Конспект урока по английскому языку 10 класс по теме "Друзья"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
УМК Spotlight 10
Цель урока:
- формирование коммуникативной культуры,
- формировать у обучающихся умение гибко ориентироваться и адаптироваться в жизненных ситуациях.
- активизировать употребление в речи лексических единиц по темам «Friends», «Character qualities »в ситуациях общения;
- развивать умения и навыки аудирования, чтения;
- формировать коммуникативные умения обучающихся, необходимые для общения в учебно-трудовой, социально-бытовой и социокультурных сферах;
- развивать внимание, память, мышление обучающихся;
- развивать способность самостоятельно находить и использовать необходимую информацию
-развивать репродуктивные речевые действия, выражать своё мнение по теме.
- формировать устойчивую мотивацию к изучению английского языка;
- формировать навыки культуры общения;
- развивать умения и навыки работы в парах, командах с целью достижения общего результата;
- формировать толерантное отношение к сверстникам ;
-воспитывать умение правильно выбирать друзей.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока
по английскому языку
в 10 классе
по теме “Friends”
УМК Spotlight 10
Цель урока:
- формирование коммуникативной культуры,
- формировать у обучающихся умение гибко ориентироваться и адаптироваться в жизненных ситуациях.
- активизировать употребление в речи лексических единиц по темам «Friends», «Character qualities »в ситуациях общения;
- развивать умения и навыки аудирования, чтения;
- формировать коммуникативные умения обучающихся, необходимые для общения в учебно-трудовой, социально-бытовой и социокультурных сферах;
- развивать внимание, память, мышление обучающихся;
- развивать способность самостоятельно находить и использовать необходимую информацию
-развивать репродуктивные речевые действия, выражать своё мнение по теме.
- формировать устойчивую мотивацию к изучению английского языка;
- формировать навыки культуры общения;
- развивать умения и навыки работы в парах, командах с целью достижения общего результата;
- формировать толерантное отношение к сверстникам ;
-воспитывать умение правильно выбирать друзей.
Тип урока: совершенствование знаний, умений и навыков .
Форма урока: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная, групповая
Применяемые технологии: коммуникативные, компьютерные, игровые, здоровьесберегающие.
Оборудование и наглядность: компьютер, проектор, экран, учебник Spotlight 10, CD Spotlight 10,презентация ,видеоматериалы, раздаточный материал для выполнения самостоятельных работ учащимися в течение урока.
- наглядный (использование презентации, видеоматериалов, карточек с заданиями);
- ТСО (компьютер, проектор, экран);
- игровой(при выполнении лексического упражнения - игра «Pairs», во время релаксационной паузы – игра «Hot seat»);
-проблемно-поисковый метод (на этапе проверки домашнего задания – подобрать аналогичные идиомы в русском языке, подобрать из словаря предложения со словами, значения которых часто путают);
-элементы интенсивной методики Warming up(для быстрого погружения в иноязычную среду применяется нестандартное начало урока- просмотр ролика о друзьях, после которого обучающиеся самостоятельно определяют тему урока);
-коммуникативный метод (на этапе речевой зарядки, на этапе подготовки к аудированию, при обсуждении взаимоотношениий с друзьями, при составлении диалогов по теме, на этапе подготовки монологической речи);
-самоконтроль и взаимоконтроль;
- метод стимулирования интереса к изучению иностранного языка (при выполнении заданий творческого характера)
Ход урока:
1.Организационный момент
Hello, my friends! I’m glad to see you. I think you’re fine and I hope we’ll have a wonderful time together. Today we’re going to do a lot of interesting exercises. But what is the topic of our lesson?
Watch a video film and guess it.
You’re right. We’re going to talk about friends and character qualities of your friends. And the aim of our lesson is to learn which character qualities you appreciate most of all in your friends.(слайд 1)
2. Speech practice
Listen to the song “Together for ever” (Page SS1 Module 1 CD3) and answer the questions:
-What makes a good friend according to the singer?
(A good friend is always there for you.
A good friend always knows what’s on your mind.
A good friend always knows exactly what to do.
You can depend on your good friend.
A good friend is always loyal.
Best friends are always together.)
-Do you have many friends or a few close friends?
-What do you usually do together?
-How much time do you spend together?
-What makes your best friend special for you?
(I can rely on my friend.
My friend always keeps my secrets.
My friend is always ready to give me a helping hand.
We help each other.
We trust each other.
We’ve got the same interests and hobbies.
We spend a lot of free time together.
I’m never bored with my friend.)
3. Vocabulary exercises
1)The game “Pairs”.
The class is divided into two teams.
All teams get cards with character qualities and their definitions. The task is to find pairs (character qualities and their definitions) as soon as possible. Then teams read their answers aloud and give Russian equivalents. The team wins if it does this task correctly and quicker than the other one.
Key(слайд 2):
loyal | Верный | Firm in their support for a person |
selfish | Самолюбивый | Caring only about themselves |
aggressive | Агрессивный | Angry and violent |
patient | Терпеливый | Calm, not easily annoyed |
respected | Уважаемый | Admired and considered |
dedicated | Преданный | Devoted and enthusiastic |
mean | Недоброжелательный | Unkind to another person |
caring | Заботливый | Affectionate, helpful and sympathetic |
jealous | Ревнивый | Angry or bitter about something |
creative | Творческий | Able to invent and develop original ideas |
trusting | Доверчивый | Honest and sincere |
dishonest | Нечестный | Not truthful, cannot be trusted |
supportive | Поддерживающий кого-либо | Kind and helpful during difficult or unhappy times |
moody | Капризный | Angry or depressed without any warning |
Well-meaning | Действующий из лучших побуждений | Unsuccessful when trying to be helpful or kind |
2) Which characters from the table do you look for in a friend?
Which do you try to avoid? (Work in pairs)
Possible answers:
A: To my mind, a true friend should be patient. Also, a friend should be supportive if you have problems.
B: I agree … and dedicated too. It’s great when you can trust your friend. But I don’t think it’s good if a friend is selfish and aggressive.
A: Right you are. I believe a friend shouldn’t be jealous and mean.
B: Sure, and I hate when a friend is dishonest.
3) Fill in the words: loyal, patient, moody, dishonest, jealous.( Individual work)
Then change your cards and check them.
(слайд 3)
1. John cannot be trusted. He is very …. . (dishonest)
2. He goes to all of his team’s matches. He is a …. fan.(loyal)
3. Sara is a good teacher. She is very …. and kind.(patient)
4. She never says anything nice to her. I think she is …. of her. (jealous)
5. One minute she is happy and the next she is sad. She is quite …. .(moody)
4) Word formation
Fill in the adjective to complete the table (Work in small groups)
(слайд 4)
noun | adjective | verb | adjective |
Beauty | Care | ||
Aggression | Act | ||
Dream | Create | ||
Self | Trust | ||
Fun | Annoy | ||
passion | fear |
(слайд 5)
noun | Adjective | verb | Adjective |
Beauty | beautiful | Care | caring |
Aggression | aggressive | Act | Active |
Dream | dreamy | Create | Creative |
Self | selfish | Trust | Trusting |
Fun | funny | Annoy | Annoying |
passion | Passionate | fear | fearful |
5) Use the words from the table to complete the sentences. Then each group reads the sentences aloud and translates them.
Key:(слайд 6)
Group 1
I enjoy making things because I’m a(an) …. person .(creative)
Stop being so …. and try to think of others for a change.(selfish)
My best friend is a very …. and kind person. (caring )
John is always angry. I wish he wasn’t so …. .(aggressive)
Key:(слайд 7)
Group 2
The dog next door barks all the time. It’s so …. .( annoying)
He is very …. about football . He watches every game he can.(passionate)
The bride looked …. in her wedding gown.(beautiful)
The little boy was …. of monsters.(fearful)
Key:(слайд 8)
Group 3
She had a …. faraway look on her face. (dreamy)
He paid the man before the job was done. He is very …. . (trusting)
Jack is always telling jokes. He’s so …. .(funny)
He is very …. .He rides his bike, runs and plays sports.(active)
6) You know there are some words which are often confused.
You had Ex10 p13 as your homework. You had to choose the correct word.
(слайд 9)
1.Amy is very (supporting, supportive). You can rely on her to help you if you can.
2.Josh is a really (careful, caring) person – he’s always ready to listen to my problems.
3.The teacher wasn’t (respected, respectful) by his students.
4. Angela always tries to do the right thing – she’s really (mean, well-meaning).
(слайд 10)
1.Amy is very supportive. You can rely on her to help you if you can.
2.Josh is a really caring person – he’s always ready to listen to my problems.
3.The teacher wasn’t respected by his students.
4. Angela always tries to do the right thing – she’s really well-meaning.
Besides, you were to look up the words: supporting, supportive, careful, caring, respected, respectful mean, well-meaning in the dictionaries and find examples of sentences with these words (слайд 11).
supporting | поддержка, обеспечение |
supportive | поддерживающий |
careful | осторожный |
caring | заботливый |
respected | уважаемый |
respectful | уважающий других |
mean | недоброжелательный |
well-meaning | действующий из лучших побуждений |
Possible variants (cлайд 12)
She betrayed her own people by supporting the enemy.
She has always been very supportive of her husband.
Be careful! The stove is hot!
She is a caring person.
He was respected and admired by his colleagues.
They listened in respectful silence.
It was mean of him not to invite her.
Her well-meaning words were received in silence.
7)Idioms (слайд 13)
Fill in : nerves,back,eye,shoulder,neck,head.
Check in the Word List. Are there similar idioms in your language?
1.They never agree with each other. They don’t see eye to … . (eye)
Они не разговаривают с глазу на глаз.
2.What’s wrong with Sam? He’s like a bear with a sore … .(head)
Как медведь с больной головой (очень сердитый)
3.They give me the cold … when I entered the room.(shoulder)
Они оказали мне холодный приём.
4.He drives me crazy. He’s a pain in the … .(neck)
Боль в шее.Зануда
5.Get off my … . I’m in a bad mood today.(back)
Отстань от меня.
6.I’m fed up with him. He really gets on my … .(nerves)
Действует мне на нервы.(Я сыт по горло)
4. Now it’s time for a short break. Let’s have a rest.
The class is divided into two teams. A chair is placed at the front of the class facing the students (away from the board). One student from the first team is called up to sit on the hot seat. This player should guess the word that the teacher writes on the board in large letters behind the hot seat. The other players of the first team can help their friend by using clues(synonyms, descriptions) that do not include the written word but they must not read the written word aloud, whisper to their friend nor gesticulate to give it away. The team is given a fixed time limit (30 seconds). Then the teams swap and the game starts again.
Here are some suggestions for words:
Computer (an electronic machine that used for storing, organizing, finding words, pictures and numbers, for doing calculations, and for controlling other machines)
Telephone (a device for transmission of sound and speech to a distant point)
Free time (a period when you are not required to work, a period available for hobbies and other activities you enjoy)
Aeroplane (a kind of transport that has wings and one or more engines that can fly)
Skateboard(a flat, narrow board with two small wheels under it, which a person stands on and moves forward by pushing one foot on the ground)
Children(persons that are under 18,they are too small to live on their own)
Friends (a person who you know well and who you like a lot, but who is usually not a member of your family)
Internet(the system of connected computers around the world that allows people to share information and communicate with each other)
School uniform(a kind of clothes that students have to wear)
Teacher(a person who gives knowledge to other people)
5. Reading
Ex3 p12
Read the first two exchanges and answer the questions. Listen, read the dialogue by roles and check.
1. What’s the relationship between Kim and Julie? (They’re friends.)
2. Why is Kim angry? (Her friend cancelled their plans again.)
3. What is the dialogue about? (Kim’s explaining why she is angry with her friend)
Ex4 p13
a) Read again. Use the words and phrases in the columns to make as many true statements as possible.
Kim Laura | thinks feels wants says | angry with Julie Julie is nice Kim isn’t being fair to rent a DVD Julie is selfish |
Key (слайд 14):
Laura thinks Julie is nice.
Kim feels angry with Julie.
Laura thinks Kim isn’t being fair.
Laura wants to rent a DVD. Kim thinks Julie is selfish.
b) Which expression does Kim use to tell Laura she is annoyed?
Key (слайд 15):
- I’ve had enough!
6. Speaking
1) Socialising
Choose the correct response to the statements. Listen and check.
1.What’s up? A Yeah, fine.
2.How’s it going? B Bye.
3.You’re looking well. C Not too bad. And you?
4.Everything alright? D Thanks, so are you.
5.See you later. E Nothing much
Key (слайд 16):
1.What’s up? - Nothing much.
2.How’s it going? - Not too bad. And you?
3.You’re looking well.- Thanks, so are you.
4.Everything alright? - Yeah, fine.
5.See you later. - Bye.
2) Expressing sarcasm/anger
Which phrases express sarcasm/anger.
1.Oh, perfect!
3.That’s it!
5.That’s crazy!
6.I don’t believe it!
7.I’m sick and tired of it.
Key(слайд 17):
Oh, perfect!
That’s it!
That’s crazy!
I don’t believe it!
I’m sick and tired of it.
3) Discussing the questions
-What character qualities of your friends do you appreciate?
-What can’t you stand in your friend?
-What should your friend be like?
-Do you get angry with your friends?
- Does your friend borrow things from you?
- Does your friend give them back in time?
4) Work in pairs
Your friend is always borrowing things from you and never gives them back. Complain to your partner. Act your dialogues.
- What’s happened?
- I’m so angry!
- What’s up?
- It’s my friend, I gave her my sweater a week ago and she hasn’t still returned it to me.
- Probably she’s forgotten about it?
- I phoned her two times. She’s always doing like that. I’m sick and tired of it.
- I don’t believe it! To my mind, she’s loyal and caring.
- Everybody thinks so. But really she’s always taking advantage of my kindness.
- Well, forget about it. Why don’t we go to the cafe?
- OK. It’s a great idea!
- What’s the matter?
- Oh, I’ve had enough.
- Why?
- It’s my friend again. She borrowed my skates for a couple of days and she didn’t bring them back. She’s always doing it and it hurts my feelings.
- Unbelievable! She looks so sweet and trusting.
- That’s most people think but she only cares about herself.
- Oh, come on! Don’t be so mean!
-It’s not me! She’s dishonest. She always keeps letting me down.
- Well, calm down! Go to her tomorrow and take them yourself. And now let’s go to the cinema.
- That’ a good idea!
- You look so unhappy! What’s up?
- I’m fed up with it!
- Why? What happened?
- It’s my friend. She’s borrowed my books, but she hasn’t still returned to me and I need them badly now. She’s always doing like that.
- I’m sorry to hear it. But maybe you are a bit selfish.
- No. You might think she’s nice. But she always keeps letting me down.
- Don’t be mad! Call her and ask to return your books.
- I think I’ll do it.
- What about going to the park?
- Oh, perfect!
Ex 6 p13
a)Read the list of statements. Which do you agree with? Give reasons.
A I can make friends easily.
B Friends should never be selfish.
C Friends help us to express ourselves.
D Friends will always help out with money.
E I’m never bored with friends.
F I’ve experienced a lot with friends.
Key (слайд 18):
I agree the statement A. I easily make friends because I’m very sociable, friendly and confident. It’s not a problem for me to find a common language with everyone. I feel myself at home everywhere. Besides, I’m a good listener and people like when they’re heard.
I agree with the statement B.I think friends should help and support each other. They should care of each other.
I agree with the statement E.I can’t imagine that I’m bored with my friend. We always have lots to do. We always go out together and chat about everything. We go window shopping, go to the cinema, go cycling, play different games.
I agree with the statement C. Friends help us to express ourselves. We spend a lot of time together. We have the same hobbies and interests. We like the same things. So we can easily exchange our opinions.
I agree with the statement F. I’ve experienced a lot with my friends because I’ve known them for ages and we’ve done lots of things together.
b) Now listen to a radio interview with British teenagers giving their views on friendship. Number the statements above in the order you hear them. There is one extra statement.
Key (слайд 19):
1. I’m never bored with friends.
2. I can make friends easily.
3. Friends help us to express ourselves.
4. Friends should never be selfish.
5. I’ve experienced a lot with friends.
8.Speaking (объяснение домашнего задания, обсуждение вариантов ответов)
(слайд 20)
Prepare a two-minute talk about friends. Include:
-if you have a lot of friends,
-why your friends are important to you,
-what qualities you look for in friends,
-what you usually do with your friends.
Pupil 1 (слайд 21)
As for me, I don’t have many friends. I have only two close friends. They are my true friends. They’re very important to me as we always spend free time together. We have the same interests. We support each other. My friends are always ready to listen to my problems and give a helping hand. To my mind, friends should be caring, dedicated and honest. They can’t be selfish, jealous, aggressive. We usually go to the cinema, play games, roller skate and cycle. I’m lucky that I have good friends.
Pupil 2(слайд 22)
I have lots of friends. I can’t imagine my life without them. They’re very important to me. I can rely on them. We share our interests. I think a true friend should be trusting, loyal, trusting. Friends should never be selfish. I’m never bored with my friends. I’ve experienced a lot with them. We always go camping, have picnics and travel to different places.
9. Home task
Portfolio. Prepare a two-minute talk about friends.
10. Summarizing the results of the lesson .
Our lesson is over. You worked so hard. And all of you got good marks. I hope that you enjoyed the lesson and it was very useful for you.
(слайд 23 )
What new information have you learned at the lesson?
What was the most interesting to you at the lesson?
Did you have any difficulties?
How did you feel at the lesson?
Thank you for your hard work. All of you get excellent marks today. See you later.
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