Фонетический конкурс по английскому языку "В мире английской поэзии"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (5, 6 класс) на тему
Данный материал представляет собой сценарий внеклассного меропиятия для учащихся младшего среднего звена.Он включает в себя цели и задачи данного мероприятия, ход мероприятия, а также примеры стихотворений для подготовки учащихся. К материалу также прилагается презентация и примеры наградныз материалов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
«Средняя школа № 1 им. М. Горького
с углублённым изучением английского языка»
Фонетический конкурс
по английскому языку
«В мире английской поэзии»
учитель английского языка
высшей категории
Губернаторова Татьяна Николаевна
г. Арзамас
Данное мероприятие предназначено для учащихся младшего среднего звена (5-7 класс) как общеобразовательных, так и специализированных школ.
Материалы мероприятия отбираются и целенаправленно строятся с учетом следующих принципов:
- дидактической культуросообразности:
при отборе материала следует
- определить ценностную значимость отбираемых фактов для формирования у обучаемых адекватных представлений об англоязычной культуре;
- использовать литературный материал с учетом возрастных особенностей и интеллектуального потенциала обучаемых;
- диалога культур (компаративности, соизучения языков и культур);
- индивидуальной активности обучающихся;
- динамичности (компоненты подвижны и заменяемы в зависимости от учебной ситуации и личностных особенностей обучаемых);
- осознанной перспективы (курс ориентирован на решение конкретных практических задач, которые способствуют личностному росту учащихся).
Цель: совершенствование социокультурной и коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.
- образовательные:
- практиковать в использовании тематической лексики в речи;
- совершенствование фонетических, лексических и грамматических навыков учащихся.
- развивающие:
- развитие памяти, логического мышления, языковой догадки учащихся;
- развитие познавательной активности, творческих способностей учащихся;
- развитие социокультурных навыков и умений;
- развитие умений публичной презентации;
- развитие умений работы с литературными источниками, словарями, Интернет-ресурсами и т.д.
- воспитательные:
- воспитание внимательности, самостоятельности, культуры языка;
- воспитание уважения к иноязычной культуре и наследию.
- мультимедийное оснащение;
- музыкальное сопровождение.
R. Kipling W. Shakespeare
A. Milne
P.1: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!
P.2: Good morning, dear friends!
P.1: We are very glad to meet you here, at our party!
P.2: We promise to take you on the unforgettable journey to the world of the magic poems by William Shakespeare and George Byron…
P.1: Henry Longfellow and Alexander Milne…
P.2: Robert Stevenson, Redyard Kipling and many, many others.
P.1, 2: You are welcome!
P.1: We are also glad to introduce our respectable jury to you.
P.2: They are to decide who of the participants have the best pronunciation,
P.1: best intonation,
P.2: are the most expressive,
P.1: can recite loudly enough to be able to enjoy to listen to the poem
P.2: and what is also very important – know the poems perfectly well to recite without any pauses.
P.1: So, to all our participants and jury –
P.1, P.2: Good luck!
P.2: I say …, what is your favourite part of a day?
P.1: Maybe evening as the day is over and we can enjoy ourselves a little bit. And what about you?
P.2: I love night very much.
P.1: Is that because you like to sleep?
P.2: Oh, no! Just only at night you can admire the starry sky and dream, dream and dream…
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
Then the traveller in the dark
Thanks you for your tiny spark
He could not see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.
In the dark blue sky you keep,
And often through my curtains peep,
For you never shut your eye,
‘Till the sun is in the sky.
As your bright and tiny spark,
Lights the traveller in the dark.
Though I know not what you are,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
P.1: Well, …, have you got any pets?
P.2: Oh, yes! I have a lovely pussy-cat and a little kitten. I like to play with them so much!
P.1: How happy you are! And I wish I met a nice little puppy just like the main character of the next poem.
Puppy And I
( A.A.Milne)
I met a Man as I went walking:
We got talking,
Man and I.
'Where are you going to, Man?' I said
(I said to the Man as he went by).
'Down to the village, to get some bread.
Will you come with me?' 'No, not I.'
I met a horse as I went walking;
We got talking,
Horse and I.
'Where are you going to, Horse, today?'
(I said to the Horse as he went by).
'Down to the village to get some hay.
Will you come with me?' 'No, not I.'
I met a Woman as I went walking;
We got talking,
Woman and I.
'Where are you going to, Woman, so early?'
(I said to the Woman as she went by).
'Down to the village to get some barley.
Will you come with me?' 'No, not I.'
I met some Rabbits as I went walking;
We got talking,
Rabbits and I.
'Where are you going in your brown fur coats?'
(I said to the Rabbits as they went by).
'Down to the village to get some oats.
Will you come with us?' 'No, not I.'
I met a Puppy as I went walking;
We got talking,
Puppy and I.
'Where are you going this nice fine day?'
(I said to the Puppy as he went by).
'Up to the hills to roll and play.'
'I'll come with you, Puppy,' said I.
P.2: Animals have always been the favourite characters of many poems, stories, films, cartoons and fairy tales.
P.1: That’s right! Let’s listen to a very unusual one about little foxes.
The three foxes
( A.A.Milne)
Once upon a time there were three little foxes
Who didn’t wear stockings, and they didn’t wear sockses,
But they all had handkerchiefs to blow their noses,
And they kept their handkerchiefs in cardboard boxes.
They lived in the forest in three little houses,
And they didn’t wear coats, and they didn’t wear trousies.
They ran through the woods on their little bare tootsies,
And they played “Touch Last” with a family of mouses.
They didn’t go shopping in the High Street shopses,
But caught what they wanted in the woods and copses.
They all went fishing, and they caught three wormses,
They went out hunting, and they caught three wopses.
They went to a Fair, and they all won prizes —
Three plum-puddingses and three mince-pieses.
They rode on elephants and swang on swingses,
And hit three coco-nuts at coco-nut shieses.
That's all that i know of the three little foxes
Who kept their handkerchiefs in cardboard boxes
They lived in the forest in three little houses,
But they didn’t wear coats and they didn’t wear trousies,
And they didn’t wear stockings and they didn’t wear sockses.
P.2: I’m sorry, didn’t quite understand what didn’t those little foxes wear? And where did they live? And why didn’t they go shopping? And…
P.1: Well, wait, wait a little! I think I know who can help you – six honest serving men.
Six serving men
( R. Kipling)
I Keep six honest serving-men:
(They taught me all I knew)
Their names are What and Where and When
And How and Why and Who
I send them over land and sea,
I send them east and west;
But after they have worked for me,
I give them all a rest.
I let them rest from nine till five.
For I am busy then,
As well as breakfast, lunch, and tea,
For they are hungry men:
But different folk have different views:
I know a person small -
She keeps ten million serving-men,
Who get no rest at all!
She sends them abroad on her own affairs,
From the second she opens her eyes -
One million Hows, two million Wheres,
And seven million Whys!
P.2: Now I would like to invite you to travel – somewhere to the sea. What would you say?
P.1: Oh, I’d love to!
P.2: But I must warn you – It will be a deserted seashore with a fisherman’s house at twilight.
P.1: How romantic! Let’s go!
The Twilight
(W. Longfellow)
The twilight is sad and cloudy,
The wind blows wild and free,
And like the wings of sea-birds
Flash the white caps of sea.
But in the fisherman’s cottage
There shines a ruddier light,
And a little face at the window
Peers out into the night.
Close, close it is pressed to the window,
As if those childish eyes
Were looking into the darkness,
To see some form arise.
And a woman’s waving shadow
Is passing to and fro,
Now rising to the ceiling,
Now bowing and bending low.
What tale to the roaring ocean
And the night-wind, bleak and wild,
As they beat at the crazy casement,
Tell to that little child?
And why do the roaring ocean,
And the night-wind, wild and bleak,
As the beat at the heart of the mother,
Drive the colour from her cheek?
P.1: How touching!
P.2: It really is! But let’s have something more cheerful, for example, the story about the lion who- you wouldn’t believe – is a vegetarion!
The “Veggy” Lion
(Spike Milligan)
I’m a vegetarian Lion,
I’ve given up all meat,
I’ve given up all roaring,
All I do is go tweet-tweet.
I never ever sink my claws
Into some animal’s skin,
It only lets the blood run out
And lets the germs rush in.
I used to be ferocious,
I even tried to kill!
But the sight of all that blood
Made me feel quite ill.
I once attacked an Elephant,
I sprang straight at his head.
I woke up three days later
In a Jungle hospital bed.
Now I just eat carrots,
They are easier to kill,
’Cos when I pounce upon them,
They all remain quite still!
P.1: That was really very funny! But let us change the topic and speak about seasons and nature. By the way, what is your favourite season?
P.2: I love spring – to watch how everything in nature awakens from long winter sleep is just fantastic!
P.1: That’s a real miracle – when in the evening it’s still winter and in the morning spring looks merrily into your window!
(Reginald Arkell)
The spring comes in
When no one is looking;
You’re lying in your bed
With a cold in your head,
Or, else, you may be cooking,
Putting the covers upon the chairs –
When, suddenly, taking you unawares,
A thrush in the orchard starts to sing,
And, once again, you have missed the spring.
P.2: Winter, spring, summer, autumn – every season is beautiful, isn’t it?
P.1: It is! But how do you know it’s spring but not autumn or summer? Let’s find it out.
How do you know it’s spring?
(Margaret Wise Brown)
How do you know it’s Spring?
And how do you know it’s Fall?
Suppose your eyes were always shut
And you couldn’t see at all?
Could you smell and hear the Spring?
And how do you feel the Fall?
P.1: And still, you know, most of people love summer best of all. It’s because there is nothing like bright summer sunshine, sea blue skies, hot summer days to enjoy!
P.2: Yes, you are quite right! And I also like warm summer rain, it is not boring at all and sometimes it’s such fun to run, jump and play under it!
P.1: Why not?!
Rain in summer
(W. Longfellow)
How beautiful is the rain!
After the dust and heat,
In the broad and fiery street,
In the narrow lane,
How beautiful is the rain!
How it clatters along the roofs,
Like the tramp of hoofs!
How it gushes and struggles out
From the throat of the overflowing spout,
Across the window pane
It pours and pours;
And swift and wide,
With a muddy tide,
Like a river down the gutter roars
The rain, the welcome rain.
P.2: It was such fun! But look! I see a strange man who is riding a horse at a gallop. What is he doing here?
P.1: Let’s see!
Windy Nightsa
( by Robert Louis Stevenson)
Whenever the moon and stars are set,
Whenever the wind is high,
All night long in the dark and wet,
A man goes riding by.
Late in the night when the fires are out,
Why does he gallop and gallop about?
Whenever the trees are crying aloud,
And ships are tossed at sea,
By, on the highway, low and loud,
By at the gallop goes he.
By at the gallop he goes, and then
By he comes back at the gallop again.
P.2: I say …, do you know any British or American holidays?
P.1: Certainly, for example, Thanksgiving Day.
P.2: Then let’s join the holiday dinner together with the characters of the next poem!
Turkey Dinner
When Daddy carves the turkey,
It’s really quite a site,
I know he tries his hardest,
But he never does it right.
He makes a fancy show of it,
Before he starts to carve,
And stabs in all directions,
While we’re certain that we’ll starve.
He seems to take forever,
As we sit and shake our heads,
By the time he’s finished slicing
He’s reduced the bird to shreds.
He yells as loud as thunder,
Just before he’s finally through
For when Daddy carves the turkey,
Daddy carves his finger too!
P.1: I know one more English holiday. Guess what it is! It is usually celebrated in spring. Russian people celebrate it too.
P.2: Isn’t is Easter?
P.1: That’s right! Let’s listen a poem about one of the symbols of this wonderful holiday.
A bunny who is funny
(Susan Olson Higgins)
I know an Easter bunny
Who is, oh, so funny…
He stands six feet tall,
His whiskers curl around,
His ears stand high
At the slightest sound.
He wears a green vest
And a pink bow tie.
If he flaps his ears.
You should see him fly!
He can bend and twist
Into any shape at all.
He can hop and skip
Or curl up like a ball.
He has a gold watch
Which he keeps very near,
But he only has use of it
In Spring each year.
And as for eggs…
Well, he has lots.
All children want
What he has got!
He is very, very clever,
And as quick as can be.
I hope he never, NEVER
Stops visiting me!
P.2: Unfortunately, our contest has come to an end.
P.1: Now it’s time for the jury to announce the results.
P.1, P.2: Thank you everybody for your attention!
Предварительный просмотр:
Awarded to
for achieving sensational success
as the WINNER
Keep up the great work!
Awarded to
for achieving great success
Awarded to
for achieving great success
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Twinkle, twinkle little star
A.Milne Puppy and I
A.Milne The Three Foxes
R. Kipling Six honest men
H. Longfellow The Twilight
Spike Milligan The “Veggie” Lion
Margaret Wise Brown How do you know it’s spring?
H. Longfellow Rain in Summer
R. L. Stevenson Windy Nightsa
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