Тематический вечер на английском языке "All seasons are best"
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Тематический вечер на английском языке "All seasons are best"


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Тематический вечер на английском языке

“All seasons are best”


  1. Способствовать повышению положительной мотивации и познавательной активности учащихся;
  2. Развивать коммуникативные навыки и умения школьников;
  3. Расширить кругозор и повысить общую культуру;
  4. Дать стимул к самостоятельной работе над языком

Compere: Good morning everybody! Today we are going to speak about the seasons of the year.

        The song: “The seasons”.

                Winter is white,

                Spring time is green,

                Summer is golden

And autumn’s a flame

        Four lovely seasons

        To make up a year,

        Sing them by colour

        And sing them by name.

P1          Pass the happy news along,

        Listen to the birds’ sweet songs

        Spring is coming, winter’s gone!

        Pass the happy news along.

P2         The birds are returning,

        Their songs fill the air.

        And meadows are smiling

        With blossoms so fair.

P3         I’m happy, I’m happy!

        I sing all day,

        It’s spring, it’s spring again.

        In the spring, in the spring

        Sweet and fresh is everything.

Spring:         I’m spring. People call me the season of hope and happiness. When I come, flowers begin to grow, green leares appear on the trees. Birds come from the South and begin to build their nests. There are three spring months.

March:         March brings sunny days and winds,

                So we know that spring begins.

April:         April brings the primrose sweet,

                We see daisies at our feet.

May:                 May brings flowers, joy and grass

                And the holidays for us.

P:         Spring is dancing without rest

        In a beautiful green dress.

        Flowers grow under her feet

        Singing, birds her coming greet.

        Pleasant, sunny month of may,

        Hurry quickly, don’t delay,

        Grow red flowers and green grass

        And make us happy, all of us!

P:         The air is like a butterfly

        With frail blue wings.

        The happy earth looks at the sky

        And sings.

(A song “My Bonnie”)

P:         “Spring rain”.

The storm came up so very quick

It couldn’t have been quicker

I should have brought my hat along,

I should have brought my slicker.

        My hair is wet, my feet are wet,

        I couldn’t be much wetter.

        I fell into a river one

        Butt this is even better.

P:         The golden crocus reaches up

        To catch a sunbeam in her cup.

P:         The night is white,

        The moon is high,

        The birch trees lean

        Against the sky.

                The cruel winds

                Have blown away

                Each little leaf

                Of silver gray.

        O, lonely trees

        As white as wool…

        The moon light makes

        So beautiful.

P:         The days are clear,

Day after day.

When April is here,

Then soon comes May,

And June must follow soon:

Come, June, come!

Compere:         And what season it this? Thy to guess.

                This is the season when nights are short

                And children have plenty of fun and sport

                Boating and swimming all day long

                Will makes us well and strong.

                Yes, it’s summer.

Summer:         After spring time is over, summer comes. My months are June, July and August. I am the hottest season of the year. The sun shines brightly, green grass and flowers are everywhere. Children have a rest, they swim, lie in the sun, gather mush rooms and berries.

P:         The sun is shining,

        Flowers are blooming;

        The sky is blue,

        And rains are few.

P:        Without my shoes,

        Without my socks

        My feet touch grass

        My feet touch rocks.

June:                Come, my children, come away,

                For the sun shines bright today.

                Little children, come with me,

                Birds and trees and flowers to see.

July:                 Get your hats and come away.

                For it is a pleasant day.

August:         Let us make a merry ring,

                Talk and dance, and laugh and sing!

Quickly, quickly, come away,

For it is a pleasant day!

Together:         We like flowers that are bright,

                We like flowers that are white,

We like flowers that are blue,

We like red and yellow flowers too.

(The song “when Woods Are Green”)

When woods are green and groves are fair,

And leaves are large and long,

It’s good to wander through the woods

And hear the small birds’ song.

P:         Summer is here and days are long;

And the sun shines bright and strong.

P:         Rain, rain, go away!

        Bob and Sally want to play

P:         For the field and for the wood

        Summer rains are very good!

July:                 Every river, every pool

                After rain is always full.

August:         Rain in summer sings a song –

                There’ll be apples year long.

Compere:         Now we come to autumn.

Autumn:         I come after summer, when days become cool. I bring fruit, vegetables and corn, and turn the leaves red, yellow and brown. Everything looks so beautiful in its colorful dress. Birds fly to the South. The rains begin. One day you get up and see that your town is all covered with snow.

Compere:          There are 12 months through out the year,

                From January to December –

                The finest month of all the twelve

Is the merry month September.

September:                 Autumn is the season

                        When apples are sweet

It is the season

When school friends meet;

When, noisy and gay,

And browned by the sun,

With their books and bags

To school they run.

October:         “Come, little leaves,” said the wind one day,

                “Come over the meadows with me and play,

                Put on your dresses of red and gold,

                For summer is gone and the days are gold”

November:                 Dancing and whirling the little leaves went;

                        Winter called them and they were content,

                        Soon, fast asleep in their earthy beds,

                        The snow laid a coverlet over their heads.

Compere:                 Is autumn a rainy season?

Girl:                 Yes, it often is.

Boy:                  what a rainy season!

                The sky is dark and grey;

                No sunshine any more;

                No playing out of doors.

Girl:                 but in the rainy season

                I have other joys,

                I read my books and play

                At home with all my toys.

Boy:                 This is the season

                When days are cool,

                When we eat apples

                And go to school.

        (The Song “Painting”)

Compere:         Which is the coldest season? It is winter let us talk about winter.

Winter:         I am the coldest season of the year. My months are: December, January and February. When I come, all the rivers and lakes are frozen. Snow flakes dance in the air. The ground, the trees and the houses are covered with deep snow. The sun rises later and sets earlier than in summer. But when it sends its rays to the earth, everything sparkles like diamonds. Y’ll never see such a wonderful picture in any other season. Children sledge, ski and skate or go for a walk in the woods. They are fond of wintertime.

(The Song “The Snow Stars”)

How quietly the snow

Is falling on the ground,

It’s falling on the country-side

And softly on the town.

        And children’s eges are bright

        With wonder and delight

        For tiny stars of snow are falling

        From the sky tonight,

        Tonight, the ting stars of snow.

December:                 This is the season

                        When children ski,

                        And old Father Frost

                        Brings the New Year tree.

January:                 The windows are blue at night,

                        But in the morning they are white,

                        And snowflakes are falling,

                        “Come out”, they are calling.

February:                 Get out of bed and take your sled

                        This cold and frosty day;

                        The sun is bright, the snow is right

                        For outdoor winter play.

                (The song “Snowflakes”)

                Snowflakes fall on trees and walk

                Snowflakes fall as white as chalk

                Snowflakes fall into my hand

                Snowflakes brighten up our land.

December:                 See the pretty Snowflakes,

                        Falling from the sky;

                        On the wall and house-tops,

                        Soft and thick they lie.

January:                 On the window-ledges,

                On the branches bare,

                See how fast they gather,

                Filling all the year.

February:                 Now the bare black bushes

                        All look soft and white;

                        See the Snowflakes falling

                        What a pretty sight!

All together:         Don’t forget the birdies

                        Now that winter comes;

                        Think, they may be hungry,

                        Throw them out your crumbs.

Winter:         Come on, Snowflakes, come with me.

                There are many things to see.

Snowflakes:         Come on, sisters, back we go

                        To where the ground is white with snow.

Compere:                 Let’s sing a song about the seasons of the year.

        All together:         The Song “Seasons”.

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