The time of year(Season)
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Winter Winter is one of the four seasons, between autumn and spring. The main feature of this time of the year — sustained low temperature ,many parts of the Earth falls and falls on the surface of the earth snow.
Calendar winter Calendar winter consists of three months: in the Northern hemisphere this is December, January and February in the South — June, July and August. Until the XVIII century in the Moscow state winter was considered as lasting from Christmas (25 December) until the Annunciation (25 March). Each time of year, as it was thought, were for 91 day and polcevera hours.
spring Spring is one of the four seasons, after winter and before summer. The word has an ancient Indo-European based and is akin to lit. vasarà — "summer", ltsh. — pavasaris, etc.-ind. vasantás 'spring', vasar — "before."
Calendar spring Consists of three months: in the Northern hemisphere — March, April, and may, in South Sep, Oct and Nov. Spring — a transitional season, when a noticeable increase in daylight hours, the temperature of the environment and aktiviziruyutsya natural activity of living creatures and plants.
Summer Summer is one of the four seasons, between spring and autumn, characterized by the highest ambient temperature. Consists of three months: in the Northern hemisphere and June, July and August, in the South — December, January and February. In Russia the calendar summer is from 1 June to 31 August and consists of three months — June, July, and August.
Indian summer "Indian summer" — "it's time, when the autumn sun can still warm up the old woman." According to another version, a combination of "Indian summer", "Indian days," "woman cold" in the old sense, based on superstition: women have the power to back seasons and even influence the weather. People say that "only a woman can be so warm, when almost all is lost."
Autumn Autumn — "harvest time"; for the interpretation of Dahl — from "the sign" — obscure: the onset of darkness) — one of the four seasons, between summer and winter. Autumn is a transition season, when a noticeable decrease in daylight, gradually lowering the temperature of the environment.
Autumn calendar Consists of three months: in the Northern hemisphere — September, October, and November, at South March, April, and may. In the fall, in anticipation of winter and frost, the deciduous plants (trees, shrubs) leaves change color, fall off, soon the trees are left bare (without leaves) also the yellowing grass.
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