Система упражнения для формирования лексического навыка на материале УМК Lake Baikal Box (обучение лексике: Birds of Baikal)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
При обучении лексики любое предложение можно назвать лексическим упражнением. Система лексических упражнений предполагают определенную концепцию на усвоение лексики. При составлении этой системы упражнений необходимо учитывать рецептивные упражнения, затрагивая вопрос введения единиц параллельно с устным опережением. Понятие системы предполагает выделение определенных уровней, где данные составные единицы находятся во взаимодействии.
Так, система лексических упражнений – это обобщенное изложение процесса обучения лексике. И не следует путать понятия «система» и «каталог». Каталог любого упражнения имеет тенденцию к исчерпывающему перечислению и написанию всех упражнений определенной направленности. В каталоге упражнения классифицированы для облегчения нахождения нужного лексического упражнения. Каталог не решет вопрос соотношения упражнений и их последовательности и не зависит от методических концепций. Система упражнений напротив всегда отражает методическую концепцию.
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Система упражнения для формирования лексического навыка на материале УМК Lake Baikal Box (обучение лексике: Birds of Baikal)
При обучении лексики любое предложение можно назвать лексическим упражнением. Система лексических упражнений предполагают определенную концепцию на усвоение лексики. При составлении этой системы упражнений необходимо учитывать рецептивные упражнения, затрагивая вопрос введения единиц параллельно с устным опережением. Понятие системы предполагает выделение определенных уровней, где данные составные единицы находятся во взаимодействии.
Так, система лексических упражнений – это обобщенное изложение процесса обучения лексике. И не следует путать понятия «система» и «каталог». Каталог любого упражнения имеет тенденцию к исчерпывающему перечислению и написанию всех упражнений определенной направленности. В каталоге упражнения классифицированы для облегчения нахождения нужного лексического упражнения. Каталог не решет вопрос соотношения упражнений и их последовательности и не зависит от методических концепций. Система упражнений напротив всегда отражает методическую концепцию.
Разработанные нами системой упражнения на основе УМК «Байкальский сундучок» понимается расположение упражнений (их различных видов и подвидов) в определенном порядке, в определенной количественной пропорции для достижения цели в процессе обучения иностранного языка.
Lead-in: What do you know about birds? Have you ever seen birds on Baikal? What did they look like? This table will help you to learn the names of Baikal birds.
1. Let us name the birds which inhabit (live) in Baikal. Repeat after me.
This is a/an… | Чайка | Yellow-legged gull | ||||||||||||||||||
Кряква | Mallard/ quacker (“kryakva”) | |||||||||||||||||||
Баклан | Cormorant | |||||||||||||||||||
Чомга | Great-crested grebe | |||||||||||||||||||
Крачка-речная | Common tern | |||||||||||||||||||
Хохлатая чернеть | Tufted duck | |||||||||||||||||||
Чирок-свистунок | Teal-whistler | |||||||||||||||||||
Чирок- трескунок | Teal-cracker | |||||||||||||||||||
Огарь/красная утка | Ruddy shelduck/ red duck | |||||||||||||||||||
Шилохвост | Pintail | |||||||||||||||||||
Широконоска | Shoveler | |||||||||||||||||||
Шилоклювка | Avoset | |||||||||||||||||||
Свиязь | Wigeon | |||||||||||||||||||
Кулик-перевозчик | Common sandpiper | |||||||||||||||||||
Кулик-воробей | Little-splint | |||||||||||||||||||
Кулик-сорока | Eurasian Oystercatcher | |||||||||||||||||||
бекас | Common snipe | |||||||||||||||||||
Азиатский бекасовидный веретенник | Asian dowitcher | |||||||||||||||||||
Серая цапля | Grey heron | |||||||||||||||||||
Трясогузка | Wagtail | |||||||||||||||||||
Оляпка | Dipper | |||||||||||||||||||
The __ is found in… The __ can be found in… It usually lives in … | Озеро Байкал | Lake Baikal | ||||||||||||||||||
на песчаных пригорках | on the sandy hill | |||||||||||||||||||
На севере по долинам рек Баргузин, Кичера, Верхняя Ангара | at the northern in the valleys of large rivers the Barguzin, the Kichera, the Upper Angara | |||||||||||||||||||
в дельте Селенги | the delta of the Selenga | |||||||||||||||||||
в устье реки или бухтах | the mouth of rivers or bays | |||||||||||||||||||
в Баргузинском и Чивыркуйском заливах | the Barguzin and Chivyrkuysky Gulfs | |||||||||||||||||||
на дельте реки Селенги | the Selenga delta shallows2 | |||||||||||||||||||
На истоке реки Ангара (Верхняя Ангара) | at the source of the Angara river (Upper Angara) | |||||||||||||||||||
На перешейке п-ва Святой Нос | the Svyatoy Nos peninsula | |||||||||||||||||||
По берегам небольших рек | on the banks of small rivers | |||||||||||||||||||
в густой траве и кустах, на деревьях (в дуплах) | in thick grass and in bushes, in tree hollows | |||||||||||||||||||
В трещинах и ямках крутых каменистых склонов гор | fissures and hollows of steep rocky mountain slopes | |||||||||||||||||||
в каменных ущельях | in stone ravines | |||||||||||||||||||
Озеро Большое Еравное, Оронгой | on lake Big Yeravnoye, on lake Orongoy |
2. Listen to my story and get the idea what birds live in Baikal. The table DO YOU KNOW BIRDS THAT LIVE IN BAIKAL? will help you to learn the names of Baikal birds. Are there all the names of the birds?
It is the Yellowlegged Gull, one of the largest gulls on Lake Baikal. Yellow-legged Gulls are good swimmers, but they don't dive. They live in large colonies.
A close relative to gulls is the Common Tern. Its back and belly are warm grey; there is a black hat on the head; its beak is red and black, its legs are red.
This, for example, is a tufted duck. There are various Russian names for it: a “grass-eater”, a “white-side”, and several others.
It is the great crested grebe (“chomga”), also known in Russian as the “bolshaya poganka”. The great crested grebe is a skilful swimmer and diver – it can dive to a depth of 7m and stay underwater for more than a minute, and can also swim underwater at high speed (60m in 30 seconds).
Green-winged Teal is among the most numerous species on Baikal. It is the smallest duck on the Lake and flies in small groups.
The Teal cracker (Garganey) is a little bigger than a Green-winged Teal, it has a brown head and a white stripe from the eye to the nape of its neck, and a light-grey pattern on its sides. The Russian name, “treskunok” (from the word for “crack”), reflects the distinctive sound of the bird's call.
All ducks quack, but in Russian only one is called the “quacker” (“kryakva”).
The Common Sandpiper can be frequently met on the shores of Baikal and nearby waters. Its call sounds to Russian ears like “Perevezi! Perevezi!” (“Carry me across! Carry me across!”), whence the Russian name for the bird – the “carrier”.
The Little stint and the Eurasian Oystercatcher are rare transit birds. Their Russian names (“sparrow sandpiper” and “magpie sandpiper”) reflect their similarity to these other birds.
The Common Snipe – is not a large bird with a long straight and pointed beak. The snipe is good not only at flying, but it can run well even in the grass.
What bird can stand still in one place for hours, sometimes on one leg, with the other leg tucked under its body? Of course, it is the grey heron, a large bird, weighing up to two kilograms and easily distinguishable from other herons.
3. Restore the names of the bird from the jumbled letters:
4. Let us name the places where the fish can be found in Baikal. Repeat after me.
5. Looking at the pictures, answer my questions.
Model: - What is this?
- This is the yellow-legged gull.
- I think so, too.
6. Let us play the game “Guess and say”. In pairs you should recognize the bird in the picture. Show pictures to each other, name the bird and see who knows them best. Do it like this:
Model:- What is this?
- It is the yellow-legged gull .
7. Listen to my statements and agree with me:
Model: -The yellow-legged gull, one of the largest gulls on Lake Baikal.
- Yes, you are right. The yellow-legged gull, one of the largest gulls on Lake Baikal.
1. The Common Tern is a bird of big size. (starling-size)
2. The ducks all have flat beaks and webbed feet, which help them to swim so well.
3. The tufted duck arrive in February (April) and fly away to winter grounds in November (September or October).
4. The great crested grebe lives in the Selenga delta, the Chivyrkuysky Gulf and the Upper Angara.
5. Green-winged Teal is very energetic – they like to fly over shallow water, making steep curves and turns.
6. The Teal cracker (Garganey) is a smaller (little bigger) than a Green-winged Teal.
7. Mallards lay 7-10 white eggs with a greenish hue.
8. It is interesting that the female ruddy shelduck makes sure that its nest is
no further than 3 kilometers from water, so that the ducklings can reach the water by themselves.
9. The adult cormorant has pink (black) plumage with a metallic greenish violet shine.
10. The Common Sandpiper call sounds to Russian ears like “Perevezi! Perevezi!” (“Carry me across! Carry me across!”).
11. The Little stint and the Eurasian Oystercatcher use Baikal as a stop-over on their journey from wintering places.
12. The snipe is good not only at flying, but it can dance (run) well even in the grass.
13. The Asian Dowitcher build their nests in moist places putting dry leaves, stalks and grass into a hole.
14. Herons nest in large colonies on tall pines and there may be several nests on one tree.
15. The wagtail has a short (long) tail, big (small) head, and its colouring is yellow (grey, white and black).
16. Dippers build their nests on stones and in rock fissures.
Lead-in: Look at the picture. Label the parts of the bird: the head and neck, the back and belly, wings, legs, a body. Now let us consult this table to be sure you are right.
The | Yellow-legged gull Mallard/ quacker (“kryakva”) Cormorant Great-crested grebe Common tern Tufted duck Teal-whistler Teal-cracker Ruddy shelduck/ red duck Pintail Shoveler Avoset Wigeon Common sandpiper Little-splint Eurasian Oystercatcher Common snipe Asian dowitcher Grey heron Wagtail Dipper | has got | голова | a head | |||||||
клюв | a beak | ||||||||||
шея | a neck | ||||||||||
крылья | wings | ||||||||||
брюшко | a belly | ||||||||||
лапы | legs | ||||||||||
хвост | a tail | ||||||||||
is | водный | water | |||||||||
околоводный | waterside | ||||||||||
водоплавающий | waterfowl | ||||||||||
перелетный | migratory | ||||||||||
редкий перелетный | rare transit | ||||||||||
оседлый | nonmigratory | ||||||||||
многочисленный | numerous | ||||||||||
активный | energetic | ||||||||||
знаменитый | well-known | ||||||||||
хорошо заметный | well-recognized |
1. Read and repeat the words which help us describe any bird.
2. Listen to me and guess the name of the bird. Consult Table 1 and Table 2 and say what bird it is.
- There are various Russian names for it: a “grass-eater”, a “white-side”, and several others. It can dive to a depth of 4-5m. Its colouring sets it apart from other ducks: its belly and sides are white, the breast is black, it has a short tail and a tuft on its black head. (tufted duck)
- It is a nonmigratory bird that nests in Buryatia. It lives on the banks of fast-flowing rivers and streams that carry their waters to Baikal. (dipper)
- Its sometimes walk slowly and silently through water, with their head down, looking for prey in the water. The strike is quick and sudden, seizing the fish or other small animal in the its beak. (heron)
3. What bird have we forgotten to describe? Sometimes it is hard to remember what bird look like. I want you to help each other to do it. Use Table 2, look at the pictures and describe them like in the model.
Speaking Tip
I’ve read about a yellow-legged duck.
It has got one of the largest gulls on Lake Baikal, and one that stands out from the others: its white plumage, gray back and the black tips on its wings. Its beak and legs are yellow.
Speaking Tip
I’ve read about ________________________________.
It has got _____________________________________.
The сommon tern gaunt body, long and narrow beak, tail of fork-shape back and belly are warm grey there is a black hat on the head beak is red and black legs are red | The tufted duck belly and sides are white the breast is black a short tail and a tuft on black head | The great crested grebe (“chomga”) a thin neck, long straight beak, a brownish-red back neck and head are white |
The “quacker” (“kryakva”) the head and neck of the male is green, the breast is brownish-fulvous the back and belly are grey with spots. The female is brown and the spots on its grey belly have a darker hue. | The ruddy shelduck (red duck) a large dark-red bird; its head is white, there is a black stripe on the neck, and it has black featherswith a white “mirror” spot on the wings. The male has a darkstripe on its neck | The cormorant a black tuft on the head, a yellow mark from the beak along the head, and a greenish-brown ring around the eyes. webbed black feet, a long neck, and a curved brownishblack beak |
The common snipe a large bird with a long straight and pointed beak | The asian dowitcher a motley back and wings, belly is rusty-red the tail is striped long legs and a long beak | The wagtail a long tail, small head, and its colouring is grey, white and black |
4. Now let us play a game and find out who can describe the fish best of all. You should do it like this:
Speaking Tip
This is the grey heron.
It is a large bird, weighing up to two kilograms and easily distinguishable from other herons..
It can stand still in one place for hours, sometimes on one leg, with the other leg tucked under its body.
It has got a long, straight, yellowish beak, feathered wings, white belly
It lives in Baikal.
Speaking Tip
This is ______________.
It’s ___________________.
It can be _______________________.
It has got ______________________________.
It lives/can be found/is found _____________.
В данных упражнениях по формированию лексических навыков происходит не в отрыве от навыков грамматических и произносительных, а наоборот — на их основе, в тесной связи с ними. Просто лексическая сторона выделяется на передний план, чтобы стать объектом целенаправленного усвоения.
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