Всероссийская олимпиада школьников по английскому языку. Муниципальный этап. 2016-2017 уч. год Задания для 7-8 классов
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (7, 8 класс) на тему
Всероссийская олимпиада школьников по английскому языку. Муниципальный этап. 2016-2017 уч. год Задания для 7-8 классов
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Всероссийская олимпиада школьников по английскому языку.
Муниципальный этап. 2016-2017 уч. год
Задания для 7-8 классов
Время выполнения всех конкурсов письменного тура– 120 минут.
Максимальное количество баллов – 73 балла
LISTENING - 8 балов (1 балл за правильный ответ), 25 минут
You will hear eight different situations. For questions 1-8 choose A, B or C. You will hear the conversation twice. Remember to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.
- You overhear two friends talking about a TV play.
What did the girl think about the play?
- The actors were better than she thought they’d be
- The story had an unexpected ending
- The costumes were very attractive
- You hear two friends talking about a new bicycle. What is the boy’s opinion of it?
- It is too expensive
- It has a strange appearance
- It is a little uncomfortable to ride
- You hear a teacher talking to a class. What is he telling them about?
- A new after-school activity
- A homework assignment
- A change to their timetable
- You hear a girl telling her uncle about a dance event she’s going to take part in?
What is she most excited about?
- Meeting new people
- Dancing for a large audience
- Seeing other dancers perform
- You hear a boy talking on his mobile phone. Who is he talking to?
- A parent
- A friend
- A brother or sister
- You hear two friends talking about a book they’ve both read.
What do they agree about?
- It is very funny in places
- It is more for readers who are girls
- It has some great drawings
- You hear a local radio item about an unusual school.
What is unusual about the school?
- The Head is trying to help children break a sporting record
- There are more twins than is normal for one year group
- A large number of pupils in one class share the same birthday
- You hear two friends talking about some new neighbours.
How does the boy feel about them?
- Pleased to have different people next door
- Happy that the daughter shares his interests.
- Glad that they can help his family.
READING - 21 балл (1 балл за правильный ответ), 25 минут
These young people all want to play tennis during their school holiday. There are descriptions of eight tennis courses. Decide which tennis course would be the most suitable for the following young people.
For questions 1-10, mark the correct letter (A-H) on your answer sheet.
- Sunita needs help to improve her tennis skills, so wants to have individual coaching. She’d like to play tennis outdoors in the mornings and do other activities in the afternoons.
- Paul and his brother do not know how to play tennis, so want to spend week learning. They would prefer to be outside in a small group and will need to borrow rackets.
- Zoe and her parents enjoy playing tennis together. They’d like to get advice from an expert and want lots of practice. They’d prefer to be near the coast.
- Ali is looking for a three-day tennis break in the countryside. He can’t play tennis but he does have all the equipment. He’d like to have fun and meet other teenagers.
- Vanessa is a good tennis player and her friends are almost as good. Their tennis course will be for a week during the winter, so they want to be able to play inside.
Tennis Courses.
- Weybridge Tennis.
- We run two-day, weekend courses all through the summer. Our tennis centre is next to one of the most beautiful beaches in the north. You will have the chance to play tennis all day and be taught by very experienced coaches. Unfortunately, this year we are not running any courses for adults.
- Gary Dymond’s Tennis Centre.
We have years of experience teaching beginners tennis and provide all the equipment you’ll need. Because we’re situated in the busy seaside town of Rye there is always something to do when you’re not playing tennis. Our tennis courses are for teenagers only and run throughout the summer, for seven days. Class sizes are kept to a maximum of six.
- Match Point.
Join us on our farm where we have six outdoor courts and space for 25 guests. It’s the perfect place to enjoy nature and learn a completely new sport. Young people (10 years +) are welcome to stay from two days up to a week. Everyone needs to bring their own rackets, clothes, etc. as only balls are available to buy.
- Racket and Ball.
We offer tennis courses for players at all levels in one of the most interesting cities in the country. Tennis sessions run from 9 a.m-12.30 p.m. You can join a group or have one-to-one instruction. After lunch each day we’ll take you to some wonderful places in this amazing city. Our outdoor courts have lights so you can play again in the evenings.
- Ace Tennis.
Never played tennis before? Want to find out if you like it before you buy an expensive tennis racket? Why not come to our indoor tennis centre for a weekend of fun activities in the mornings and tennis games in the afternoon? Fifty places are available and all equipment is provided.
- Lifelong Tennis.
Come to us for year-round tennis courses at our modern tennis school near the town centre. Our indoor courts allow us to offer tennis coaching to all levels and age groups whatever the weather. Classes are in groups of 15 and courses run from seven to ten days. Please bring your own rackets and tennis clothes.
- Top Tennis.
Our summer courses are for young tennis players who are already very skilled and are thinking of playing professionally. We have a number of experts on our staff who will give advice and coaching throughout the week. This is a serious course for people who want to play from morning to night!
- Advantage Tennis Breaks.
Our group courses are for all ages and are designed to help people who can already play strengthen their tennis skills. We have highly-qualified coaches on hand to give you tips and we’ll even video your playing. Our 12 outdoor courts are just five minutes from Fingle beach and classes can be booked between 8.30 a.m -9p.m each day.
Read this e-mail to a pen friend. For questions 6-21 choose the correct words.
Dear Tomo,
You asked me about education in my country. I’m still at (6) school/the school because it’s (7)essential/compulsory here up to the (8) age /year of 16. We go to kindergarten or nursery school first and then we (9) start/join primary school, where we spend seven years, when we’re four or five years of (10) old/age. Now I (11) go/attend a state secondary school which has about 1000 (12) pupils/undergraduates. We have six lessons a day and each subject is (13) taught/learnt by a different teacher. We have a lot of homework and projects and, if we (14) lose/miss an important deadline, we have to stay (15) following/after school to finish the work and hand it (16) in/on. We have to wear a uniform until we’re 15 but after that we’re (17) let/allowed to wear our own clothes. When we’re 16 we (18) take/pass some exams. Then we can either (19) leave/depart school or stay on for two more years. During those two years we (20) learn/study just three or four subjects. There are also (21) opportunities/occasions to do vocational courses like hairdressing or mechanics at a college of further education. I haven’t decided what to do yet.
Write back soon.
USE OF ENGLISH - 34 балла, 40 минут
- For questions 1-12, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
New York. The Big Apple.
New York, the city 0) in which I live, has 1) .......... inhabitants than any other US city. 2)………. was originally called “New Amsterdam” but was renamed by the British 3)………. they conquered the city in 1664. Our city has many landmarks which are 4)……….to people all over the world. The Statue of Liberty greeted people 5)……….came to the USA a century ago. Wall Street is 6)………. bankers and financiers do business. Central Park is a peaceful area that’s great 7)………. relax in. The headquarters of the United Nations is here, too, 8)………. is why there are so many international diplomats in the city. New York has great theatres, many 9) ……….which are on Broadway. And when it comes to sport, there are 10)………. of great facilities. Baseball is the 11)……….closely followed sport in the city and we have two big teams. Finally, people 12)……….money to spend can go to Fifth Avenue, which is where the top department stores are to be found.
- For questions 13-20 replace the underlined words with the correct form of these phrasal verbs.
go out take after set out cut down
run out of come along fall out with smb put smth off
- The band are leaving on a European tour next week.
- Very soon, the world will have no more fossil fuels.
- I would like to have a summer job during my holidays. There aren’t job vacancies at the moment, but the manager promised to let me know if an opportunity becomes available.
- We all need to reduce the amount of energy we use.
- I’m very like my father, but my brother looks like my uncle.
- I can hardly believe my brother is going on a date with somebody.
- My friend always invents a few excuses to delay our exam revision.
- I am so sad because I have had a disagreement with my friend.
- For questions 21- 26 find out which of the names in each line does not belong? Why?
Question: London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Anglesey, Liverpool, Sheffield.
Answer: Anglesey is an island, not a city
- Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square, Times Square.
- Ch. Dickens, Mark Twain, Agatha Christie, Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott, Jane Austen.
- Severn, Thames, Trent, Clyde, Snowdon, Tyne.
- England, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.
- Thanksgiving Day, Boxing Day, Bonfire Night, May Day, St.Patrick’s Day.
- Pennines, Cambrians, Lough Neagh, Grampians.
- The Prime Minister, the Queen, the Lord Chancellor, the President.
WRITING -10 баллов, 30 минут
Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story must begin with this sentence: Mark shouted to his friends: “Look at it! This is going to be fun!”
Write your story (120-140 words) on your answer sheet.
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