Диагностика предметных результатов по предмету "Английский язык" 5 кл
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Данный материал содержит тесты по входящему, срезовому и итоговому контролю предметных результатов по английскому языку
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Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку
5 класс, УМК Кузовлев В.П.
Входящая диагностика
Учебный год_______________ Класс___________ Дата______________ Фамилия, имя
Задание 1.
Выберите правильную форму глагола to be.
1. Am\Is Matt washing the car?
2. Jane and Philip is\are talking to grandma.
3. I am\are having coffee, what am\are you having?
4. Dad’s car is\are in the garage.
5. There is\are four chairs in the living room.
Задание 2.
Поставьте глагол, данный в скобках, в Present Simple.
1.This _______(be) an African lion.
2. These animals ________(be) big with light brown fur.
3. African lions __________(live) south of the Sahara Desert.
4. A mother lion___________ (stay) with her cubs for three years.
Поставьте глагол, данный в скобках, в Present Continuous.
1.Pam___________ (read) a book now and I___________ (wash) the dishes.
2. Lora____________ (not water) the flowers, she______________ (watch) TV at the moment.
3. My little brother Jack ______________(play) in the garden.
4.We_____________________ (do) homework now.
5. My father _________________________(repair) his car at the moment.
Задание 3.
Заполните пропуски местоимениями some или any.
1.We need ____ flour, ____ eggs and ___ sugar.
2. Do you buy _____bread and _____coffee?
3. I don’t bring you ____ice cream.
4. We have ____ orange juice, but we don’t have ___ cake.
5. Are there ___ onions in the basket?
Задание 4.
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.
Happy Feet.
Happy Feet is a great animation film and you can see it at the Odeon in Leicester Square.
In cold Antarctica, all the penguins can sing a special song that comes from their heart. Two of these penguins have a baby. His name is Mumble. He can dance very well but he cannot sing. Mumble is sad about it, so he goes away from home. Mumble has many adventures away from home and meets other penguins who like his dancing.
This is a great film for the whole family. Don’t miss it!
А. Определите правильные T (True) и неправильные F (False) предложения.
- The story takes place in Antarctica.
- All penguins can dance.
- Mumble cannot dance very well.
- Other penguins like Mumble’s dancing.
- Happy Feet is a film only for teens.
В. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
- What is Happy Feet?_____________________________________________________
- Where can you see it?_____________________________________________________
- Can the penguins sing a special song?________________________________________
- What can Mumble do?____________________________________________________
- Why is Mumble sad?_____________________________________________________
Задание 5.
Прочитайте письмо и выполните задания
Dear pen friend,
My name is Tom. I am a boy. I am 10. I am from Great Britain. I live with my mum, dad and my brother John. He is four. He likes fairy tales. My favourite holiday is my birthday. My birthday is on the 17th of July. What is your name? How old are you?
I have got a nice cat Kitty. My cat is black and white. Kitty likes milk and fish. I like to play with my cat. I would like to have a dog. Have you got a pet? Is it funny?
My favourite sport is tennis. I can play tennis very well. But I can’t swim. I like to draw and play computer games. On Saturdays and Sundays I ride my bike in the park. What do you like to do? What can you do well?
Please write back.
Your pen friend,
Tom Chester.
- Найдите в тексте правильный ответ на вопрос: “ What can Tom do?”
- He can play tennis, draw, ride a bike and swim.
- He can play tennis, draw, ride a bike and play computer games.
- He can play computer games, draw, ride a bike and swim.
- Поставьте минус, если предложение неверно, плюс, если это соответствует содержанию текста.
- He has got a pet.
- Tom would like to have a cat.
- Tom can ride a bike.
Кодификаторы заданий:
№ задания | Код задания | ||
Л | М | П | |
Задание 1 | П-1.2.6. | ||
Задание 2 | П-1.2.6. | ||
Задание 3 | П-1.2.6. | ||
Задание 4 | М-9 | П- | |
Задание 5 | М-9 | П- |
Шкала оценивания:
Кол-во правильных ответов | Кол-во баллов | Максимальное кол-во баллов | Уровень сложности (Б – базовый / П –повышенный) | |
Задание 1 | 1-2 3-5 | 1 2 | 2 | Б |
Задание 2
| 1-3 4-9 | 1 2 | 2 | Б |
Задание 3 | 1-2 3-5 | 1 2 | 2 | Б |
Задание 4 | 1-4 5-10 | 1 2 | 2 | Б |
Задание 5 | 1-2 3-6 | 1 2 | 2 | Б |
Максимальное кол-во баллов – 10
0 - 30% выполнения (0 - 3 баллов) – низкий уровень
31 - 60% выполнения (3 - 6 баллов) – средний уровень
61 - 100% выполнения (7 - 10 баллов) – высокий уровень
Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку
5 класс, УМК Кузовлев В.П.
Текущая диагностика
Учебный год_______________ Класс___________ Дата______________ Фамилия, имя
Задание 1.
Какое слово лишнее?
1. ice-cream, lollipop, sandwich, meat, cafe
2. artist, scientist, light, interpreter, lawyer
3. the West, the North, the Thames, the East, the South
4. the Moon, the Alps, the Sun, the Earth, the Mars
5. lunch, museum, restaurant, gallery
6. the Baltic Sea, the Neva, the Atlantic Ocean, the Caucasus
7. loving, intelligent, polite, friendly, uglу
Задание 2.
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски правильными ответами.
It was a nice spring day. The sun was high in the sky. The sky was blue. In the centre of London a policeman saw a man with a big lion. They were walking down the street.
“Hey, you!” cried the policeman. “What are you doing here with this lion? You can’t walk around London with a lion! Take it to the Zoo! ”
“OK, officer. Now I want to show Baby the town, then I will take him to the Zoo!”
He opened the door of his car and the lion jumped in. The car went away.
The next day the policeman saw the man with the lion again. “I told you yesterday to take the lion to the Zoo!” said the policeman angrily.
“Oh, I did, officer. I took Baby to the Zoo. He liked in very much. But today I am taking him to the cinema.”
- It was a nice ________ . (winter day/ spring evening/day/summer night)
- The policeman saw the man and the lion in the _______ (park/street/Zoo/car)
- Baby was a _______ (baby/lion/officer/man)
- The man had a ______ as a pet (baby/big cat/policeman/lion)
- The lion visited _______ . (the Zoo/the swimming pool/the park/Africa)
- The policeman was _______ when he saw the man and the lion again. (happy/tired/angry/hungry)
Задание 3.
Найдите в тексте слова и выражения:
Высоко в небе_____________________, центр Лондона____________________,
по улице_______________________________, дверь своей машины_________________,
на следующий день____________________, снова_________________, отвести льва в зоопарк______________________, сказал полицейский со злостью____________________________________________________.
Задание 4. Найдите лишнее слово.
- Capital, city, town, museum, school
- Building, cinema, theatre, tower, palace
- London, Paris, Russia, Moscow
- Wall, roof, house, window, door
- Square, street, bridge, farm, park
- Hospital, shop, stadium, legend, street
Задание 5. Пронумеруйте фразы так, чтобы получился разговор Кейт и Ненси.
1 Hello, this is Nancy.
__ Sorry I can't. My friend Ann is arriving from Leeds at about 12 for the weekend.
__ I'm fine, thank you. Well, a lot but I think it will be OK if we have a picnic in the park.
__ Great idea! We are having a wonderful day tоday. There is a nice park near my house. Let's
go there!
__ Can we invite her to join us? I'll be responsible for the sandwiches and sweets.
__ Hi, Nancy! How are you? Any plans for the weekend?
__ Not a bad idea. What if we meet near our house at 12 o'clock?
__ Fantastic! I'll take some drinks and rackets to play badminton.
Кодификаторы заданий:
№ задания | Код задания | ||
Л | М | П | |
Задание 1 | М-6, М-7 | П-1.2.3. | |
Задание 2 | П- | ||
Задание 3 | П-1.2.3. | ||
Задание 4 | М-6, М-7 | П-1.2.3. | |
Задание 5 | Л-13 | М-11 | П- |
Шкала оценивания:
Кол-во правильных ответов | Кол-во баллов | Максимальное кол-во баллов | Уровень сложности (Б – базовый / П –повышенный) | |
Задание 1 | 1-3 4-7 | 1 2 | 2 | Б |
Задание 2
| 1-3 4-6 | 1 2 | 2 | Б |
Задание 3 | 1-3 4-8 | 1 2 | 2 | Б |
Задание 4 | 1-4 5-6 | 1 2 | 2 | Б |
Задание 5 | 1-3 4-8 | 1 3 | 3 | П |
Максимальное кол-во баллов – 11
0 - 30% выполнения (0 - 4 баллов) – низкий уровень
31 - 60% выполнения (4 - 7 баллов) – средний уровень
61 - 100% выполнения (8 - 11 баллов) – высокий уровень
Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку
5 класс, УМК Кузовлев В.П.
Итоговая диагностика
Учебный год_______________ Класс___________ Дата______________ Фамилия, имя
Задание 1.
Прочитайте письмо британской школьницы и поставьте букву T (true), если утверждение верно, и F (false), если оно неверно.
1.Pam lives in England.
2.Her family is big.
3.Pam’s great grandmother is 99 years old.
4.Her uncle lives in Great Britain.
5.Pam’s uncle has got a farm.
6.Pam’s uncle has got a lot of animals.
7.Pam has got 12 dogs and a cat.
Hi! My name is Pam. I am from London. I am happy to be your pen friend. I’ll tell you about my family.
We are four in the family. There is a mum, a dad, my brother and me.
And I also have got grandparents. My dad is 40 years old and my mum is 38. I am 12. My birthday is on 26 April, 2002. We are a loving and close family.
And I have got a great grandmother ( прабабушка). She will be 90 next year. She is very old.
My father’s brother lives in the USA. He has got a farm. He has got a lot of cows and ducks. There are 132 cows and 1560 ducks. Besides he has got 12 dogs.
I also love animals. I’ve got a cat and a fish.
Love, Pam
Задание 2.
Вставьте в предложение слово, подходящее по смыслу
1.Let’s … a picnic on Sunday.
a)make; b) have; c) play
2.They are a typical English family. They are close and …
a) friendly; c) bad; d) funny
3.My mother helps a doctor. She is a …
a)dentist; b) librarian; c)nurse
Задание 3.
Определите правильно название профессии
1. Our brother works in the hospital. He is a ...
a) engineer; b) doctor; c) policeman
2. Some people can write the computer programmes. They are ... .
a) footballers b) businessmen c) computer programmers
3. They usually work in the offices. They are dressed in dark suits and whitе shirts.
a) office workers b) librarian c) businessmen
Задание 4.
Вставьте подходящую форму глагола
1.Today we … a picnic.
a) have b) has c) will have
2.… you speak English?
a) do b)does c) will
3. Your brother …play tennis.
a) is b)doesc) can
4. The boys ... playing football in the yard.
a) am b) is c) are
5. What books ... he reading at the moment?
a) am b) is c) are
6. I ... going to visit my dentist.
a) am b) is c) are
Задание 5.
Напишите существительные во множественном числе
Book_________, dress______________, house_______________, cherry_______________, foot_____________, tomato_________________
Задание 6.
Зачеркните лишнее слово
1.Town, city, house, mouse
2. cold, pencil, hot, rainy
Задание 7.
Заполни анкету о себе
Name ____________________________________________________
Surname __________________________________________________
Home address ________________________________________________
Date of birth ______________________________________________
Family _____________________________________________________
Favorite subjects_____________________________________________
What are your hobbies?_____________________________________
Favorite sports_____________________________________________
Do you have any pets?_______________________________________
Кодификаторы заданий:
№ задания | Код задания | ||
Л | М | П | |
Задание 1 | П- | ||
Задание 2 | П-1.2.3. | ||
Задание 3 | П-1.2.3. | ||
Задание 4 | П-1.2.6. | ||
Задание 5 | П-1.2.3. | ||
Задание 6 | М-7 | П-1.2.3. | |
Задание 7 | Л-12 | М-11 | П- |
Шкала оценивания:
Кол-во правильных ответов | Кол-во баллов | Максимальное кол-во баллов | Уровень сложности (Б – базовый / П –повышенный) | |
Задание 1 | 1-3 4-7 | 1 2 | 2 | Б |
Задание 2
| 3 | 1 | 1 | Б |
Задание 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | Б |
Задание 4 | 1-4 5-6 | 1 2 | 2 | Б |
Задание 5 | 1-3 4-6 | 1 2 | 2 | Б |
Задание 6 | 2 | 1 | 1 | Б |
Задание 7 | 1-4 5-10 | 2 4 | 4 | П |
Максимальное кол-во баллов – 13
0 - 30% выполнения (0 - 5 баллов) – низкий уровень
31 - 60% выполнения (6 - 9 баллов) – средний уровень
61 - 100% выполнения (10 - 13 баллов) – высокий уровень
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- Мне нравится (1)