"Do you like to go shopping?"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Это очень важная тема.Урок направлен на активизацию знаний, умений ,навыков уч-ся по теме: "Do you like to go shopping?" Ученики поставлены на уроке в условия, когда они могут уверенно чуствовать себя в реальной жизненной ситуации, при которой с помощью поученной информации,они смогут воспользоваться своими знаниями и умениями .
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Предварительный просмотр:
“ Do you like to go shopping ? “
Цель урока : Привитие учащимся навыков межличностного
общения, умения инициировать и поддерживать бе-
седу, а также контроль усвоения лексических единиц
и использования их в речевых блоках, как в диалоги-
ческой так и в монологической речи по теме:
« Do you like to go shopping ?»
Задачи :
учебная задача: Контроль усвоения языкового материала и
следующих грамматических тем: выражения to be
going to do smth, would you like… I’d like…, Present,
Past Simple Tenses, употребление модальных глаго-
лов must can.Количественные местоимения many,
much, указательные местоимения this ( these ), that
( those ), употребление повелительного наклонения;
правильность употребления вопросительных и отри-
цательных предложений в связных высказываниях и
использовании их в диалогической и монологичес-
кой речи.
развивающая задача: Обучение устной речи – диалогической
с элементами монологической речи, отработка лек-
сических единиц в речевых блоках в связных выска-
зываниях и реальных ситуациях. При этом совершен-
ствуются произносительные навыки учащихся: фоне-
тика, английская интонация ( логическое ударение ,
ритм ), развитие у учащихся интереса к языку, прео-
доление языкового барьера, т.к. без этого невозмож-
но обеспечить эффективную учебную деятельность
у учащихся.
воспитательная задача: Научить детей адаптироваться в ре-
альных ситуациях – делается акцент на этикетные
нормы. В качестве непременного условия выдвигает-
ся вежливый, доброжелательный и доверительный
тон общения. Развитие у учащихся внимания, веры в
себя, в свои способности, чтобы дети раскованно, с
удовольствием говорили на английском языке.
T. – Good-morning , children! Who is on duty to-day?
P. – Ivanov is on duty to-day.
T. – Ann, who is absent to-day?
P. – Ivanov and Petrov.
T. – All right. Now, answer my questions:
What day is it to-day?
P. – Today is Wednesday.
T. – What date is it to-day?
P. – To-day is the … of February.
T. – Now, some words about to-day’s weather.
Is the weather fine to-day? Is it frosty? Is it windy? Is there
much snow on the ground?
Is it really Siberian winter? Is the sky blue and clear or grey
and cloudy? Is the sun shining?
Ivanov, discribe today’s weather.
P. – It is winter. It is February. It is the last month of winter.
There is much snow on the ground. It is bitterly cold. It is frosty. The sky is blue and clear. The sun is shining. It is really Siberian winter! I like today’s weather.
T. – All right. Children, the theme of our lesson is “ Do you like to go shopping ? ”
Цель урока : Сегодня на уроке мы ещё раз вспомним и закре-
пим лексику по теме « Покупки» и подведём итог
умениям и навыкам в монологической и диалоги-
ческой речи, в умении аудировать и ориентировать-
ся в ответах на вопросы по теме « Магазины. Покуп-
First of all – phonetic dreal : Listen to me attentively and repeat
after me:
apricots cakes grapes | apple cabbage carrots pine-apple radish crabs salmon | meat sweet tea cream ice-cream eat | porridge coffee water lobsters sausage | Pepper Cherries Bread | nut mussels butter |
Next – names of shops. Repeat:
the Greengrocer’s the Baker’s
the Butcher’s the Fishmonger’s
the Grocer’s
the Fishmonger’s
Now, children sing a small song in chores all together.
Музыкальная пауза.
T. – Now, children look at the pictures and answer:
What kind of shops are these?
What can we buy in these shops?
М и н и - м о н о л о г и :
P1. – It is the Greengrocer’s.
At the Greengrocer’s people buy apples and pears, oranges and lemons, bananas, cherries, pine-apple, melons and water-melons.
Here we can buy vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, onions and what not ?
P2. – It is the Fishmonger’s. At the Fishmonger’s we buy crabs, fish, lobsters, salmon. Listen! We must eat fish. Fish is good for our brains.
P3. – It is the Grocer’s. At the Grocer’s we buy sugar, salt, tea, coffee, flour, macaroni, rice, semolina.
P4. – It is Dairy. Here people buy milk, butter, cheese, cream cottage cheese, margarine, ice-cream and so on.
P5. – At the Butcher’s we buy meat, ham, sausages, chickens.
P6. – At the Baker’s people buy bread ( brown and white ), a loaf, rolls, tartlets, cream-cakes.
Раздача карточек :
1 ученик идёт к доске – выполняет на доске задание;
2-3 ученика работают на месте.
( карточки прилагаются )
T. – Let’s remember: When we use cups and when we use glasses
Давайте вспомним по отношению к каким напиткам мы
употребляем слова a cup, a glass ( чашка, стакан ).
Ученик рассказывает правило.
Now, translate from Russian into English.
Не хотите ли чашку чая?
Не хотите ли стакан молока?
Не хотите ли чашку горячего шоколода?
Не хотите ли стакан лимонада?
Не хотите ли стакан минеральной воды?
Не хотите ли чашку чёрного кофе без сахара?
Не хотите ли стакан апельсинового сока?
Не хотите ли чашку кофе с молоком?
Не хотите ли стакан воды?
Я бы хотел стакан томатного сока.
Я бы хотел чашечку чёрного кофе без молока.
Я бы хотел стакан минеральной воды.
Не хотели бы вы гроздь спелого и сочного винограда?
Я бы хотел стакан ананасного сока.
Все соки полезны для здоровья.
Translate from English into Russian.
I don’t like coffee, I like tea.
My dad likes black coffee but my mum likes coffee with milk.
I usually have a glass of juice for breakfast and for dinner. But for supper I have a glass of milk.
Would you like a bunch of ripe and juice grapes? No, thanks.
I’d like a glass of pine-apple juice. But I prefer a glass of cherry juice. All juices are good for our health.
T. – Карточка с текстом на аудирование.
Now a small story about a sweet-tooth.
We’ll read a small story about a sweet-tooth. ( What is Russian for sweet-tooth ? )
Our aim is to read and understand and translate this story.
Be attentive and remember about verbs in the Past Tense.
Tom liked sweets and ice-cream very much, that’s why he didn’t have all his teeth. Yesterday his last tooth fell out. But Tom wasn’t sorry about that. He said : “ That’s very good! Now that I don’t have teeth I can eat ice-cream and sweets every day”.
T. – Now, children, Check your home-task – dialogues.
P1. – 175 382 ?
P2. – Yes.
P1. – Hello, Ann. It’s Denise.
P2. – Hello, Denise.
P1. – Listen, I want to go shopping for food. Can you come with me ?
P2. – Oh, all right. What time does the shop open?
P1. – It opens at 9 a.m. Let’s meet at the bus stop in 5 minutes?
P2. – No, in 20 minutes. I’m having breakfast.
P1. – Ok. Bye.
P2. – Bye.
Навстречу идут Боб и Роза.
P1. – Oh, Bob and Rose! What a pleasant surprise!
P2. – What are you going to do, Rose!
P3. – We are going to do shopping.
P4. – It is Friday, a shopping day. Mother needs some food for an apple-pie: apples, eggs, sugar.
P3. – She also wants to buy two chickens for supper.
Besides there is no bread left at home.
P4. – Where will mother go? To the Greengrocer’s? To the Bucher’s?
P3. – Or may be to the Baker’s?
At the Greengrocer’s :
P5. – Hello. I’d like some vegetables, please.
P6. – Hi. How much do you want?
P5. – I want a kilo of potatoes, half a kilo of onions, two kilos of tomatoes, 2 kilos of apples and a kilo of carrots.
P3. – Alice, all right. We must eat fruits and vegetables every day.
As you know:
“ An apple a day. Keep the doctor away.”
P7. – Yes, Alice, “Eating carrots is good for our eyes”. We must eat a lot of vegetables. It’s good for us.
P1. – Alice, don’t forget to buy some garlic. Garlic prevents you from colds. You don’t look happy.
P2. – Alice, buy a jar of honey. You must drink hot milk with honey. It helps you to sleep. You should stay in bed. You must follow my advice.
P7. – Vitamin “ C “ is good for our health.
P5. -- Thanks a lot for you advices.
P6. – Do you want anything else?
P5. – Yes, I want to buy a bunch of ripe and juicy grapes and 2 kilos of apricots. How much does it cost?
P6. – Two pounds.
P5. – Thank you.
P8. – Bob, what do you like more, apples or grapes?
P4. – I like grapes best of all. But now I am thirsty.
P7. – Would you like an orange juice?
P4. – No, I’d like cherry juice.
P8. – I think, all juices are good for health: tomato, apple, apricot and of course – pine-apple juice.
At the Grocer’s.
P6. – Hello. Can I help you?
P9. – Yes, I’m looking for a can of coke.
P6. – It’s over there. Do you want anything else?
P9. – Yes, I do : A bottle of mineral water, a packet of tea, 2 bars of chocolate, a jar of coffee, 2 packets of sugar, 3 kilo of sweets. How much is it?
P6. – That is 7.60, please.
P9. – Could you give me a plastic bag?
P6. – Of course, please ( протягивает пакет ).
P9. – Thanks.
P6. – Don’t mention it.
P8. – Ray, you are a sweet-tooth.
P9. – Yes, I don’t suffer from loss of appetite. I like to have a hearty meal. I like Granny’s pancakes with honey best of all. My motto is:
“ Eat with pleasure
Drink with measure
And enjoy life as it is !”
P5. – But my motto is : “ I don’t live to eat, but I eat to live.”
At the Clothes :
P3. – As for me I don’t like to go shopping. Most of all I like trying clothes on but I never buy clothes by myself. I like
it when my Mum buys things for me . I think it’s important to look great. I like to take care of my hair. It looks cool.
I like wearing smart things and I hate feeling awful. People say I have a friendly smile. My mum thinks I look a bit
older for my age. I’m much taller than other girls in my class. So what? I don’t want to compare myself to others.
P2. – Oh, I hate shopping. I can never choose what I really want.
These things are too small, those ones are too big. These things are too expensive, those ones are cheap but horrible! This shirt is too bright, that one is too boring. I never
know what to buy! I can’t buy things! There are a few things I can buy without my Mum’s help like T-shirts and socks. I think I’m too young to buy things by myself.
P2. – Tastes differ.
Предварительный просмотр:
“ Do you like to go shopping ? “
Цель урока : Привитие учащимся навыков межличностного
общения, умения инициировать и поддерживать бе-
седу, а также контроль усвоения лексических единиц
и использования их в речевых блоках, как в диалоги-
ческой так и в монологической речи по теме:
« Do you like to go shopping ?»
Задачи :
учебная задача: Контроль усвоения языкового материала и
следующих грамматических тем: выражения to be
going to do smth, would you like… I’d like…, Present,
Past Simple Tenses, употребление модальных глаго-
лов must can.Количественные местоимения many,
much, указательные местоимения this ( these ), that
( those ), употребление повелительного наклонения;
правильность употребления вопросительных и отри-
цательных предложений в связных высказываниях и
использовании их в диалогической и монологичес-
кой речи.
развивающая задача: Обучение устной речи – диалогической
с элементами монологической речи, отработка лек-
сических единиц в речевых блоках в связных выска-
зываниях и реальных ситуациях. При этом совершен-
ствуются произносительные навыки учащихся: фоне-
тика, английская интонация ( логическое ударение ,
ритм ), развитие у учащихся интереса к языку, прео-
доление языкового барьера, т.к. без этого невозмож-
но обеспечить эффективную учебную деятельность
у учащихся.
воспитательная задача: Научить детей адаптироваться в ре-
альных ситуациях – делается акцент на этикетные
нормы. В качестве непременного условия выдвигает-
ся вежливый, доброжелательный и доверительный
тон общения. Развитие у учащихся внимания, веры в
себя, в свои способности, чтобы дети раскованно, с
удовольствием говорили на английском языке.
T. – Good-morning , children! Who is on duty to-day?
P. – Ivanov is on duty to-day.
T. – Ann, who is absent to-day?
P. – Ivanov and Petrov.
T. – All right. Now, answer my questions:
What day is it to-day?
P. – Today is Wednesday.
T. – What date is it to-day?
P. – To-day is the … of February.
T. – Now, some words about to-day’s weather.
Is the weather fine to-day? Is it frosty? Is it windy? Is there
much snow on the ground?
Is it really Siberian winter? Is the sky blue and clear or grey
and cloudy? Is the sun shining?
Ivanov, discribe today’s weather.
P. – It is winter. It is February. It is the last month of winter.
There is much snow on the ground. It is bitterly cold. It is frosty. The sky is blue and clear. The sun is shining. It is really Siberian winter! I like today’s weather.
T. – All right. Children, the theme of our lesson is “ Do you like to go shopping ? ”
Цель урока : Сегодня на уроке мы ещё раз вспомним и закре-
пим лексику по теме « Покупки» и подведём итог
умениям и навыкам в монологической и диалоги-
ческой речи, в умении аудировать и ориентировать-
ся в ответах на вопросы по теме « Магазины. Покуп-
First of all – phonetic dreal : Listen to me attentively and repeat
after me:
apricots cakes grapes | apple cabbage carrots pine-apple radish crabs salmon | meat sweet tea cream ice-cream eat | porridge coffee water lobsters sausage | Pepper Cherries Bread | nut mussels butter |
Next – names of shops. Repeat:
the Greengrocer’s the Baker’s
the Butcher’s the Fishmonger’s
the Grocer’s
the Fishmonger’s
Now, children sing a small song in chores all together.
Музыкальная пауза.
T. – Now, children look at the pictures and answer:
What kind of shops are these?
What can we buy in these shops?
М и н и - м о н о л о г и :
P1. – It is the Greengrocer’s.
At the Greengrocer’s people buy apples and pears, oranges and lemons, bananas, cherries, pine-apple, melons and water-melons.
Here we can buy vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, onions and what not ?
P2. – It is the Fishmonger’s. At the Fishmonger’s we buy crabs, fish, lobsters, salmon. Listen! We must eat fish. Fish is good for our brains.
P3. – It is the Grocer’s. At the Grocer’s we buy sugar, salt, tea, coffee, flour, macaroni, rice, semolina.
P4. – It is Dairy. Here people buy milk, butter, cheese, cream cottage cheese, margarine, ice-cream and so on.
P5. – At the Butcher’s we buy meat, ham, sausages, chickens.
P6. – At the Baker’s people buy bread ( brown and white ), a loaf, rolls, tartlets, cream-cakes.
Раздача карточек :
1 ученик идёт к доске – выполняет на доске задание;
2-3 ученика работают на месте.
( карточки прилагаются )
T. – Let’s remember: When we use cups and when we use glasses
Давайте вспомним по отношению к каким напиткам мы
употребляем слова a cup, a glass ( чашка, стакан ).
Ученик рассказывает правило.
Now, translate from Russian into English.
Не хотите ли чашку чая?
Не хотите ли стакан молока?
Не хотите ли чашку горячего шоколода?
Не хотите ли стакан лимонада?
Не хотите ли стакан минеральной воды?
Не хотите ли чашку чёрного кофе без сахара?
Не хотите ли стакан апельсинового сока?
Не хотите ли чашку кофе с молоком?
Не хотите ли стакан воды?
Я бы хотел стакан томатного сока.
Я бы хотел чашечку чёрного кофе без молока.
Я бы хотел стакан минеральной воды.
Не хотели бы вы гроздь спелого и сочного винограда?
Я бы хотел стакан ананасного сока.
Все соки полезны для здоровья.
Translate from English into Russian.
I don’t like coffee, I like tea.
My dad likes black coffee but my mum likes coffee with milk.
I usually have a glass of juice for breakfast and for dinner. But for supper I have a glass of milk.
Would you like a bunch of ripe and juice grapes? No, thanks.
I’d like a glass of pine-apple juice. But I prefer a glass of cherry juice. All juices are good for our health.
T. – Карточка с текстом на аудирование.
Now a small story about a sweet-tooth.
We’ll read a small story about a sweet-tooth. ( What is Russian for sweet-tooth ? )
Our aim is to read and understand and translate this story.
Be attentive and remember about verbs in the Past Tense.
Tom liked sweets and ice-cream very much, that’s why he didn’t have all his teeth. Yesterday his last tooth fell out. But Tom wasn’t sorry about that. He said : “ That’s very good! Now that I don’t have teeth I can eat ice-cream and sweets every day”.
T. – Now, children, Check your home-task – dialogues.
P1. – 175 382 ?
P2. – Yes.
P1. – Hello, Ann. It’s Denise.
P2. – Hello, Denise.
P1. – Listen, I want to go shopping for food. Can you come with me ?
P2. – Oh, all right. What time does the shop open?
P1. – It opens at 9 a.m. Let’s meet at the bus stop in 5 minutes?
P2. – No, in 20 minutes. I’m having breakfast.
P1. – Ok. Bye.
P2. – Bye.
Навстречу идут Боб и Роза.
P1. – Oh, Bob and Rose! What a pleasant surprise!
P2. – What are you going to do, Rose!
P3. – We are going to do shopping.
P4. – It is Friday, a shopping day. Mother needs some food for an apple-pie: apples, eggs, sugar.
P3. – She also wants to buy two chickens for supper.
Besides there is no bread left at home.
P4. – Where will mother go? To the Greengrocer’s? To the Bucher’s?
P3. – Or may be to the Baker’s?
At the Greengrocer’s :
P5. – Hello. I’d like some vegetables, please.
P6. – Hi. How much do you want?
P5. – I want a kilo of potatoes, half a kilo of onions, two kilos of tomatoes, 2 kilos of apples and a kilo of carrots.
P3. – Alice, all right. We must eat fruits and vegetables every day.
As you know:
“ An apple a day. Keep the doctor away.”
P7. – Yes, Alice, “Eating carrots is good for our eyes”. We must eat a lot of vegetables. It’s good for us.
P1. – Alice, don’t forget to buy some garlic. Garlic prevents you from colds. You don’t look happy.
P2. – Alice, buy a jar of honey. You must drink hot milk with honey. It helps you to sleep. You should stay in bed. You must follow my advice.
P7. – Vitamin “ C “ is good for our health.
P5. -- Thanks a lot for you advices.
P6. – Do you want anything else?
P5. – Yes, I want to buy a bunch of ripe and juicy grapes and 2 kilos of apricots. How much does it cost?
P6. – Two pounds.
P5. – Thank you.
P8. – Bob, what do you like more, apples or grapes?
P4. – I like grapes best of all. But now I am thirsty.
P7. – Would you like an orange juice?
P4. – No, I’d like cherry juice.
P8. – I think, all juices are good for health: tomato, apple, apricot and of course – pine-apple juice.
At the Grocer’s.
P6. – Hello. Can I help you?
P9. – Yes, I’m looking for a can of coke.
P6. – It’s over there. Do you want anything else?
P9. – Yes, I do : A bottle of mineral water, a packet of tea, 2 bars of chocolate, a jar of coffee, 2 packets of sugar, 3 kilo of sweets. How much is it?
P6. – That is 7.60, please.
P9. – Could you give me a plastic bag?
P6. – Of course, please ( протягивает пакет ).
P9. – Thanks.
P6. – Don’t mention it.
P8. – Ray, you are a sweet-tooth.
P9. – Yes, I don’t suffer from loss of appetite. I like to have a hearty meal. I like Granny’s pancakes with honey best of all. My motto is:
“ Eat with pleasure
Drink with measure
And enjoy life as it is !”
P5. – But my motto is : “ I don’t live to eat, but I eat to live.”
At the Clothes :
P3. – As for me I don’t like to go shopping. Most of all I like trying clothes on but I never buy clothes by myself. I like
it when my Mum buys things for me . I think it’s important to look great. I like to take care of my hair. It looks cool.
I like wearing smart things and I hate feeling awful. People say I have a friendly smile. My mum thinks I look a bit
older for my age. I’m much taller than other girls in my class. So what? I don’t want to compare myself to others.
P2. – Oh, I hate shopping. I can never choose what I really want.
These things are too small, those ones are too big. These things are too expensive, those ones are cheap but horrible! This shirt is too bright, that one is too boring. I never
know what to buy! I can’t buy things! There are a few things I can buy without my Mum’s help like T-shirts and socks. I think I’m too young to buy things by myself.
P2. – Tastes differ.
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Презентация к уроку 2 класс "I like \ She likes"
презентация отрабатывает грамматическую структуру " I like / She likes\'...
To like.To be like.To be alike.
Сравнение To like.To be like.To be alike....

Погода. Дифференциация употребления фраз I like / I would like
Конспект урока, выполненная для учащихся 4 класса по УМК "Rainbow English"Урок знакомства с грамматическим материалом...

Открытый урок для 3 класса УМК М.З.Биболетова «Веселый английский», раздел 2, Тема урока: «Конструкции Do you like…? – I like…; Would you like…? – I’d like…»
Открытый урок для 3 класса УМК М.З.Биболетова «Веселый английский», раздел 2, Тема урока: «Конструкции Do you like…? – I like…; Would you like…? &nda...