Презентация на тему: Common mistakes teachers make.
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Решитько Юлия Ивановна

Презентация на тему: Common mistakes teachers make.


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Слайд 1

Common Mistakes Teachers Make Решитько Юлия Ивановна у читель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 3 , г . Чехов

Слайд 2

This is what I also call the “Saying out loud things you should just keep to yourself” syndrome. It goes something like this: you say to your class “Ok, so, we are going to play this game, but we’re going to use the board instead of these cute little photocopies I had planned to give you, but I can’t give you as the copier is broken. Sorry about that, but these things happen and well, we need to adapt and adjust to what we have”. And it goes on and on and on. Needless to say, students don’t need to hear all of this. Silence is good. It’s ok for students to have some quiet time while you set up a game of activity. You indulge in useless blabber.

Слайд 3

The running commentary . The running commentary. Teacher: “So now what I’m going to do is I’m going to move my chair over here and sit down and now I’m going tear up these pieces of paper and when I’ve done that what I’m going ask you to do is, if you don’t mind”. Don’t use ten words where one will do. You may feel it is more polite to say I wonder if you’d mind repeating this, but Repeat with an appropriate gesture, using a friendly tone of voice, is much quicker, more efficient and less confusing for students. When presenting new language a clear context is usually a much better way of conveying meaning than a long explanation.

Слайд 4

Helpful sentence completion. You complete their sentences for them. Your student says: “Playing soccer is..” And you jump in and say “fun”? Students need time. If you jump the gun and complete the answer for them, you’re taking away their opportunity to prove to you just how much they’ve learned.

Слайд 5

You ask them if they understand. Imagine I am looking straight into your eyes and I ask you: “Do you understand?” Most students will feel compelled to say “yes”. Who would actually face the teacher and say “no”? There are ways to check for comprehension without having to put students on the spot. You often need to get clear information about what students have taken in. The best way to do this is to get students to demonstrate their understanding. Try asking them questions, instead, to make sure they have understood.

Слайд 6

You echo your students . Student: “I went to the cinema”. Teacher: “You went to the cinema. You went to the cinema”. Who gets more language practice here? There is absolutely no learning value in parroting your students. Second, if you do it immediately after they speak, you may be interrupting their train of thought.

Слайд 7

You don’t check to see if they’ve understood your instructions. So you rattle off a set of instructions in rapid-fire succession and say: “Ok, let’s get started”. This is usually when students start whispering to each other things like “What did she say?” or “What do we do now?” Always check to see if they have gotten your instructions straight. Ask the class: “Ok, class so what do we do first’? And then “Good, you may begin’.

Слайд 8

You give them unclear instructions . This mistake goes hand in hand with the previous. Try to use words you know they will understand. Give them steps that are easy to follow.

Слайд 9

Insufficient authority\ overpoliteness . Teacher: “So if you don’t mind, it would be very nice if you could just stop the activity if you feel that’s ok”. This kind of pussyfooting is a common way in which teachers undermine themselves. Be clear. So what you need to say without hiding is. Tell your own natural authority and let it speak clearly.

Слайд 10

Flying with the fastest . If you only listen to the first people who speak, it’s very easy to get a false impression of how difficult or easy something is. You may find that the strongest and fastest students dominate and you get little idea of how to majority or the class finds the work.

Слайд 11

Respond, not react. It is extremely important for teachers to remember to respond and not react. There is a big difference between the two. A person who reacts acts impulsively and out of emotion. The person who responds, on the other hand, takes more time before acting and separates his or her emotions from decisions he makes. It is a good rule to follow in all areas of life, but it is especially important to remember when your class is just plain getting on your nerves. Do not let your emotions get the better of you but instead stay calm and make logical responses.

Слайд 12

Bibliography James Scrivener. Learning Teaching. Mistakes we make. Roger Gower, Diane Phillips, Steve Waters. Teaching Practice. A handbook for teachers in training.

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