Разработка урока " Соединенные Штаты Америки"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: “The United States of America”
Цель урока: Закрепить знания учащихся по страноведческому материалу.
Задачи: - Практиковать учащихся в устной речи, чтении, аудировании;
- Воспитывать уважение к культуре страны, изучаемого языка;
- Развивать кругозор учащихся.
Учебно-наглядные пособия: Карта США, картины с достопримечательностями США, магнитофон, тесты.
- Организационный момент.
- Разминка. Вопрос-ответ на закрепление страноведческого материала.
- Диалогическая речь, угадывание анаграмм. (Групповая работа)
- Словарная работа перед аудированием текста.
- Аудирование текста “California”
- Контроль понимания текста.
- Монологическая речь учащихся “Some facts about population of the USA”
- Выполнение теста “Some facts of the history of the USA” (аудирование)
- Взаимопроверка теста.
- Подведение итогов.
- Домашнее задание.
Ход урока.
I. Good morning children. Today we’ll speak about the United States of America. You’ve learnt about the geographical position of the country, about population, cities and political system. At this lesson your task is to show me, each other your knowledge . OK, let’s begin our lesson.
II. T: At first, answer my questions and you can use a map.
- You know that the USA is washed by three oceans. What are they? Show on the map.(The USA is washed by the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean)
- Give the names of the highest mountains in the USA. (They are Cordillera, the highest peak is 4, 418;Appalachian Mountains, the highest peak is 2,037)
- What are the main rivers? Can you show them on the map? (The main rivers are Mississippi, Columbia, Colorado.)
- Name the largest city and show it on the map.(It is New York)
- Where is Hollywood situated? (Not far from Los Angeles)
- Which city is famous for its automobile industry? Show on the map. (It’s Detroit)
- What state is especially rich in coal? (It’s Illinois)
- When and where was the present constitution proclaimed? (In Philadelphia, in 1787)
- What are the main political parties in the USA? (The Democratic Party – the older, the Republican Party)
- Name the statue which was a present from France? (The Statue of Liberty)
III. T: Well, now I divide you for three groups. You are the first group. Imagine that you are flying over the territory of the USA. Your task is to make up the dialogue in the right order. Is it clear? OK. You are the second group Your task is the same, but you imagine that you are in New York. You should get to Manhattan. And the third group should guess the anagrams.
T: Are you ready? (Who is ready?) Well, let’s listen to the first dialogue.(1 группа)
S1.- Oh, look! Do you see those high mountains over there?
S2.- Yes. If I am not mistaken they are the Appalachian Mountains. What a splendid sight! I know that the highest peak of these mountains is 2,037 meters high.
S1.- Really? Personally, I prefer plains, valleys and prairies. Look! We are just flying over the Mississippi Valley.
S2.- Right you are! Do you see how beautiful it is?
S1.- Sure. Shall we fly over the Great Lakes, I wonder?
S2.- I would like to! Look! Is that the Mississippi River?
S1.- Maybe. It is rather wide and I know it has many tributaries. (приток)
(2 группа)
S1.- Can I borrow your map of New York?
S2.- Certainly. Here you are.
S1.- Thank you, I must go to Manhattan but I’ve no idea how to get there.
S2.- To Manhattan? It is the heart of New York. But it’s a short way from here.
S1.- Should I take a bus?
S2.- No you needn’t. Just go down this street, turn left at the traffic-lights and go straight on. You can’t miss Manhattan.
(3 группа)
Anagrams – ( woodholly) Hollywood,(mentmonu) monument, (trycoun) country, (mentgovern) government, ( dentpresi )president, (liticalpo) political.
IV. Now I offer you to listen to the text about one of the states of the USA. It’s California. But at first look at the vocabulary. (Словарная работа)
V. Well, let’s listen to the text.(Аудирование текста)
VI. Now look at the blackboard, read these sentences and say are these statements true or false.
- California is the 41st state of the USA. (It’s the 31st state) False.
- It is the third largest state in the USA. (True)
- California is the home of Hollywood. (True)
- Sports lovers can watch only basketball. (False)
- You can ski all year round. (True)
VII. Your homework was to prepare some information about population of the USA. Who has prepared? (Сообщения учащихся по домашнему заданию)
VIII. T: We also have learnt some historical facts of the USA. Now I’ll give you a test. You should listen to the texts on the tape and match them with pictures.(Аудирование теста)
IX. T: Now change your tests with your classmates. Look at the keys on the board and give marks for the test.
No mistake is 5. Keys: 1.7; 2.10; 3.6; 4.2; 5.1; 6.3; 7.4; 8.8; 9.11; 10.9; 11.5.
2 mistakes is 4.
3 and more mistakes is 3.
X. T: Thank you for the lesson. Did you enjoy our lesson? Now you know a lot about the USA.
XI. T: Write down your homework, please. I’ll give you a situation.
“ You’ve spent a week in New York. Write a story about your first day there.”
Our lesson is over. Good bye.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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