Дидактический материал по теме "Пассивный залог в косвенной речи"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5, 9 класс) по теме

Дидактический материал содержит теоретическую часть и тренировочные упражнения.


Предварительный просмотр:

Passive Voice in the Reported Speech (Пассивный залог в косвенной речи)

Перевод из прямой речи в косвенную утвердительных предложений, общих, специальных вопросов, вопросов к подлежащему и повелительных предложений в пассивном залоге





Direct Speech

Reported Speech

The letter

Tom said (that)

       the letter

is written

пишут (вообще)

was written

is being written

пишут (сейчас)

was being written

has been written

написали (уже)

had been written


Direct Speech

Reported Speech

The letter

Tom said (that)

       the letter

was written

написали                   (в  прошлом)

had been written

was being written

написали в… (в какой-то момент в прошлом)

was being written

had been written

написали (к 1мая)

had been written


Direct Speech

Reported Speech

The letter

Tom said (that)

       the letter

will be written

будет написано (в будущем)

would be written



will have been written

будет написано (к 1 мая)

would have been written

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

Утвердительные предложения

A decision was made to create a new city.

The Parliament House is covered by grass.

The Olympics will be held in the year 2020.

Tom said


  a decision had been made to create a new city

  the Parliament House was covered by grass.

  the Olympics would be held in the year 2020.            

Общие вопросы

Are many trees being planted in Australia?

Sasha asked if / whether many trees were being planted in Australia.

Специальные вопросы

Why have so many trees been cut?

Tom asked why so many trees had been cut.

Study the following table



Present Simple

She types the letters.

The letters are typed.

Present Continuous

She is typing the letters.

The letters are being typed.

Past Simple

She typed the letters.

The letters were typed.

Past Continuous

She was typing the letters.

The letters were being typed.

Present Perfect Simple

She has typed the letters.

The letters have been typed.

Past Perfect Simple

She had typed the letters.

The letters had been typed.

Future Simple

She will type the letters.

The letters will be typed.


She has to type the letters.

The letters have to be typed.

Modals (modal +be+ past participle)

She may type the letters.

The letters may be typed.

● Only the verbs that take an object сan be turned into the passive.                                                                                                     e.g. Susan cleans the silver. The silver is cleaned by Susan.                                                                                                                     But: It is snowing today. (This sentence cannot be turned into the passive because the verb does not take an object.)

  • When the subject of the active sentence is one of the following words: people, one, someone/somebody, they, we, he, she, you etc. the agent is often omitted in the passive sentence.

e.g. People watch TV all over the world. TV is watched all over the world (by people).

Object pronouns (me, you, us, them, him, her) become subject pronouns (I, you, we, they, he, she, ) in the passive.                e.g. He gave this book to me.  I was given this book.

When the verb of the active sentence is followed by a preposition, the preposition is kept in the passive sentence as    well. e.g. Burglars broke into our house last night. Our house was broken into last night.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The fairy land Разработано учителем средней общеобразовательной школы №31 имени Героя Советского Союза А.В.Спекова г. Бийска Н.В.Черкасовой

Слайд 2

The fairy land FAIRY TALE

Слайд 3

The fairy land

Слайд 4

The Magic Cooking Pot

Слайд 5

The Magic Cooking Pot

Слайд 6

The Magic Cooking Pot

Слайд 7

The Magic Cooking Pot

Слайд 8

The Magic Cooking Pot

Слайд 9

The Magic Cooking Pot

Слайд 10

The Magic Cooking Pot

Слайд 11

The Magic Cooking Pot

Слайд 12

The Magic Cooking Pot

Слайд 13

The Magic Cooking Pot

Слайд 14

The Magic Cooking Pot

Слайд 15

The Magic Cooking Pot

Слайд 16

The Magic Cooking Pot

Слайд 17

The Magic Cooking Pot

Слайд 18

The Magic Cooking Pot

Слайд 19

The Magic Cooking Pot

Слайд 20

The Magic Cooking Pot

Слайд 21

The Magic Cooking Pot

Слайд 22

The Magic Cooking Pot

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The Speckled Hen

Слайд 2

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman and t hey had a speckled hen. One day the hen laid an egg and it was not ordinary egg but one of gold and a treat to behold.

Слайд 3

The old man tried to crack it and could not, the old woman tried to crack it and could not either. Then a little mouse ran up and brushed it with its tail. The egg fell to the floor and broke into little pieces.

Слайд 4

The old man cried. The old woman cried and the speckled hen said: “Cluck, cluck, cluck!”

Слайд 5

“Do not cry, old man, do not cry ,old woman! I’ll lay you another egg, not one of gold and a treat to behold.”

Слайд 6

“I’ll lay you a simple one, l ike all hens lay, you can eat this every day.” And she did.

Слайд 7

The end

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Present Simple Tense Разработано учителем средней общеобразовательной школы № 31 г. Бийск Н.В.Черкасовой 2016 г .

Слайд 2

Present Simple Tense Present Simple Tense – настоящее простое неопределенное время, выражающее постоянное, регулярное действие без указания конкретного времени его действия .

Слайд 3

Present Simple Tense Слова – спутники настоящего простого времени: Every (day, week, month, year)- каждый (день, неделя, месяц, год) Usually – обычно Often – часто Seldom - редко Sometimes - иногда Always – всегда Never - никогда

Слайд 4

Present Simple Tense I YOU WE THEY I like my little baby. You like your little baby. We like our little baby. They like their little baby. HE SHE IT S ( es ) He like s his little baby. She like s her little baby. A monkey like s its little baby.

Слайд 5

Present Simple Tense I YOU WE d o not THEY do not = don’t I YOU WE don’t like porridge THEY HE SHE d o es not IT d o es not = do es n’t HE SHE do es n’t like porridge. IT

Слайд 6

Present Simple Tense I YOU Do WE ? THEY Do you like to study? Do we study well? Do they go to school ? HE Do es SHE ? IT Do es he like to study? Do es she study well? Do es Rabbit go to school?

Слайд 7

Present Simple Tense Поставить глагол в нужную форму: 1. The rabbits (like/likes) to run. 2. Tom (go/goes) to school every day. 3. Sally (Does ….read/Does….reads/Do….read) English very well? 4. Dad (do not works/ does not work) on Sundays. 5. (Do/Does)Monkey (like/likes) bananas? – Yes, it … . 6. (Do/Does)You (do/does) your homework every day? – Yes, I … . 7. Tom and Tim (play/plays) together. 8. Jim (like/likes) to play computer games. 9. Sam (do not go/ does not goes/does not go) to school. He is a little boy.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The fairy land Разработано учителем средней общеобразовательной школы №31 г. Бийск Н.В.Черкасовой

Слайд 2

The Enormous Turnip

Слайд 5

The Enormous Turnip

Слайд 6

The Enormous Turnip

Слайд 7

The Enormous Turnip

Слайд 8

The Enormous Turnip

Слайд 9

The Enormous Turnip

Слайд 10

The Enormous Turnip

Слайд 11

The Enormous Turnip

Слайд 12

The Enormous Turnip

Слайд 13

The Enormous Turnip

Слайд 14

The Enormous Turnip

Слайд 15

The Enormous Turnip

Слайд 16

The Enormous Turnip

Слайд 17

The Enormous Turnip

Слайд 18

The Enormous Turnip

Слайд 19

The Enormous Turnip

Слайд 20

The Enormous Turnip

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