Урок "Путешествие в Лондон"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Разработка урока по английскому языку к УМК М.З. Биболетовой «Английский с удовольствием»
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Предварительный просмотр:
Маликова Ирина Викторовна
Автор: Маликова И.В., учитель английского языка
МБОУ «СОШ №3 г. Строитель Яковлевского района
Разработка урока по английскому языку к УМК М.З. Биболетовой «Английский с удовольствием» 6 класс.
Тема: «Путешествие в Лондон»
Урок разработан по теме «Путешествие в Лондон», который продолжает знакомство с достопримечательностями Лондона. Урок проводится в форме игры – путешествия, где на каждой станции учащиеся углубляют, развивают и дополняют свои знания о стране изучаемого языка.
Урок комплексного применения знаний, в котором взаимодействие между структурными элементами делает его многоцелевым и эффективным, имеет практическую направленность. Применение современных технологий формирует готовность и желание детей участвовать в межкультурном общении на изучаемом языке, развивает творческие способности и повышает познавательную активность учащихся.
Цель урока: формировать и развивать коммуникативную и социокультурную компетенции.
Задачи урока:
- Образовательные - совершенствовать навыки диалогической и монологической речи по теме: «Лондон»; актуализация лексических единиц.
- Развивающие – развивать память, мышление, воображение учащихся; развивать инициативу и самостоятельность; развивать навыки работы в парах и группах.
- Воспитательные – воспитывать чувство любви к родному краю, прививать интерес к стране изучаемого языка; воспитывать культуру общения.
Используемое оборудование: картинки с изображением достопримечательностей Лондона, CD – диски, презентация, видеоролик о Лондоне.
Тип урока: урок комплексного применения знаний (комбинированный).
Ход урока
I.Организационный момент. (Introduction). Сообщение темы урока.
T: Good morning, dear friends.
I am glad to see you.
We are having guests today.
Let’s greet them with a “Good morning”.
T: Boys and girls! I have a hobby!
I like to travel very much. And I travel a lot in my real life.
Do you like to travel?
P1: I like to travel.
T: And you?
P2: I like to travel too.
T: What do we need for travelling?
P1: Money.
P2: suitcase
P3: bags.
P4: passport.
T: yes, you are right.
T And what do we need for travelling abroad?
P1: We must speak English.
P2: We must read in English.
P3: We must listen.
P4: We must write in English.
P5: We must understand English - speaking people.
(записать на доске, что должны уметь)
T: Yes, you are right.
Look at the screen of my computer. Lets watch a very short film.
(ролик о Лондоне и его достопримечательностях). (Приложение1)
T: What city have you seen in this film?
P1: It is London.
T: You are right.
T: How do you think what is the theme of our lesson?
P1: The topic of our lesson is London.
P2: Travelling to London.
P3: Sights in London.
T: You are right.
T: Today lets arrange an unusual trip to London.
We have received an e-mail letter.
Our British friends have invited us to visit London.
Listen to the letter. (учитель зачитывает письмо англоговорящих друзей)
(Приложение 1а)
(Звук самолета [аудиофайл] Макет самолета)
T: Imagine we are on the board of the plane.
Today we are travelling to London. During our visit you will visit different sights, improve your knowledge.
Close your eyes!
Open your eyes!
Here we are.
(Учитель указкой показывает Лондон на карте)
На доске запись: Welcome to London!
- Фонетическая зарядка (Phonetic practice)
I want you to begin our journey from the first station “Sounds”. I am sure you like playing different games. Let’s play the “Echo” game.
(Учитель по строчке произносит стихотворение, а учащиеся только последнее слово)
Listen to the poem “Traveller”, be my echo and repeat only the last word.
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat [cat]
Where have you been? [ been]
I’ve been to London [London]
To look at the Queen [ Queen]
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat [cat]
What did you do there? [ there]
I frightened a little mouse [mouse]
Under her chair! [chair]
Teacher: Recite the poem all together once more.
Well done! Thank you!
- Речевая разминка (warm-up).
The next station is “Places of interest”.
T Look at the blackboard. You see very many pictures of places of interest in London and also you see very many words. Your task is to match pictures with their definitions.
(Учащиеся называют достопримечательность и соотносят с картинками) (картинки на доске с видами Лондона)) (Приложение 2)
T: Boys and girls! Look at the blackboard!
You can see an aphorism.
Let’s read it and discuss what it means.
A world is a book
and if you do not travel
you read only one page.
T: How do you understand this aphorism. Explain it in Russian?
(учащиеся объясняют значение услышанного афоризма по -русски).
T: Why is travelling important for us?
P1: It is interesting.
P2: We can see different countries and places of interest.
P3: We learn customs and traditions of these countries.
Teacher: They say “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life”. Why do people want to visit London?
P1: London is a beautiful city.
P2: There are a lot of places of interest in London.
- Активизация лексических навыков.
Teacher: Our next station is Station “Symbols”.
Your task is “match the symbols with their descriptions”. (презентация по теме «Лондон», отработка лексики по слайдам презентации на выбор учителя )(Приложение 3)
T: Lets do ex.44 p.85
- Физкультминутка (Physical activities).
“Rest” Station.
It is time to have a rest. Will you, stand up. Let’s remember the poem about London and do some exercises. Will you repeat after me. Igor, help me, please. (Ученик делает упражнение перед классом).
- Up, down, up, down. (поднимаем руки вверх и опускаем)
- Where is the way? (разводим руки в стороны)
- To London town (руки перед собой)
- Where? Where? (поворачиваем в стороны)
- Up in the air. (смотрим по сторонам)
- Close your eyes (закрываем глаза)
- And you are there! (открываем глаза)
Teacher: Thank you. Take your seats.
- Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи. Работа в парах. Проверка домашнего задания.
T: If you were in London, what places of interest would you like to visit?
You must prove they are worth seeing and visiting.
Make up a dialogue. Work in pairs. Consult each other and in 2 minutes we will listen to your dialogues. Your time is up.
One pupil is a guide, the second pupil is a visitor. Now act out the conversation between G and V. Who would like to start?
Guide: Hello. My name is Kate.
I am your tour guide today. Have you ever been to London?
V: No, I haven’t.
G: I hope you will enjoy to stay here. Where would you like to go first?
V: I would like to visit Madam Tussauds Museum. Is it worth seeing and visiting?
G: Yes, sure. Madam Tussauds is the famous waxworks museum. It is full of wax models of famous people.
V: OK. Let’s go then!
2-я пара
G: Hi! My name is Ann. I am your guide today. What places of interest would you like to visit in London.
V: I would like to visit Big Ben.
G: The great choice! It is the largest clock of England. It strikes every quarter of an hour.
V: Ok, then I go.
- Совершенствование навыков монологической речи. Групповая работа. ( Приложение 4)
Station “London”
- Let’s work in groups of four.
Lets read the text about London and find the most important and interesting information for you about it.
(текст о Лондоне для каждого учащегося на отдельном листе бумаги)
- Контроль полученных знаний. (Приложение 5)
The next station is the “Quiz”.
Now we have to revise the information about London. Let’s work in groups of four. Do London Quiz and check yourself using the key answers. You have 3 minutes. Take your time!
- Задание на дом.
Station “The Best Story”.
It was very interesting to listen to your stories about London. We shall continue our discussion next time.
Your home task is to prepare a story about London. You will take part in a competition and at the next lesson we will choose the best story and a teller. Write and make a design for your story.
And today one pupil have prepared the story about sights of London, lets listen to him.
(ученик рассказывает историю о достопримечательностях Лондона).
T: Thank you I like your story and your English.
- Итог урока (Summing up)
The Station “Again at home”.
So, there are so many other places to see and visit in London. However, the trip is very short but interesting. There are so many other places to visit in London.
T: Did you like the trip?
P1: Yes, I did.
T: Would you like to visit London in your real life?
P1: Yes.
P2: Sure.
T: And lets make a conclusion to our lesson!
So, tell me, pls, what do we need to travel to London?
P1: read.
P2: speak.
P3: write.
P4: listen.
T: Yes, you are right.
Name one noun, one verb, one adjective and one sentence to characterize London
P1: city.
P2: capital.
P3: beautiful.
P4: wonderful.
P5: visit.
P6: see.
P7: watch.
P8: I would like to visit London one day.
P9: I want to go to London.
T: Good!
T: We are at home now!
We have worked hard today.
You were active, polite and friendly.
Thank you for your good work.
Take the sheet of papers and put yourself mark for the lesson
Your marks are only excellent. (задания на карточках – оцени себя)
- Рефлексия
Here you can see different smiles. I would like to know if you liked the lesson.
Take one of the smiles and put it on the blackboard.
Happy OK so-so
- The lesson is over. Hope you enjoyed the lesson too. Good bye, students!
- (Good bye. Thank you!)
Приложение 1
Видеоролик о Лондоне
Приложение 1а
We advise you to visit England. Welcome to London!
We can offer you comfortable double decked buses, the most beautiful places of interest.
We hope you will like London very much. Your trip will be interesting, enjoyable, amazing
Sincerely yours friends
Приложение 3
Places of interest in London
There are a lot of places of interest in London. Among them there are Westminster abbey, the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, St Pauls Cathedral, London Bridge, the Tower of London.
London stands on the river Thames. Crossing the river by the Tower Bridge, you can see the Tower of London. It is one of the oldest buildings of the city. On the bank of the river Thames you can see Westminster Palace or the Houses of Parliament. It is the seat of the British government and it is one of the most beautiful buildings in London.
Buckingham Palace is the Queen s official London residence. London has many squares. One of them is Trafalgar Square. St Paul s Cathedral is the biggest English church. Another famous church is Westminster church. London is also famous for its beautiful parks.
Приложение 4
QUIZ : Do you know London?
Name_______________________________ Class__________ Date___________
Travelling to London
- Match the picture and the word:
Buckingham Palace
Big Ben
The Tower of London
- How often do people hear Big Ben?
- Every minute
- Every hour
- Every Monday
- Make up the sentence:
day would to London I one go like to.
- You result in the test: _____________%
Приложение 5
Задание 1.
- 2
- 3
- 1
Задание 2.
Задание 3.
I would like to go to London one day.
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