Педагогическая мастерская по теме «Спорт и здоровый образ»
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7, 8 класс) на тему
Цели урока:
актуализировать и расширять знания учащихся о здоровье и здоровом образе жизни; формировать навыки самостоятельного анализа и оценки предлагаемой информации; развивать неподготовленную речь, воспитывать активную жизненную позицию, ответственное отношение к своему здоровью.
Перед началом уроков дети определяют свои роли в группах (оформитель, секретарь, оратор и т.д.)
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Педагогическая мастерская по теме «Спорт и здоровый образ»
Цели урока:
актуализировать и расширять знания учащихся о здоровье и здоровом образе жизни; формировать навыки самостоятельного анализа и оценки предлагаемой информации; развивать неподготовленную речь, воспитывать активную жизненную позицию, ответственное отношение к своему здоровью.
Перед началом уроков дети определяют свои роли в группах (оформитель, секретарь, оратор и т.д.)
Ход урока
Today we are going to talk about sport and healthy way of life but what about exactly you’ll know a bit later. They say you can’t buy health, but you can keep it, if you take care of it in time.
Listen to the text: «Кто победит? » And share your feelings.
Я был лысый худой, сутулый и в очках. Женщины замечали меня только в одном случае, когда надо было передать пять копеек за проезд в переполненном автобусе. Однажды я проходил мимо волейбольной площадки, где шла оживленная игра. Встречались две женские команды, и я пошёл медленнее. Но вдруг мяч полетел в мою сторону, удар - и я оказался на земле. Я приходил в себя медленно. Сначала я почувствовал на лбу чью – то прохладную руку, потом увидел внимательные добрые глаза. Я не сразу понял, что меня поддерживает девушка, которая только что выше всех прыгала на площадке и наносила самые сильные удары.
Она отвела меня домой, напоила чаем, успокоила. После этого мы стали встречаться. Времени для встреч у неё не хватало, но я не сдавался. Каждое утро ровно час она бегала в городском парке. Я тоже стал туда ходить. Сначала мне удавалось пробежать рядом с ней десять метров. За это время я успевал с ней обсудить только сводку погоды. Почти то же происходило в бассейне. Вечером на волейбольной площадке я подносил мячи, и наши руки иногда соприкасались. Тогда я понимал, что надо решиться, и очень завидовал тем, кто по воскресеньям вместе с ней прыгал с парашютом. Ведь до земли лететь так далеко и можно обо всём поговорить.
Время шло, и я стал бегать с такой же скоростью, как и она. Мы вместе плавали в бассейне, на волейбольной площадке она с трудом брала мои мячи. Плечи мои стали широкими, мышцы налились силой, на голове снова выросли волосы, глаза стали зоркими, как у орла. Однажды прыгнув с парашютом, я, перекричав ветер, признался ей в любви. Она долго молчала и у самой земли сказала: «Раньше вы были так прекрасны и беспомощны.… Куда всё это ушло? Вы стали, извините, похожи на всех наших мальчиков из сборной. Это так скучно!». Мы приземлились, она собрала парашют и пошла к автобусу. Я не мог вымолвить ни слова.
На днях я увидел её на теннисном корте. Мячи ей подавал какой-то лысый, сутулый тип в очках. Узнать, где он живёт и работает, было нетрудно. Завтра я встречусь с ним и как следует, им займусь. Он будет у меня бегать как лось, плавать как дельфин, он установит мировой рекорд по поднятию тяжестей. А я тем временем буду активно нарушать режим, курить и сутулиться…
И тогда мы посмотрим, кто из нас победит.
Обсуждение в группах. От каждого стола высказывается по одному участнику.
Учитель: So the topic of our discussion comes from the verb “to be fit”. So what is it?
Учитель: What comes to your mind when you hear the expression “healthy way of life” or fitness?
Групповая работа. (Feedback on the board)
Учитель: So what is fitness?
Fitness is not the same as sport or PE. Show me your charts. It unites physical exercises, quality food, diet, tests and check up and so on.
What is your idea of keeping fit?
Read the texts and choose the sentences, which reflects your opinion.
Text 1
Keeping fit
Many parents in the USA want their families to eat healthy and nutritious food nowadays. Fat food is dangerous not only for adults but for children as well. It is advisable to have your cholesterol level checked regularly. Research shows that cutting cheese, butter and ice-cream from your diet will drop your cholesterol level 50 points and only this will decrease the risk for you developing heart problems.
Research also shows the children are heavier today then they used to be some 20-30 years ago and the rate of obesity in little children has increased nearly 60%. More and more parents are troubled by what their children eat, introducing into family diets more fresh and canned fruit, vegetables and fish. They avoid paying regular visits to fast-food restaurants because McDonald’s like serve unhealthy fatty and high cholesterol food. People believe that low-fat diets and plenty of exercise will help to grow a healthy generation.
But what exercises are better? For example jogging. To jog or not to jog? That is the question. On the one hand, every one should think about healthy way of life… But on the other hand – getting up early at weekend? Never! And what about swimming? What real pleasure there is in the pool. The warming up before swimming helps you to feel great. After the week’s sitting in front of the computer and at the desk your limbs are crying for a bit of exercise. And that music they use is quite good – energetic and rhythmic. And these 15 minutes of aerobics and 30 minutes of swimming work wonders. Very refreshing. After that your feel yourself ready for the next week’s marathon. Instead of swimming or jogging you may go on a cycling tour. This kind of sport also does people a lot of good; and the morning air smells wonderful.
Text 2
I don’t really understand this obsession that people have with keeping fit these days. There’s nothing wrong with being healthy, but with some people it’s almost a religion. Nothing would make me jogging. No, thank you. I’d rather sit and have a cup of tea or coffee while the joggers are out in the street. The idea of going out into the cold morning air to breathe in petrol fumes doesn’t appeal to me at all. I get my exercise by walking to the bus stop on my way to work. And what about the food people eat. I knew a man who eats natural foods, he takes a lot of vitamins but I’ve never seen anybody who looks so ill. I like good food. I think most health food is tasteless. There’s nothing wrong in having a bar of chocolate or a big meal of meat and potatoes.
Lot’s of people I know do Yoga. I’m not really sure what it’s all about. I can’t see much point in sitting on the floor with your feet behind your ears. It looks very uncomfortable to me. I’m sure sitting in an armchair watching television or reading a book is just as healthy. So as you see I’m not much in favour of keeping fit. I don’t jog or do any sports. I don’t eat health foods, but I’m happy the way I am.
Учитель: A sound mind is in a sound body. An ideal person according to the Greeks was a person who was strong both physically and mentally. They never admired a person who was just a good athlete, or just a good artist or a scientist, but was not fond of sports. What do you feel when you hear: “A sound mind in a sound body”?
Read through the different texts and make up your own project what is fitness for you. What is your opinion of being fit? (См.приложение Текст 3)
Дети делятся своими мыслями, составляют и афишируют проекты.
Свой проект представляет также учитель.
What is my opinion of keeping fit?
Everything is determined by your lifestyle. How mach time you spend on food (time as well as money), how much exercise you get – these can regulate the balance between food and fitness.
But some people run to extremes: eating for them is the surest way to an early grave. They spend their lifetime fighting a battle with their tummies. They often keep to a diet and exhaust themselves doing exercises. They are always hungry/ You can not be hungry and happy at the same time. What’s all this torture for?
Saintly people were lack of food to obtain Gods grace. Unsaintly people do so to obtain the state of so – called beauty. But what is beauty?
In my opinion nobody can answer this question exactly. So many people – so many opinions.
For example, let’s take woman’s beauty. In the Middle Ages a beautiful woman first of all had to be fat.
Slim women were not in fashion. In the 18-19 th centuries fat women were not considered beautiful. As for beauty nowadays, well, I think there are no definite ideals about it.
All people are different: fat and slim, white and coloured, fair and dark – haired, tall and short. Really, it is very difficult to find a person who is pleased with her (his) appearance.
Especially women. Those with dark hair make their hair fair. People with smooth hair curly, those who were rewarded by nature with locks carefully uncurl and smooth it with different gets and foams.
But I believe beauty has to be physical and spiritual. What do I mean when talking about spiritual beauty? I mean the beauty of the inner world of person: kindness, responsibility, willingness to help, friendliness and other traits of character. Such person will give warmth to the people that surround him (or her). In my opinion, a real beautiful person must combine physical beauty with good traits of character.
We talked a lot about keeping fit and healthy way of life. We shared our idea of beauty: physical and spiritual.
- Now I’d like you to fire the Olympic torch if you think that you support the idea of ancient Greece. That a sound mind is in sound body. You are for fitness and for healthy way of life.
- If you are not interested in healthy way of life and the idea of fitness doesn’t appeal to you. If you are against it, and not going to support it, don’t fire the torch.
- If you are happy the way you are, with fitness or without it, please, sit on this comfortable sofa.
Text 3
9 ways to grow old and to stay young
1. Exercise keeps you young.
2. Eat for health (see chapter 4).
3. Is your weight ideal?
4. Keep your skin young.
5. Limit alcoholic drinks.
6. Smoking ages you prematurely.
7. Catch illness early when it can be treated.
8. Deal with stress.
9. Think young and keep your mind active.
Педагогическая мастерская по теме: «Толерантность»
Цель: развитие навыков и умений говорения, активизация речемыслительной деятельности; развитие логики речи, способности к сравнению, сопоставлению; воспитание толерантности у подрастающего поколения, ориентирование уч-ся на усвоение общечеловеческих ценностей, положительного и терпимого отношения к культуре других стран.
Оборудование: схемы, проекты, верёвка.
- Индукция.
Today we are going to talk about the relationships between people.
Listen to the text in Russian and share your feelings.
Осколки доброты
Семья проводила выходной день на пляже. Дети купались в море и строили замки из песка. Вдруг вдалеке показалась маленькая старушка. Её седые волосы развевались на ветру, одежда была грязной и оборванной. Она что-то бормотала про себя, подбирая с песка какие-то предметы и перекладывая их в сумку.
Родители подозвали детей и велели им держаться подальше от старушки. Когда она проходила мимо, то и дело, нагибаясь, чтобы что-то поднять, она улыбнулась семье, но никто не ответил ей на приветствие.
Много недель спустя они узнали, что маленькая старушка всю свою жизнь посвятила тому, чтобы подбирать с пляжей осколки стекла, которыми дети могли порезать себе ноги.
What do you feel about this story?
Feed back (Sometimes we have stereotypes or prejudices about people and it breaks the relationships).
The topic of our discussion is tolerance.
Tolerance (ON THE BOARD).
- Самоконструкция.
Задание 1. What comes to your mind when you hear this word? What is your idea of tolerance?
(From each group one by one)
(Feedback on the board)
(Respect, acceptance, value, appreciate, learn, cooperate)
Вывод: So, that’s your idea of tolerance.
Задание 2. Now I’d like you to look at Declaration of Principles on Tolerance proclaimed by UNESCO and dictionary’s definition.
Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures, our form of expression and ways of being human. Tolerance is harmony in difference.
The dictionary says tolerance is willingness to let others have their own beliefs or ways even though they are not like one’s own.
So, what would you add to your graph? Feedback.
Задание 3. Why do we need to be tolerant?
In pairs face each other for 2 minutes and put down everything you have in common. Do not talk to each other.
Yes, there are so many things, which we have in common, we can live happily and enjoy our company.
Now, I’d like you to tell us about yourself. Say something special, which only you can do or have. What is special about you? We all have to say, It’s great!
There are so many things, which make us unique. We can learn from one another, and value it.
In our world we use labels or categories, stereotypes or prejudices, when we talk about people. They influence our opinion, attitude towards people and sometimes we make wrong decision because of them. We express our opinion without knowing the real situation.
I’d like you to imagine that one of you is a gipsy. I want each of you to tight him up with this rope each time when you say stereotypes.
Look at him. What can he do? Can he move? Can he live happily being tight like that? Are these stereotypes or prejudices hurtful? Yes, they influence our attitude and opinion and make communication impossible. Let’s work it out on these graphs.
These are two people. Can you characterize their relationships, their attitudes to each other? The first line represents you and that is a person you address.
- I ask, I’m afraid to take responsibilities, I feel inadequate, I’m afraid to say what I think, to share my opinion freely.
- I fight with others. I give advice, I’ll help you to solve your problem, I’m better than you, I know what is better for you.
- We are equal. I look at your problem with your eyes. We cooperate we make a decision together.
Now I’d like you to look through the letters of American boys and girls and answer the question: Why do we need to be tolerant? Choose the sentences, which reflects your opinion.
Texts 1, 2 – group 1
Texts 3, 4 – group 2
Задание 4. What do we need to be tolerant?
In order to be tolerant we have to learn every day, every week and every year to be patient, to appreciate others and so on. It’s like going up using stairs.
I’d like you to make up the staircase of tolerance and explain why did you choose this or that order and what each of these steps means? Remember that there are two ways. We are either tolerant or not?
(Детям раздаются карточки с названиями каждой ступеньки.)
So your staircase starts with tolerance and goes in two directions up and down.
A staircase of tolerance:
CELEBRATE enjoy the diversity of people around.
VALUE appreciate the similarities and differences between people.
LEARN we can learn from one another.
RESPECT other people’s opinion.
TOLERATE allow other people to have their own right.
REJECT deny other people’s opinion.
DEHUMANISE oppress them, treat them as sub-humans.
MURDER them.
HOLOCAUST mass murder.
Teacher: If you want to be tolerant try to go up every time you have a choice...
Задание 5. What happens if we are not tolerant?
Discussion in groups.
To sum up what you’ve just said I’d like to read a poem “A cold within”, which you had been given for translation.
- Социоконструкция.
So what tolerance means to you?
Make up your own projects.
- Социализация, афиширование.
Show us your project and read the translation of the poem.
Представители групп вывешивают на доске свои проекты.
My project
You say to-MAY-to, I say to-MAY - to
Tolerance is accepting all people no matter what their race, religion, disabilities and lots of other differences. It doesn’t mean that we all have to agree with each other. It means to respect each other’s right to be different. But is there anything we don’t have to be tolerant with? When it comes to wrong behavior, what The Bible calls “sin”. There is no Tolerance. Wrong is wrong. We are all created by God, and no one on this earth has the right over our lives, except our Creator. The history of humanity knows a lot of examples of violence and cruelty such as genocide, racism, Crusades and lots of other things.
Tolerance doesn’t mean that you have to accept that something is true; it means that you give the right to a person to express his own opinion.
They say it takes all kind of people to make the world go round. The diversity in human nature is what makes life interesting and enjoyable. Strange doesn’t mean bad. Differences between people and cultures prove how creative our God is.
Paradise is where cooks are French, mechanics are German, policemen are British, lovers are Italian, and it’s all organized by the Swiss. Hell is where cooks are British, policemen are German, lovers are the Swiss, mechanics are French and it is all organized by Italians. As you see everyone is special and has one’s own role and doing that we’ll have a wonderful picture of God’s creation.
- Рефлексия.
We talked a lot about tolerance. We shared our idea of it.
- Now I’d like you to stick these colored faces around the world. You are for tolerance and ready to develop it in your life.
- If the idea of tolerance doesn’t appeal to you. If you are against it, and not going to support it stick the black spot on our planet.
- If you are happy the way you are, with tolerance or without it, if you are not ready for that, put up a sign. Be patient with me. I’m not ready! (It’s never late to learn anything. We’ll be tolerant with you!)
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