Внеклассное мероприятие "Ecological problems.Save our planet"
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему

Абдуллаева Заира Рабадангаджиевна

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия, посвященного Году экологии.


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Предварительный просмотр:

МКОУ «Меусишинская СОШ»
учитель английского языка: Абдуллаева З.Р.

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия

“Ecological problems. Save our planet”

Цели мероприятия:  формирование экологического мировоззрения  посредством изучения английского языка, способствовать формированию целостного представления  о мире, об общих  проблемах, стоящих перед человечеством в 21 веке; систематизировать и обобщить имеющиеся  у учащихся знания по данной теме.

Задачи мероприятия:

Учебные: формирование лексико - грамматических навыков по теме « Экология»; развитие навыков  монологической и диалогической речи; совершенствование навыков аудирования и умения воспринимать иностранную речь на слух.

Развивающие: развивать способности к сравнению, умозаключению; развивать оперативную память; развивать способности к распределению внимания, коммуникабельности, умению выражать своё отношение к теме ,  делать выводы

Воспитательные: формирование уважительного и ответственного отношения к природе, воспитание бережливости и сознание роли человека во взаимодействии с природой, формирование способности осознавать экологические проблемы и желание помочь природе; повышение мотивации учащихся к изучению английского языка.

Тип мероприятия: закрепление знаний по теме.

Оснащение мероприятия: видеопроектор,экоплакаты, видео/ аудио записи,  плакаты с афоризмами:

  1. “Man is nature’s sole mistake!” (W. S. Gilbert)
  2. “Earth is dearer than Gold!”
  3. “Better to give than to take.”
  4. “Be kind to nature!”
  5. “Save our natural resources.”
  6. “Say to pollution “NO!”
  7. “Don’t kill the world!”
  8. Don’t let the Earth down!”
  9. Do not destroy the ground!”
  10. Don’t let the Earth die!”
  11. “Help the Earth to survive!
  12. “The Earth is in danger.”

Ход мероприятия.

Сцена 1 (мероприятие начинается с показа видеоклипа  "Earth-one video you need to see”)

Сцена 2 (на сцену выходят 2 учащихся- ведущих)


Ведущий 2:  Hello, dear boys and girls, teachers and guests

Ведущий 1: Nowadays a lot of people speak and think about the greatest problems of the world. These are Problems of Ecology. From the video you have seen that our planet is in danger. ”What have we done? We’ve killed the flowering fields, we’ve turned kingdoms into dust.

Ведущий 2: Animals are dying from hunting. Children are dying from wars. The Earth is crying. We don’t know what to do.

Ведущий 1: Our planet is very large. Let’s take our Russian land. Imagine yourself in a place flying over its territory. You will see wonderful sights: blue lines of the rivers, blue mirrors of the lakes and seas, green meadows, plains and forests, and mountains.

Ведущий 2: You  can enjoy the  beauty of our planet. Many great poets wrote  wonderful poems about our  splendid  world.  

Ведущий 1:Let's listen the poems that our pupils  learned for you.

                                                            Mother Nature

Butterflies and bees,

Oceans and sees,

Green-green grass,

And big strong trees.

A huge round sun,

In the sky so blue,

Listen to what,

They say to you.

They do not talk,

They do not shout,

But their beauty is what,

Mother Nature is all about.



Do you remember that you live

 In one of the tiny planet

 Which of the long distances to come to you

 Stars are already extinct pale light ...


Pour the rain, and falling snowflakes

 Blossoms in spring foliage

 Only a person does not understand -

 It can destroy everything forever!


In the cities the smoke and fumes

 The nature can forget ...

 Not for long, since it is impossible

 Without water and air to live!


Do you believe that you live

 In one of the tiny planet

 What it radiates through the given

 Gentle and live the magic light ...


Pour the rain, and falling snowflakes

 And the glitter flowers in the meadow ...

 I do not know what to write to me about the nature,

 Because I live it ...


I am the Earth(by Jane Yolen)

I am the Earth

And the Earth is me.

Each blade of grass,

Each honey tree,

Each bit of mud,

And stick and stone

Is blood and muscle,

Skin and bone.

And just as I

Need every bit

Of me to make

My body fit,

So Earth needs

Grass and stone and tree

And things that grow here


That's why we

Celebrate this day.

That's why across

The world we say:

As long as life,

As dear, as free,

I am the Earth

And the Earth is me.


Приложение 2 (I am the Earth)

Сцена 3. (на сцену выходят ведущие)

Ведущий 1.Our world is so beautiful that we can talk about it a lot  . But let us not forget about the real ecological problems.

Ведущий 2.They are:                              

-Air pollution

   -Water pollution

                                                                         -Acid rains

      -Global warming

            -Dangerous radiation

-And so on


Ведущий 1. Listen to the poem ''Change to green"

Rub your eyes and look around,

Litter lying on the ground,

Bottles, cans and polythene –

Take the tip and change to green!

Forests going up in smoke,

Cities fit to make you choke,

Nowhere left to be that’s clean –

Take a breath and change to green!

Animals and plants have died,

People starve to feed our pride,

For the life that might have been

Take a stand and change to green!

There’s so much that isn’t right,

It could get you well upright,

So make a start and change the scene –

The lights are flashing – change to green


Ведущий 2: We can say that our planet is ill, very ill. How does it fill? Let’s ask her.

Сцена 4 (выходит учащаяся “Mrs Planet Earth”, ведущие остаются на месте)

Mrs planet Earth: Hello, dear pupils! I’m the planet Earth. As you see I’m in danger. My waters have become so dirty. My sky has become so grey. People can’t breath fresh air any more. Mrs Water, Mr Air , come here, please.

Mrs Water: water is very important for life on the Earth. It is in oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. In many rivers and lakes water is very dirty. Some times people cannot swim even in the sea because the sea and the seaside are not clean. In many places water is not drinkable. Even fish die in such water. For example Lake Baikal is the deepest freshwater lake on the Earth. It is 1741 metres deep. The lake is very beautiful but now it is in great danger, because of the factories which are near it. At some places the water in the lake is so dirty that it can kill animals and plants in Baikal and near it.

Mr Air: More and more factories, cars and trucks have made the air poisonous. The climate on our planet has changed. Nowadays the temperature is rising. You do not have real Russian winters any more. People:cut down trees to build farms, homes. Many animals and plants lose their homes. This is bad for the Earth’s air too. Modern plants and factories send a lot of smoke into air. It is too dangerous to breath such toxic air.

  Boys and girls I want to show you one video about some ecological problems.

Приложение 3

Mr Air: Who can Help us?


 Mrs Water:: Oh? Don’t worry. I know such science that is called ECOLOGY. Let’s invite it!

Сцена 5 (выходит учащийся “Mr Ecology”)

Mr Ecology: You can ask me what is ECOLOGY? It is a science. It studies how plants, animals and other living things live in relation to each other and to their environment. People who work in ecology have studied all the living things in their natural environment. They collect information about their population, number, diet, form, size and behavior. I’m the most important science nowadays. And I can teach you how to survive in the modern world. Now I want to invite my friends, ecological organizations, they are from Russia: pupils from our school   They want to save you.

Сцена 6 (на сцену выходят  5 учащихся   с названием команды “Save our planet”)

There is so much pollution

Poisoning the air

There is so much litter

We can see it everywhere

Wildlife is disappearing

While everyone stands by

The world we love is dying

And we are the reason WHY?

WHY are we killing our world?

WHY aren’t we doing our share?

WE can save our planet?

WE can help it survive,

All it needs is a little care.

If we all work together

Something can be done

We need a clean up campaign

Which involves everyone.

WE can slow down GLOBAL WARMING,

WE can stop the ACID RAIN,

WE can heal our PLANET,

WE can help it live AGAIN.


We want to see blue seas,

We want to see green trees,

We are defenders of are lands.

We want to breath clean air,

We want to show we care.

We know the future is in our hands.

We want to see birds fly,

Up into a clean sky,

We are defenders of our lands,

We want to see flowers grow,

To pollution we say “NO!”

We know the future is in our hands.

Ученик 1: Now ,girls, let's sing the song ``This is our world``

Сцена 7. (Исполняется песня   This is our world``)

Приложение 4

Ученик 2:Everything is in our hands. Don’t kill the world! Stand for trees.

Приложение  5

Mr Ecology: . Let’s just remember every day that we must take care of our planet.

Ведущий 1 :  Our pupil will recite the poem "My crazy world''

Ведущий 2 : A beautiful poem ,isn't it? So, all people should take care of our nature and global environment. If  we don't protect our nature  what we can leave for our future generations .Only regrets

 "Sorry" is the name of our next poem.

Приложение 6

Dear Future Generations: Sorry

Dear Future Generations,

I think I speak for the rest of us when I say,

sorry, sorry we left you our mess of a planet.

Sorry that we were too caught up in our own doings to do something.

Sorry we listened to people who made excuses,

to do nothing.

I hope you forgive us,

we just didn't realize how special the earth was,

like a marriage going wrong,

we didn't know what we had until it was gone.

It is our only home, we must globally warm our hearts

and change the climate of our souls

and realize that we are not apart from nature,

we are a part of nature.

And to betray nature is to betray us,

to save nature, is to save us.

Because whatever you're fighting for:

Racism, Poverty, Feminism, Gay Rights,

or any type of Equality.

It won't matter in the least,

because if we don't all work together to save the environment,

we will be equally extinct.


Ведущий 2 : You can see that our school  is decorated with wonderful posters, pictures, emblems and photographs, dedicated to ecological problems. Our creative children express their love to the Earth and their understanding of its problems. Our song ''The Earth is my home" is for you.


Сцена8 (на сцену выходят все вышеупомянутые группы для исполнения песни  Джексона “ ''The Earth is my home  ”)

Приложение 6 

Ведущий 2   We hope that all the information from this evening will be useful for you. And you will be much kinder to nature. Please :

Don’t let the Earth down!

Do not destroy the ground!

Don’t let the Earth die!

Help Earth to survive!

Don’t kill the world!

Ведущий 1 : Our party has come to the end! Remember, we’ve got the whole world in our hands! Be happy, kind and healthy on our beautiful planet Earth! Thank you!

Ведущий 1 : Our party has come to the end! Remember, we’ve got the whole world in our hands! Be happy, kind and healthy on our beautiful planet Earth! Thank you!

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