план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

План-конспект урока английского языка в 10  классе.


Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект урока английского языка в 10  классе.


Учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории: Терещенко И.Н.

Урок повторения и систематизации знаний по теме: «A GOOD START IN LIFE»



 (Достижение личностных результатов)

  привитие серьёзного отношения к учёбе, формирование навыков трудолюбия, потребности повышения интеллектуального уровня, воспитание толерантного отношения к людям, совершенствование навыков сотрудничества.


(Достижение метапредметных результатов)

 развитие памяти, внимания, знакомство с психологическим особенностями человека.


(Достижение предметных результатов)

 формирование целостной системы ведущих знаний по теме, формирование  обобщенно-понятийных знаний на основе обобщения фактов, совершенствование навыков монологической речи, отработка навыков аудирования.


                                                                       Ход урока



Дидактические задачи






Организационный момент

Подготовка учащихся к работе на занятии,

быстрое включение учащихся в деловой ритм.

Good afternoon, everybody. Hope you are well and ready to work. Are all the pupils present? No absentees?

Today we have some guests. You shouldn’t be afraid of them, try to work your usual way.



Подготовка к основному этапу занятия,


Обеспечение мотивации  учащихся,

принятия учащимися цели учебно-познавательной деятельности

First I’d like you to pay attention to the posters.

“Today is the best day to learn something new.”

Though we are going to sum up everything we’ve learnt in Unit 1, I’m sure there’ll be something new and interesting for everybody.


“Only positive attitude is allowed beyond this point”

How do you understand it?





Речевая зарядка

 Обеспечение готовности учащихся к активной учебно-познавательной деятельности на основе опорных знаний

Time flies so fast, we have been studying for a month already and I do hope you’ve got used to your personal time-table.

Do you remember how you felt on September, 1-st after long summer holidays?

These pictures with funny faces will help you.

  1. How did you feel on the first of September?
  2. How did you use to feel when you were 7?
  3. How do you feel now?
  4. How do you usually feel?

By the way, how do we call the verbs like feel, and in what tenses can’t they be used?

(stative verbs)



Картинки с изображением лиц (настроение)


Основной этап

1.Обобщение и систематизация знаний

(урок 1-2)”Off to school”

Формирование целостной системы ведущих знаний по теме

Tastes differ and everyone has his favorite subject. What is your favorite subject?

What are the main strategies of learning English this year?

Possible answers:

  1. Start a new notebook for vocabulary.
  2. Get yourself a good dictionary.
  3. Use the workbook after every lesson.

It has exercises for extra practice.

  1. Try to read as much as you can.
  2. When you do pair work or group work, speak English.
  3. After every unit check your own progress.
  4. Learn phrases as well as words.
  5. Don’t give up if you don’t make progress.

What is the most useful strategy for you? Why?

I know so many people who like English very much.

One girl (her name is Irina Berdnikova, she’s from Murmansk region) composed the verses “Dedication to English”.

We learnt the poem 2 years ago.

Do you still remember it?

Who can recite?

And in Russian, please. Can you say that you feel the same?

The students’ attitude to learning English.

















2. Обобщение и систематизация знаний (урок3-4)

“School Rules”

3. Обобщение и систематизация знаний (урок 5-6)

“Town vs gown”


Обобщение и систематизация знаний (урок 7-8)

“ They travel the world)”

Формирование  обобщенно-понятийных знаний на основе обобщения фактов

Совершенствование устной речи

Развитие навыков аудирования,

Формирование целостной системы ведущих знаний по теме, обеспечение

продуктивной деятельности учащихся по включению части в целое, классификации и систематизации, выявлению

метапредметных предметных связей

All of us are members of the school community. Every community has its rules and everybody should follow them. During some lessons we were working out the rules for our school.  I’d like you to sit in groups, to talk the rules over and in a minute. I need one representative from each group.

So, your task is to make a list of rules using the proposals from each group.  

While your classmates are making the list you’ll have to write the meaning of the phrases we need for our further task.

(Cards for individual work)

  1. To change existing images
  2. To be offered the chance to participate in the program
  3. To symbolize the country
  4. To use the knowledge
  5. Someone who wants to participate
  6. To ask to participate in the program
  7. To get accustomed to
  8. To improve understanding between countries

  1. To break the stereotypes
  2. To built the bridge between the countries
  3. Applicant
  4. To apply for the program
  5. To apply the knowledge
  6. To adapt to
  7. To represent the country
  8. To be nominated for the program


1a 2h 3g 4e 5c 6d 7f 8b)

O’K. Now we see the rules you are proposing. Be ready to comment.

Well, I see that you really want these rules to be implemented at our school and ready to follow them.

SO,   your main task is to get knowledge in different subjects.

1. What for?

2. What are you going to do after finishing school?

3. What are the most prestigious universities in Russia?

4. What are the most prestigious universities abroad?

What do you know about St Petersburg university?

Cambridge University?

  1. Is it possible for Russian people to get education abroad?
  2. Is it cheap or expensive?
  3. Does your level of English help you to communicate with foreigners?

To communicate with native speakers will be easier if you know how to behave in a foreign country and how to produce the impression on people.

 Now you’ll listen to the text and get to know about the opinion of psychologists concerning the first impression.

1.Before listening, read the text and fill in the gaps (work in pairs, please)

2. Now listen to the text and check your answers

3. Answer the questions

a) What impression does the way you look produce?

b) … the way you sound?

c) …. What you say?

d) At what moment do people form first impression?

e) What is one of the problems for the foreigner?

Did you guess correctly?

Well, I’m sure that you know about all the possibilities to go to the foreign country.

What should you do to participate in the program?

O’K,first you need to write the application letter.

 What are the parts of such a letter?


4 P-s




P1, P2,P3

at the blackboard











Карточки для индивидуальной работы


со школьными правилами,

 Power Point презентации




Индивидуальные карточки

Подведение итогов

Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению


анализа и оценки успешности достижения цели и определение перспективы последующей работы

Обеспечение понимания цели, содержания и способов выполнения домашнего задания.

Your home task was to write the application letter.

Read the extracts.

After reading the letters

 I wish everybody to have the opportunity to be nominated for the program.

Some of our students participated in different programs.

For example, Exchange  students program

(the floor is given to one of the participants)

Different contests (the floor is given to one of the winners)

So, what is necessary to remember before going somewhere?

At the beginning of the lesson I told you that you would get to know something you had never heard before. What was new for you?

Students’ answers

I do hope you’ll follow the school rules you proposed, when you decide to go somewhere you’ll know how to write the application letter and how to behave yourself in a foreign country.

Thank you for your work. You’ll get all your marks at the next lesson after I check your papers.  Special thanks to …


Today we have been talking about the strategies of learning English. You will agree with me that only systematic work gives good results.

It means that you’ll have to do some exercises at home. I know for sure that you’ll be interested in the life of your peers, their hobbies and interests. You’ll  get to know about it reading the information from ex. 2a,b,c,d, at page 24, 25.










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