урок по теме "Образование - мир знаний"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Образование - мир знаний" к учебнику И.Н. Верещагиной, О.В.Афанасьевой "English- VIII"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Земскова Галина Николаевна, учитель английского языка МБОУ «Гимназия №6», г. Алатырь
Тема: Education: the world of learning
к учебнику И.Н. Верещагиной, О.В. Афанасьевой “English –VIII”
Тип урока: Урок обобщения и систематизации.
способствовать развитию умения анализировать, обобщать и сравнивать понятия на основе изучаемого материала;
- Учебные:
*Развивать лексические навыки.
*Развивать навыки устной речи, навыки чтения и аудирования.
- Развивающие:
*Развивать способности к сравнению, умозаключению, развивать оперативную память.
*Способствовать развитию аналитического, критического и образного мышления через использование проблемных ситуаций и творческих заданий.
- Воспитательные:
*Воспитывать культуру языкового общения, уважительного отношения друг к другу, умение слушать собеседника.
Учебные пособия и оборудование:
УМК «English VIII” О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева; компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, раздаточный материал.
1. Постановка целей и задач
I want to begin our lesson with the question:
What does the word education mean? (the process of getting knowledge)
Where can we get education? (kindergarten, school, institute, family, self education)
Education is not only the process of getting knowledge. Look at the blackboard here you can see words of wisdom.
“Learning is a Treasure that will follow us everywhere”
“It is only the ignorant who despise education” (Syrus 42B.C.)
“A little learning is dangerous thing”. (Pope)
“Men learn while they teach”. (Seneca)
“Only the educated are free” (Epictetus)
To study is not an easy thing, of course, but nowadays it is quite necessary to be highly skilled and educated specialist.
As you understand the topic of our lesson is “Education: the world of learning”. Today we are going to compare Education Systems in Britain and in Russia. We are also going to train skills of oral speaking and listening and enlarge our vocabulary.
II Фонетическая разминка
Teacher: If you want to describe a system of education, you may need these words:
Primary education
Secondary education
Higher education
Compulsory education
To attend school
To finish/leave school
Education can be given in various types of schools:
State schools
Independent schools
Private schools
Boarding schools
Co-educational schools
Comprehensive schools
Primary schools
Secondary schools
Grammar schools
Special needs schools
If you speak about school exams you may need these words:
To take an exam
To fail an exam
GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education)
A-level (advanced) exam
School-leaving certificate
III Речевая зарядка
a) What are your associations with the word “school”?
P-friends… etc.
T: We have a lot of associations, because school is very important for us. Look at the screen and choose 3 the most important things for you at school.
A comfortable and spacious school building
Highly qualified and creative teachers
Friendly atmosphere
A lot of up-to-date equipment
Good sports facilities
A good canteen
A good medical center
Time-tested traditions
Good school furniture
Understanding and caring teachers
b) What is another way of saying it?
A nursery school –
A mixed school –
To finish school –
The teacher’s room –
To sit an exam –
To study a subject –
To get ready for an exam –
A summer vacation –
To attend school –
- What is the opposite?
To be at school –
Independent schools –
Day schools -
Classroom activities –
To pass an exam –
Boys’/girls’ schools –
To miss a class –
- Guess the words by their definition.
A pupil of the first form in Britain –
Any room in a school there teaching is done –
To check up students’ knowledge and give them marks –
An exam taken at the age of 16 in British comprehensive schools –
A place in a school where meals are provided –
Education at universities, colleges and polytechnics –
Exams taken at the age of 18 in British schools –
A period of time when schoolchildren can play or talk
e) Complete the sentences
1. In Great Britain 93% of children attend ---------- schools.
2. The other 7% attend -------------------schools.
3. There are also such schools as -------, -------, --------, ------.
4. Primary school includes ------------, ----------.
5. Children start school at the age of ----- in Britain.
6. In Russia a pupil learns 4 years at ----- school.
7. Pupils leave school at the age of ------ in Britain.
8. A boarding school is a school where --------.
9. A comprehensive school is a school which ------.
10. Secondary education is ------- for all children.
11. Pupils get there education for money in -----.
12. After 5 years of secondary education pupils get -----.
13. Pupils who have some problems with their health attend ------.
(Special needs school)
- Answer my questions:
- How old were you when you started to go to school?
- What type of school do you go to?
- Is it a state or an independent school?
- Do your parents have to pay fees?
- Does your school select prospective pupils or does it take any children?
- How is your school day organized?
- How often do you take the exams?
- What about the curriculum?
- Is it worth studying here?
- What would you like to change at your school?
IV. Grammar.
Complete the sentence:
If I were the headmaster of our school….
Don’t forget that in the Past Subjunctive the verb to be has the form were for all persons singular and plural. And in the main clause we use would + infinitive.
V. Listening.
We live in a time of rapid changes. It is especially true about education. Let us listen the interview with the Headmaster of Southwark College.
You will hear the text twice be ready to choose the right variant and fill in the gaps.
- Mr. Swift had been the headmaster of Southwark College for … years.
- 7 or 8 b) 9 c)5
- Ten years ago Southwark college was a … .
- comprehensive school b) public school c) grammar school
- The local authorities decided that this area needed a … .
- playground b) sixth form college c) boarding school
- Some of the teaching staff had to … .
- leave b) change their qualification
- A number of new subjects were introduced because … .
- they were interesting for students b) universities demand these subjects
- The most pressing problem at the moment is fact that … .
- parents can’t pay for there children’s education
- number of pupils is getting less
- there is not enough qualified teaches
T: We’ve learnt much about education in Britain and Russia. But do you know that:
Schools in England and America use their own marks: letters or percentage
A – 90-100 -excellent,
B – 80-89 – good,
C – 70-79 – satisfactory,
D – 60-69 bad,
E – 0-59 poor.
What about your country?
- In most English schools forms start only at the secondary school, at the age of eleven.
- So at the age of twelve British students go to the second form.
- What about your country?
- In British culture schools have names, such as Manchester School, Mary Hampden School, Abbey Road
- What about your country?
- At English schools children call the male teachers Mr and the female teachers Miss/Mrs with the surname.
- What about your country?
VII. And now we’ll divide into 2 groups: a group of English pupils and a group of Russian pupils. I think you have a lot of questions to each other. You can ask them now.
VIII. Monolog
Make diagrams describing systems of education in Russia and in Great Britain. Speak about these systems.
IX. Reading
As you know in the UK and the USA, pupils have to start to go to school at the age of 5, but in Russia they start at 6 or 7.
In your mind, what is the best age to start school?
And now let us read what do psychologists think about it?
- read the text and choose the main idea
- With whom do you agree Professor David Shift or Dr. Eleanor Idle?
- fill in the gaps
X. Projects
As you know this year is jubilee for our school. We are 25 this year.
Pupils of our class have worked on the projects “My school is 25”.
Let us listen to them.
- a booklet
- a computer presentation
XI Подведение итогов урока
Today we have had a talk about schools.
Do you like you school?
Complete the sentences:
I like my school because…
I don’t like my school…
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