Разговорный урок английского языка на тему "Профессия"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Разработка урока подходит для проведения в старших классах, когда остро стоит вопрос о выборе професии.
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«Средняя общеобразовательная школа с.Зяк-Ишметово муниципального района Куюргазинский район»
Разговорный урок английского языка на тему "Профессия".
Учитель МОУ СОШ с.Зяк-Ишметово
Щербакова Ольга Александровна
2008 год
Pre-Reading Activities.
A. Discussion.
1. Which jobs do you consider challenging? As a group, make up a list of professions and occupations that are considered unusual, risky.
2. If you could choose, would you prefer to work in your own country, or go to another country and try yourself in some extreme conditions? As a group, make up a list of places that you think are a challenge to you.
3. Is the place you live in a challenge to people from other countries?
B. Vocabulary.
Today, you will need to understand and use some words and expressions that might be unknown to you.
CHALLENGE (n) an invitation to a fight, competition; (having the quality of) testing one's strength, abilities.
PEACE CORPS is the name for the organization which is described in today/s text.
TO BE COMMITTED means to be dedicated, giving one's whole time and effort to a cause.
RESUME (n) Curriculum Vitae (a description of one's education and employment).
Read the text carefully and answer the following questions:
1. In which country did Peace Corps first appear?
2. Which professions and occupations are needed most of all?
3. Are the same kinds of specialists needed in all the countries?
4. What are the requirements for the job of a Peace Corps volunteer?
Peace Corps is a federal US organization set up in 1961. According to popular legend, the idea first originated when John F. Kennedy was giving a late night speech to a group of college graduates. The US President said to the young people, "Could you devote up to two years of your life to really doing something important in another country? Could you sacrifice your own plans, go to a strange place and help people solve their problems?" A surprising amount of young college graduates responded to the challenge, and Peace Corps came into being. Today there are regional offices all over the USA. Peace Corps trains and sends volunteers abroad to work with people of developing countries on projects for technological, agricultural, and educational improvement. For example, in African countries there is a great demand for specialists in agriculture, sanitation and health awareness. In Russia, specialists in the English language are needed, as well as a small amount of business advisers, joint enterprise managers, entrepreneurs. Peace Corps volunteers do not go to any place of their own accord. The country has to ask for a specialist. Then the local offices search through their lists of applicants and advise that volunteers go to a certain country. Usually volunteers are expected to stay on their job for two years. But if a volunteer feels unhappy, cannot cope with the climate or the general living conditions, or if there develops a threatening situation, they can go back home before the two-year term is out. To qualify for the job, Peace Corps volunteers have to answer certain requirements.
1) They have to be of age.
2)They have to be committed to the job.
3) They have to be a college graduate, or to have an extensive experience in the chosen field.
Post-Reading Activities.
A. Imagine that you are interviewing a Peace Corps volunteer. Student A may act as a reporter and supply questions to the answers given. Student B should read the answers, given by John Smith, a Peace Corps volunteer, aged 24, who has recently come to Novosibirsk, Russia, for two years..
A: …
B: I went to Peace Corps because I'm interested in travel. I also wanted to learn another language.
B: I felt I wasn't doing any good for anything at home.
A: ….
B: Peace Corps does a variety of jobs, e.g. agriculture, sanitation, teaching, business advising.
B: In Russia, it's 80% teaching English, and also a little business advising.
A: …
B: Because in Minnesota, there's winter, and a change of seasons. I didn't feel I could handle, say, very high temperatures all the year round.
A: …
B: No, I didn't ask specially to be sent to Siberia, but I was glad when I learned that I was coming here.
A: …
B: Yes, people are very friendly, and the Russian hospitality is amazing.
B. Compare your questions with those of other members of the group.
Now switch roles. What else would you ask in an interview? Here is a list of suggested topics:
1. The city of Novosibirsk.
2. Customs and traditions.
3. Climate and Weather.
4. The school system.
5. Educational problems.
6. The Russian Language.
If there are Web facilities at your school, you may wish to learn more about the places that you consider exotic and challenging. Choose one such place and prepare a short report for the class, based on your findings.
Teacher's Notes and Answer Key.
Pre-Reading. Discussion.
Any answers should be accepted. If students have difficulty starting, suggest some obvious professions and occupations, as well as places. Stuntmen, surgeons, policemen are always a good start for professions, whereas the Arctic and the deep sea are very good places to help students begin. Since the continuation of the lesson will be about Peace Corps volunteers and the country discussed is Russia, such a discussion will provide a good diversion and will stimulate their thinking.
Be sure they don't skip question 3, let them think about their own place and see it in an unusual way.
Reading - Answers to questions:
1. In which country did Peace Corps first appear?
The USA. It is a US organization, and it doesn't exist in other countries.
2. Which professions and occupations are needed most of all?
Doctors, teachers, business advisers, specialists in agriculture.
3. Are the same kinds of specialists needed in all the countries?
No, in Africa they ask for sanitation, medical and agricultural specialists. In Russia, the demand is mostly for English language teachers.
4. What are the requirements for the job of a Peace Corps volunteer?
A person has to be of age; has to be committed to the job for two years; has to have a college degree, or an extensive experience.
A. Interview - Suggested Questions:
A: Why did you go to Peace Corps?
B: I went to Peace Corps because I'm interested in travel. I also wanted to learn another language.
A: Didn't you want to stay at home?
B: I felt I wasn't doing any good for anything at home.
A: What kinds of jobs does Peace Corps do?
B: Peace Corps does a variety of jobs, e.g. agriculture, sanitation, teaching, business advising.
A: What's needed in Russia?
B: In Russia, it's 80% teaching English, and also a little business advising.
A: Why did you want to go to Russia?
B: Because in Minnesota, there's winter, and a change of seasons. I didn't feel I could handle, say, very high temperatures all the year round.
A: Did you ask to be sent to Siberia?
B: No, I didn't ask specially to be sent to Siberia, but I was glad when I learned that I was coming here.
A: Do you like it here?
B: Yes, people are very friendly, and the Russian hospitality is amazing.
B. Switching roles.
Students should use the first interview as a prompt, and conduct their own interview, either about Russia, or about any of the problems suggested. This should be a good opportunity to practice their oral skills.
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