Сценарий тематического вечера по английскому языку «Двенадцать месяцев»
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Тематический вечер - это творческий долгосрочный проект с открытой координацией. Подготовка к празднику начинается за месяц до назначенной даты проведения. Вся работа вызывает у учащихся большой интерес, энтузиазм и желание провести праздник как можно лучше. В качестве зрителей можно пригласить учащихся начальной школы. Данное мероприятие способствует развитию творческих способностей учащихся, выявлению талантливых детей и повышению интереса к изучению иностранного языка.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку
Мотина Алина Алексеевна, учитель английского языка
Тема: «Двенадцать месяцев»
1. Образовательная: активизация лексического материала по теме «Времена года», расширение эрудиции и общего кругозора учащихся.
2. Воспитательная: воспитание культуры общения; привитие интереса к изучению английского языка.
3. Развивающая: развитие творческих способностей и выявление одаренных детей.
4. Практическая: формирование у школьников коммуникативной компетенции в иностранном языке.
Время проведения: конец второй четверти.
Форма проведения: тематический вечер.
Количество учащихся, занятых в мероприятии: 30 человек.
Формы работы: массовая, групповая, индивидуальная.
Техническое оснащение: компьютер, экран, мультимедийный проектор,
СД – диски.
Compere: Good morning, boys and girls. Today we are going to speak about twelve months of the year. Will you say which season the children are telling you about?
Четверо детей загадывают загадки о временах года.
- This is the season
When fruit is sweet,
This is the season
When school friends meet. /Autumn/
- This is the season
When children ski
And grandfather Frost
Brings the New Year tree. /Winter/
- This is the season
When birds make their nests
This is the season
We all like best. /Spring/
- This is the season
When nights are short.
And children have plenty
Of fun and sport. /Summer/
Spring is green.
Summer is bright.
Autumn is yellow.
Winter is white .
В это время на экране идет слайдовая презентация всех времён года.
Compere: Let’s sing a song about the seasons of the year.
All together: Oh, yes! Let’s sing.
Исполняется песня “A Song of Seasons”R.L.Stevenson.
1.Autumn, autumn, autumn!
The summer is over.
The trees are bare.
There is mist in the garden
And frost in the air.
2.Winter, winter, winter!
The snow is falling,
The wind is blowing,
The ground is white,
All day and all night.
3.Spring, spring, spring!
The trees are green,
Blue skies are seen,
All the birds sing.
4.Summer, summer, summer.
The sun is shining,
The sky is blue,
The rains are few.
Звучит музыка П.И.Чайковского «Времена года. Весна. Лето».
Welcome, welcome, bright Spring,
Welcome, welcome, merry Summer.
Входят Весна и Лето.
Spring: Now, dear boys and girls, we will give you some riddles.
Summer: You will try and guess them. Listen carefully.
Входят учащиеся в костюмах летних и весенних месяцев. Месяцы загадывают загадки зрителям.
Fat and gay, on a winter day,
He came here with us to stay.
But day by day he grew sad and thin
And so we brought his younger brother in. /A calendar/
A little old man with twelve children,
Some short, some long, some cold, some hot.
What is he? /A year/
A blue sheet covers the whole world.
What is it? /The sky/
What man cannot live inside the house? /A snowman/
Two bright sisters are always running and never meet. /The sun and the moon/
What is without hands and without feet, without a head or a body, but can open the door? / The wind/
Spring: Next task is to find the words that rhyme and connect them.
На экране листья и деревья со словами, которые надо зарифмовать.
Rain –
Sun –
Snow –
Cloud –
Fog –
Fun, proud, train, hog, grow.
Звучит музыка П.И.Чайковского «Времена года. Осень».
Spring: Oh, the wind is blowing colder.
Summer: It is bringing us a new season.
All pupils: Welcome, welcome, Golden Autumn!
Входит Осень.
Hello, my friends.
Glad to see you here!
Do you like my dress?
Do you like my brothers?
Children: Yes, we do!
Летние месяцы уходят.
Входят осенние месяцы.
Autumn is the season
when apples are sweet.
It is the season,
When school friends meet.
What a rainy season!
The sky is dark and grey;
No sunshine anymore;
No playing outdoors.
But in the rainy season
I have other joys,
I read my books and play
At home with all my toys.
Rain on the green grass
And rain on the tree
Rain on the house
But not on me.
Do you like my rain?
All pupils: No, no!
Исполняется песня “Sue’s umbrella” и танец с зонтиками. Осенние месяцы уходят.
Звучит музыка П.И.Чайковского «Времена года. Зима».
Compere: Which is the coldest month?
Children: Welcome, welcome, Fairy Winter!
Compere: You are welcome winter months. Fantastic! Completely white! Winter comes. (Входит Зима и зимние месяцы. На экране – зимние пейзажи).
The snow is falling,
The North wind is blowing
The ground is white
All day and night.
This month brings you ski!
And the New Year Tree! (Показывает на украшенную ёлочку).
I am a cold and frosty month
The sun is bright, the snow is white!
Little snowflakes, come and play,
I have nothing to do today.
Here we come! Oh, what fun!
We are dancing and floating in the sun.
Снежинки начинают танцевать. Все поют песню “Snowflakes”:
Snowflakes fall on trees and walk.
Snowflakes fall as white as chalk.
Snowflakes fall into my hands.
Snowflakes brighten up our land.
Звучит песня “Jingle Bells”. Входит Новый год с колокольчиком, которым он всё время звенит. За ним идёт Дед Мороз, Календарь. Все зрители приветствуют их, встают и поют песню.
Jingle, bells! Jingle, bells!
Jingle all the way!
Oh what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.
- Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh,
O’er the fields we go,
Laughing all the way.
- Bells on bobtail ring,
Making spirits bright.
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight.
New Year:
I am the little New Year, ho, ho!
Here I come tripping it over the snow,
Shaking my bells with a merry din,
So open your doors and let me in.
Все поют песню “We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”.
Входит Дедушка Мороз.
All pupils: Dear Father Frost! We have been waiting for you for so long. We all like you and your miracles. However, our New Year tree has no lights on. Will you help us, please?
Father Frost: Dear kids! Let’s say together “One, two, three! Lights be switched on!”
Дедушка Мороз предлагает потанцевать вокруг ёлки.
Father Frost: Dear boys and girls, I have enjoyed your party. You recited poems, sang songs and danced very well. Now it is my turn to do something and I know what to do. Do you like fairy tales?
Children: Yes, we do. We like them very much.
Father Frost: I have got a fairy tale for you. In what fairy tail can we meet all the months?
Children: “Twelve months”.
Father Frost: Yes, you are right. Our participants have prepared one scene from this fairy tale.
Инсценировка сказки.
Заснеженный лес. В глубине сцены – поляна; на поляне горит костер. Падчерица подходит к лесу, кутаясь в рваный платок.
Stepdaughter: Well! It is an edge of the forest. It is so dark here. I cannot see my hands before my face. (оглядывается) Oh! I see a light flickering some way off amid the trees!
Падчерица выбегает на поляну. Около костра стоят 12 месяцев.
December: Who are you? What brought you here?
Stepdaughter: I have to pick a full basket of snowdrops.
Все оглядываются и смеются.
January: Snowdrops in January? Is it a joke, girl?
Stepdaughter: My stepmother sent me here for snowdrops and forbade me to return without them.
February: What are you going to do?
Stepdaughter: I will stay in the forest and wait till the month of April comes. I would rather freeze here than return without them. (Садится и плачет)
Месяцы шепчутся.
April: Brother January! Let me take your place for a single hour.
January: Gladly would I grant you an hour, brother, but April cannot come before the months of February and March.
February: Let him take my place, I do not mind. We all know the girl. We meet her at the ice-hole with her pails or in the forest with her bundle of firewood.
July: And we, summer months, know her, too. She is a good girl.
September: Autumn months like her for her kind heart.
March: We must help her.
January: So be it! (Стучит 3 раза посохом)
Frost, O Frost, cold master of the ice,
Pray melt the frozen heart:
Untie the stiff bonds in a trice
And let the snowdrifts part.
Sturdy fir and lofty pine,
Shake free your crystal lace;
Frozen snows, at once recline,
January yields his place.
Now, it is your turn, brother January.
Январь передаёт посох Февралю.
Wind, tempest, storm and gale,
Blow with all your might.
Blizzard, furies, sleet and hail,
Rage into the night.
Plough your furrows through the snow,
Sweep across the lake.
Drive the ground wind high and low,
Twisting like a snake.
Now it is up to you brother March. (Передаёт посох).
Babble gaily, melting brook,
Ripple, glistening pool;
Ants awake and leave your nook,
Goner’s the winter cruel.
Now it is up to you, brother April. (Передаёт посох).
Birds, return and sing your song,
Disperse the forest gloom.
Bears and squirrels, come along,
Tender snowdrops, bloom.
Girl, you have only one hour. Take your basket and pick snowdrops.
Слышны песни птиц, набрав подснежников, падчерица подходит к месяцам.
Stepdaughter: Thank you very much!
April: We have decided to give you our ring. If you want to see us, you will have to throw our ring and say:
Roll, roll the ring
To the steps of spring,
To the summer porch,
To the autumn cottage,
With winter shine
To the New Year’s fire!
Stepdaughter: Thank you! Good-bye!
All months: Good-bye, girl!
Compere: Thank you, children. I see that you know all the seasons and like them. They say it right, when it is winter, we want summer, but when it is summer we want winter. Every season is good. Our party is over. Good-bye, dear friends.
Звучит музыка. Дети расходятся по классам.
Используемая литература
1. Е.В.Дзюина. Театрализованные уроки и внеклассные мероприятия по английскому языку. Москва. «Вако», 2006 г.
2. В.Г. Миронова. Открытые уроки и праздники по английскому языку. Ростов – на – Дону. «Феникс», 2008 г.
3. Т.В. Пукина. Занимательный английский. Волгоград. «Учитель», 2011г.
4. О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева. Английский язык для 6 класса с углубленным изучением. Москва. «Просвещение», 2006 г.
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