Городской фестиваль творчества школьников на иностранных языках «Eco -Fest» 2016-2017 учебный год
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 класс) на тему
Внеклассное мероприятие "День Земли"
Сценарий творческого проекта “Earth Day”
(Группа учащихся 2-11 классов МАОУ «СОШ №10» города Когалыма)
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Городской фестиваль творчества школьников на иностранных языках «Eco -Fest»
2016-2017 учебный год
Внеклассное мероприятие "День Земли"
Сценарий творческого проекта “Earth Day”
(Группа учащихся 2-11 классов МАОУ «СОШ №10»)
Ведущий 1.-Good afternoon! Welcome to our holiday!
Ведущий 2.-Today we would like to start our meeting with another greeting that may be seen strange.
Ведущий3.-Hello, fields, forests, mountains, rivers and lakes!
Ведущий 1.-Hello, birds and flowers!Hello, nature!Hello, our planet – the Earth!
Ведущий 2.-We know that every year people all over the world celebrate Earth’s Day. It is on the 22nd of April.
Ведущий3.: April 22 is a special day around the world. On that day inhabitants of the Earth get together. Earth Day is a time when many people show that they care for our fragile planet. It is the day for people to learn what they can do to preserve the planet Earth.
Ведущий 1.It is known that the age of our planet is 4,6 milliard years. Scientists say that life on the Earth began about 4 milliard years ago.
Ведущий 2:Nowadays environmental problems are without the state borders and natural boundaries – THEY ARE GLOBAL.
(Фон – звучит тревожная музыка)
Ведущий 3: Our planet is in danger! There is a bitter truth behind these words. We get used to think that our nature is powerful forgetting the fact that it is sensitive and fragile!
(Фон – звучит тревожная музыка)
Появляются дети с чёрными шариками в руках. Они поднимают по очереди шары и произносят фразы:
-Save rivers!
-Save lakes!
-Save mountains!
-Save animals!
-Save birds!
-Save forests!
-Save fields!
-Save nature!
Ведущий3:The International Earth Day is the day of hope that everyone can finally understand that we are in debt to our Mother - the Earth!
Ведущий 1: the Earth…What is it? How much do we know about our Mother - the Earth? (Фон. Слайды..)
Звучит музыка..Дети уходят со сцены..Ведущие остаются на сцене.
Появляется маленький принц..
Ведущий3.: Who are you?
Little prince: I’m a little prince from the planet 612 from the book written by Sent- Eksupery “Little Prince “. I think you have a great number of problems on your planet. I’ve come to your place to help you as I keep my native planet neat and clean. My rule is: after getting up, make your space tidy. Is it hard? I don’t know much about the Earth. Who can tell me about it?
Ведущий 1: I can. We live on the Earth. It is very, very big. There is a lot of water on the Earth. It’s in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. There are a lot of forests and fields, hills and mountains on it. The Earth is full of wonders. Different animals live on the Earth. Different plants grow on it. The Earth is so beautiful: there are large countries and small countries. When it is day in one country, it is night in another country. When the sun shines it is day, when the sun doesn’t shine, it is night. You can see the moon and the stars in the sky at night.
Ведущий 2: Yes, not long ago our planet was a wonderful place to live. There were a lot of animals and birds in the forests. But the growth of population leads to disappearing animals. Forests were cut down and wild areas are filled with houses and stores. The plants and animals that lived there can become endangered-there’s no place for them to live, they begin to disappear. Some even become extinct. That could happen to elephants, zebras, frogs, butterflies or goldfish or other animals if were not careful. There is even the Red Book in which you can find animals which are in danger now.
Little prince: Oh, how many animals which can die at any moment!
Ведущий 3: The scientific and technological revolution took place in 18thcentury and lasts only 2 seconds. But people had already had time to reduce the nature of our planet to ecological disaster for the last 2 seconds!
Ведущий 1:As the result of economic activities of man both the air, the water and the soil are polluted. The pollution of the environment is the most serious problem today and if we want to survive and live any longer, we must solve it until it’s too late.
Ведущий 3:The idea that animals and nature should be treated humanely is not unique. I can say there is a very strong tradition of avoiding any sort of violence against any living being, which includes plant life as well as animal live. We should protect nature, animals and take care of our pets.
(Фон – звучит весёлая музыка)
Pupils of the 2 and 3 forms:
My Doggie
I have a dog
I take him out
His name is Jack
His coat is white
Such fun we have
With spots of black
We run and play.
Such clever tricks
My dog can do
I love my Jack
He loves me too.
My puppy.
My puppy is brown and full of fun
I love to see him run and jump.
He barks and dashes here and there
As though he likes things everywhere.
My pet dog.
I have a little pet dog Sam;
He is a funny little chap
The milk he drinks up in a lap
He has two eyes, one nose, two ears,
He also has so many fears.
Each day I take him for a walk
And as we go we have a talk
About the sun, the moon and stars.
About the sky and planet Mars.
Pupils of the 5 and 6 forms:
Look at this cat. (The dialogue).
Ann: Oh, Kate, look at this pretty pet. See what a nice coat she has. What is it made of?
Kate: It’s made of fur, and fur is very thick and warm. The cat must have a good coat to keep her warm.
Ann: There is something very strange about her feet, Kate. When I first took them in my hands I could feel some sharp points and now I can’t find them. Where are they?
Kate: That’s her claws. She has pulled them in so that they will not scratch you. Feel her paws. Aren’t they soft? But there are sharp claws in them.
Ann: What a strange noise the cat is making? Is she singing?
Kate: Yes, she is singing because she is happy and you are kind to her. She is saying ”Purr, Purr!”
Ann: I’m looking into her eyes. They are green and yellow. Why does she keep them almost shut?
Kate: The cat’s eyes can see in the dark and in the light. The light of the day is too strong for her eyes and she often shuts them. But at night, when there is only a little light, she opens her eyes very wide.
Ann: Now I know! When it is dark, mice come out of their holes to look for food, and the cat can see them.
Kate: Yes, and she can run so quickly that she soon catches the mouse and eats it.
Little prince: So interesting facts I’ve heard about pets. And what about the climate on your planet?
The summer sun shines hot and high
Baby birds now learn to fly
Green, green leaves and tasty fruit
All the things are so good!
Winter, spring, summer, fall
I like summer best of all.
Alice: I say, Alex, how’s the weather today?
Alex: It’s terribly hot!
Alice: Then you will wear a white shirt and your blue shorts today.
Alex: That’s right.
2. (A telephone talk).
Bob: Hi, Ann. This is Bob. I am calling from Africa.
Ann: From Africa? What are you doing in Africa?
Bob: I’m on holiday.
Ann: How’s the weather in Africa? Is it hot?
Bob: Terribly hot.
Ann: Are you having a good time?
Bob: No, I’m not. I’m having a terrible time here. The weather is terrible here.
Ann: I’m sorry to hear that.
A little prince: Why is it so hot on the Earth? Is it only in Africa?
Ведущий 1: No. Scientists say the temperature of the Earth could rise by 3 degrees over the next 50 years. This may cause drought in some parts of the world and floods in others, as ice at the North and South Poles begins to melt and seas levels rise. Global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere trap the Sun’s heat, and this is slowly making the Earth warmer.
Ведущий 2: And one more problem is pollution. Factories, power stations, motor vehicles pump large quantities of carbon dioxide and other waste gases into the air. This is a major cause of the greenhouse effect. Some poisonous gases dissolve in water, in the atmosphere and then fall to Earth as acid rain. Acid rain damages trees and buildings and can kill fish in lakes and rivers. Rivers can also be polluted by industrial waste from factories.
A little prince: Poоr nature..Poоr animals..Poоr people.
What should you do to protect them?
- Attract more public attention to environmental problems.
– Nature is the source of people’s life.
– Keep our environment clean.
– Put litter away.
–All woods are home to animals. So, behave as quests. When you hike, leave the place clean.
– Leave wild flowers for other to enjoy.
– Take care of your pets
A song “There’s always something you can do”.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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