План открытого урока по домашнему чтению
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему



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Предварительный просмотр:

Учитель:     Кривец  Вера  Даниловна

Класс:          8-Б

Тема урока:  Сказки Оскара Уайльда. The Star Child. Развитие речевых навыков учащихся

                       на уроках по домашнему чтению.


  1. Lead-in.  The students answer the teacher’s questions about Oscar Wilde and his fairy-tales.
  1. What fairy-tales by O.Wilde have you read?
  2. Can you name them?
  3. What ideas are common for fairy-tales in general and for the works of Oscar Wilde in particular?

  1. What is a fairy-tale? How is it different from a ballad? A myth? A legend? A story?

(Students have it as  their homework to find the definitions for the above mentioned)

Why do young children start reading fairy-tales? What do they teach them?

  1. Why is this fairy-tale called “The Star Child”?
  2. Restructure the story. (Each student gets a clip of paper with a sentence written on it which summarizes a certain part of the story. They then try to order the sentences and develop on them. The teacher directs and encourages them).
  3. The main characters of the story. Name them. Try to guess who you can describe using these words and word=combinations:

-bewailing their misery

  • a cloak of golden tissue
  • an evil thing to leave the child
  • was angry with him
  • persuaded her
  • was brought up with
  • was their playmate
  • was white and delicate as sawn ivory
  • his beauty did him evil
  • despised his playmates
  • clothes were torn and ragged
  • rebuked him
  • gave a loud cry and fell in a swoon
  • wandered all over the whole world
  • as ugly as the toad
  • wept bitterly
  • malicious
  • weeping bitterly
  •  dying of hunger
  • implored him
  • evil fate awaited him
  • not worthy

  1. Explain these word-combinations in other words:
  • bewail one’s misery
  • to hasten
  • an evil thing
  • to perish
  • to do evil
  • to cast stones
  • hard of heart
  • to be in an evil plight
  • to fall into a swoon
  • to weep
  • to seek

  1. The students are divided into three groups and are given lists of adjectives which describe people’s character. They are suggested to choose from the lists the words which best describe the Star Child, his playmates, the woodcutter, the Star Child’s mother, his father. The students have to develop on the idea using the linking words and expressions. (I believe…, I think…, In my opinion… we could use (adjective) to speak about… because…)
  2. Conclusion.

At the beginning of the lesson we agreed that a fairy-tale is a story the main idea of which is the struggle of good and evil and that each fairy-tale teaches us some morals. What morals can we draw from this fairy-tale?

Where can we find people’s wisdom and morals expressed in a very short but capacious way?

(Proverbs, sayings, idioms)

The students are given lists of proverbs and choose those which best reflect the main idea of the fairy-tale). The students comment on them.

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