетекстовыми заданиями.
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УМК Millennium English, 11 класс, unit V «TV or not TV»
Задание 1. Изучите картинку и ответьте на предложенные вопросы.
- What atmosphere is in the room?
- What is the family going to do?
- Why does the TV screen seem unusual?
- Have you ever heard the word «Netflix»?
- What parts does the word «Netflix» contain?
Задание 2. Опираясь на словарные толкования, попытайтесь перевести выделенные жирным шрифтом слова на русский язык.
to subscribe [səbˈskraɪb] – to pay money to an organization so that you regularly receive a service or product
a foray [ˈfɒreɪ] – an occasion when you try to do something that is not familiar to you, or go somewhere different, for a short time
a slate [sleɪt] – a list, a group, a collection
a niche [niːʃ] – an area or position that is exactly suitable for a small group of the same type
serendipitous [ˌser.ənˈdɪp.ɪ.təs] – found interesting or valuable things by chance
tedious [ˈtiː.di.əs] – boring, banal
a rival [ˈraɪ.vəl] – a person, group, etc. competing with others for the same thing or in the same area
Задание 3. Прочитайте текст, отвечая на вопросы и выполняя задания в выносных рамках.
Fast Company magazine, fastcompany.com
Netflix is an American entertainment company specializing in online on-demand streaming video, as well as a DVD-by-mail service in the U.S. Founded in Scotts Valley, California, in 1997, Netflix began its current subscription model in 1999. Now the company has over 117 million clients in 190 countries. Most of the platform's available TV shows, movies, performances, and documentaries are licensed from distribution partners.
However, in 2011, Netflix began beefing up its original content, investing in its own original series like Orange Is the New Black and political drama House of Cards, as well as acquiring the rights to shows like Lilyhammer and the fourth season of Arrested Development.
In 2017, Netflix began an aggressive foray into producing feature films, aiming to release 80 - more than all of the Hollywood studios’ annual slates combined - in 2018.
Unlike traditional broadcasters, Netflix's goal isn't to appeal to as broad an audience as possible but rather to cater to niches and effectively give every slice of the population a show or movie they can't live without. Though Netflix is widely considered to be the platform that is winning the streaming-video wars, it has not rested on its laurels when it comes to improving the service.
In December 2016, it rolled out a major user interface upgrade, replacing static poster images with custom-created preview videos that automatically play when you scroll over a title card. The redesign, which required a combination of creativity and data science insights, encourages Netflix's subscribers to serendipitously discover what to watch rather than tediously browse its catalog and wonder if something is worth sampling.
The company also unleashed a download-and-go feature, which allows users to watch shows offline, and has expanded into 130 new countries. This effort was followed up by a push to improve Netflix’s mobile experience, which is important as the company expands into foreign territories where people prefer to watch video on their phones. In 2017, Netflix enabled faster menu scrolling on mobile devices, and changed the way content is encoded so that more static video scenes require fewer bits. This allows users to stream content more efficiently when using a phone, when internet quality can be spotty.
These upgrades were companywide efforts that took years, demonstrating Netflix's commitment to standing out from competitors such as Amazon for more than just content - though Netflix is planning to plow $8 billion into its library in 2018, a figure that far outpaces its rivals.
Задание 4. Выберите из списка заголовок для каждого из абзацев текста. Один заголовок в списке лишний.
Two-way fighting
Smart market strategy
Thirty years of entertainment
Turning to portable devices
Traditional filmmakers are behind
Unsuccessful year
The beginning of own production
A major improvement
Задание 5.
а) Заполните пропуски словами из текста или близкими к ним по смыслу.
Netflix, Inc. is an _________ over-the-top media services provider, headquartered in Los Gatos, California. Founded in _____ by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in _______, the company's primary business is its __________-based streaming service, which offers ___-line streaming of a library of films and __________ programs including those produced in-house.
б) Попытайтесь воспроизвести мини-текст без опоры.
Задание 6. Проанализируйте картинку и дайте развёрнутый ответ на предложенный вопрос.
Why are all these devices pictured under the NETFLIX logo? What are the positive and negative sides of this situation?
Задание 7. Разбейтесь на пары и подготовьтесь к диалогу – дискуссии по данному тезису:
There is no future for the traditional TV: sooner or later all content will be on-demand via Internet.
Один из вас должен защищать тезис, другой – оспаривать его. Используйте слова и выражения из текста, а также речевые обороты из списка.
- Well, I agree with you on the whole, but …
- I agree in principle with you that…; however…
- I can agree with you to a certain extent but …
- You definitely have the point here but I’d like to add that …
- I take your point, however it seems to me that …
- It is certainly reasonable, however …
- I can’t say I share your view on this…
- I feel I must disagree…
- I respect your opinion of course, but on the other hand…
- I wouldn’t say that, really.
- Well, taking your point into consideration, I therefore must admit that …
- Taking your point, I still can’t help feeling that…
- I’m afraid, I disagree with you …
- I’m afraid I don’t see it this way …
- To tell you the truth I have a different opinion.
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