презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
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Find mistakes in the sentences: 1. We saw they talking during the break. 2. The professor made a few students to leave the classroom. 3. The rescue men noticed some climbers to walk in the mountains. 4. The passers-by heard the noise to screaming on the road. 5. My pals wants me to talk that way. 6. Who could watched you coming to this place? 7. The children let to stay outdoors. 8 . The parents couldn’t made their son to be honest.
Group the words according to their part of speech: scenery, Gaelic, service, fluent, cathedral, argue, agriculture, climber, path, injure, Welsh, wild, mean, brief, happen, mount, follow, waterfall, peaceful, run
Underline the words with the sound [e]. stream, fluent, stretch, cathedral, brief, pleasure, service, rescue, injured, argument, enter, college, climber, yet
Find the English equivalents in the story about Wales: 1. to prepare a report ________________________ 2. beautiful nature ________________________ 3. to go to the country ________________________ 4. closely together ________________________ 5. showing a good level of a language ________________________ 6. to hurt oneself seriously ________________________ 7. short ________________________ 8. to go up the mountains ________________________
Fill in the phrasal particles of the verb to look: Who is looking … your little sister when she takes a walk? I don’t remember the word I have to look it … in the dictionary. I had been looking … the book for a long time before I could buy it. Don’t look … me like that I am telling you the truth. You should always look … the documents before singing them. Can you look strait … my eyes? I am looking … the mirror and talking to you on the phone. I have to run now. Can you look … the baby? I’ll be back soon.
Michel has been travelling … a long time. What countries has she seen? My sister is working … her talk … the USA. Who knows the true facts … the history … our country? What is necessary to cross the border … England … Wales? … far … I know you don’t need any documents to enter … this country. What is the first language … the people … this country? … the way I don’t know this woman … all. We always sit side … side … the lecture … the professor. I can be absolutely honest … least … my friends. What train can help us to run … the top … this mountain? Who gave you the notes … traditions and culture … this region?
True/False Wales is an industrial country. No big cities, except Cardiff, its capital. People are not made to show passport to cross the border between England and Wales. The Welsh speak two languages, English and Welsh, especially in the north. The two languages are taught at schools. English and Welsh are very much alike.
True/False 1. Cardiff is an agricultural town. 2. The scenery in Wales is picturesque and wild, especially in the south. 3. The mountains in Wales are rather high and dangerous. 4. Climbers seldom visit these places. 5. Mount Snowdon is the highest mountain in Britain. 6. Wales is a land of valleys, streams and waterfalls.
Give a talk about Wales General information about the country -What places and events attract tourists? -What do you know about Welsh language?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Презентация Wales
Презентация по страноведению Wales Часть 1...
Авторская разработка внеклассного мероприятия для 8-11-х классов. Тема: «A Bit of British History. Wales»
Авторская разработка внеклассного мероприятия для 8-11-х классов, учителя английского языка - Багдасарян Сусанна Георгиевна мероприятие проведено 30.04.2010 г. Тема: «A Bit of British History. Wal...
Презентация PowerPoint "Welcome to Wales" (6 класс)
Данная презентация служит наглядным материалом при изучении темы Wales в 6-ом классе. Ее можно использовать как на начальном , так и на завершающем этапах освоения материала. Яркие фотографии и деталь...
Презентация "Wales"
Небольшая презентация об Уэльсе может быть использована в 6-7 классах на уроках страноведения...
Страноведение. Wales.
Wales. St.David\'s Day....
Конспект урока УМК Афанасьевой “English VI ”, unit 14 “Wales
Конспект урока по сложному дополнению...
Мультимедийная презентация к уроку английского языка в 6 классе "England, Scotland, Wales", Н. Н. Деревянко "New Millennium English 6"
В данной презентации повторяются числительные, учащиеся узнают информацию о Соединенном Королевстве....