проект на английском языке "Секреты монет"
проект по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Исследовательский проект "Секреты монет" выполнен учащимся 5 г класса ГБОУ "Школа 2065" Антоном Павловым. Проект представлен на школьной конференции и получил 1 место.
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My hobby is numismatics Numismatics studies coins and other forms of money , and also materials and tools for their manufacturing . Each coin is unique and tells the story about the place of its coinage, the country or an important event . My collection contains more than a hundred different coins from more than fifty countries from all over the world.
The aim of the project is To find out specialities of the coins collection.
Introduction I have always been interested in the collecting coins from different countries for two years. I decided to systematize my collection and learn about coins used in different countries. I planned to compare some main characteristics and understand how they are different and similar. I have chosen this topic, because I had a lot of coins but I didn’t know in what way they differed.
Tasks To achieve this aim it is necessary to solve the following problems: 1. Find some information about using coins in different countries. 2. Research the information about the coins in the collection. 3. Identify similar and distinct features of the coins. 3. Conduct a comparison and make a conclusion.
Content Introduction P eculiarities of coins in my collection. C omparison of the coins. M ost unusual coins. С onclusion
We learned that there are some different and similar features of the symbols Common features in coins There are most common images on the coins; portraits of famous people , patterns , signatures, national emblems . 2. They are issued to honour some important events of the country (coronation , a nniversary ). Special features are Forms of the coins: circle, diamond , sexangel , animal’s shape. 2.Weight .
Conclusion Though the coins are issued in culturally different countries, the coins have much in common. Most of them have portraits of rulers of the country or presidents and national emblems. I have leaned much while I was doing my research - countries’ names; - coins’ names and their denomination; - cities’ names; - famous people’s names; - some historical events.
After working on the project I learned a lot of interesting things about the history of different countries. I developed my skills how to design a research, search for information on the Internet. I have practiced my English and learned many words and expressions. I have trained speaking and writing in English. I am going to continue collecting coins and I will be able to present the results of my research to the people who are interested in this topic.
Online resources Names of the coins .- https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki Names of countries and coins. - http://infotables.ru/strany-i-goroda/7-denezhnye-edinitsy-valyuta-i-razmennaya-valyuta-stran-mira English coins .- https://lingvister.ru/blog/a-penny-saved-is-a-penny-gained-ili-angliyskie-monety-nazvaniya-kotoryh-mozhet-zapomnit-ne-kazhdyi Names of money of the world. - http://www.homeenglish.ru/Othermoney.htm List of coins in the world. - http://ru-wiki.org/wiki/ Switzeland coins. - https://ru.wikisource.org/wiki
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