Методичская разработка Guide to Reading for English Learners
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Представленный материал поможет учителю разнообразить формы и методы обучения чтению на уроке.
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Training plan form
- Target teacher group: 4 experienced school teachers of the first qualification with 15-30 years of experience (with average English level B2)
- Topic: “Guide to Reading for English Learners”
- Aim: to introduce some new techniques and activities for developing speaking skills
- Learning Outcomes: by the end of this workshop participants will be able to:
- describe tools and techniques of developing reading skills;
- design engaging activities using these new techniques and tools.
- Materials & References: a computer, an overhead projector, sheets of paper, felt pens/markers, worksheets, handouts, post-it notes.
- Audio-visual aids: video(cartoon), Power Point presentation, pictures, handouts, an accesses to the
Stage (time) | Trainer procedures | Teacher actions | Materials | Interaction form |
1. Ice-breaker 7 min | “SKELETON STORY” TT gets the Ss to stand up and then slowly read the story acting it out at the same time and encouraging the class to join in. Repeat the story but this time at a faster pace, again with actions. In pairs the Ss retell as much of the story as they can remember. TT write the skeleton version of the story, first letters only, on the board. Finally, in pairs one person tells the story while the other performs it. TT asks Ss to evaluate the activity. | Ts stand up, slowly read and act out, repeat the story (2 times). In pairs the Ts retell the story using the skeleton version of the story. | PP presentation (Slides 1, 2) | Pair work Group work Individual work TT-Ts-Ts |
2. Lead in 5 min | TT asks the Ss to read the poem and guess the topic of the workshop. TT names the topic of the workshop. | Ts read the poem. Express their points of view. | Slide 3 Slide 4. | |
3. Why read? 7 min | TT asks Ss why people read. TT asks the Ss if there are any specific reasons for reading in English. TT presents specific reasons why English learners are encouraged to read in English | Ts give their answers. | Slide 5 “Why read?” Slide 6 “Specific reasons” | Individual work |
4. What to Read? 5 min | TT asks the Ts to think about what they like to read in your native language to make up a list of what we can read. TT asks the Ts what they should take into consideration in deciding what to read. TT presents the two important things. | Ts make the list Ts express their points of view. | Lists of papers, pens. Slide 7 “What to read” Slide 8 “Things in deciding what to read” | Pair work Individual work |
5. Reading Strategies 7 min | TT asks the Ts to listen for the definitions of different reading strategies and name them. | Ts listen and fulfil the task. | Slide 9 ”Reading strategies” | Individual work |
8. Reading skills (Tests) 5 min | TT says that to do the reading task students should have some reading skills. If you are taking a standardized English test or attending English language classes, you will probably be tested on your reading skills. TT presents the tasks students may be asked to do in a reading test or assignment. | Slide 10, 11 “Reading Skills” | Individual work | |
8. The phases in a reading lesson | TT says that it’s essential to follow the steps in a reading lesson.TT asks the Ts what these stages are. | Ts answer the question. | Slide 12 “The phases in a reading lesson “ | Individual work |
9. | TT asks the Ss to refresh the memory and name the reading activities they have in Student’ book and make a list of them. The TT suggests the Ts to play. TT asks Ts to name the activities in chain. The T who names the most activities - wins. (The winner gets the prize) Then TT presents the list of activities for developing reading skills. | Ts do the task. | Slide 13 “Activities for developing reading skills” | T1-T2-… |
10. Feedback | To end the workshop TT presents the picture to inspire the Ts and asks to draw a smily to demonstrate the mood. | Ts draw the smily and comment on it. | Slides 14, 15 A smily (заготовка) | Individual work |
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