Тест по страноведению "Знаете ли Вы Великобританию"
тест по английскому языку (8, 9 класс) на тему

Пособие адресовано школьникам, изучающим английский язык и Великобританию как регион, а также желающим проверить свои знания об этой стране.


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Тест по страноведению

Знаете ли вы Великобританию

1. The climate of Britain is _________________

  1. Dry and hot
  2. Mild and damp
  3. Cold and wet

2. The UK is separated from Ireland by _________________

  1. the Irish Sea
  2. the English Channel
  3. the North Sea

3. On the British Isles there are  _________________ states.

  1. three
  2. two
  3. four

4. Britain’s second largest city is _________________

  1. Cardiff
  1. b)Manchester
  2. Birmingham

5. Scafell Pike ( 3.210 feet) is the highest point in _________________ .

  1. Wales
  1. England
  2. Scotland

6. The Romans first came to Britain in _________________

  1. 55 AD
  2. 43 AD
  3. 66 AD

7. The Romans ruled in Britain for _________________

  1. 367 years
  2. 467 years
  3. 567 years

8. The first real parliament was brought together by _________________ in 1275.

  1. King John
  2. Henry III
  3. Edward I

9. In non- metric system of weights and measures 0,58 litres are equal to _________________ .

  1. One inch
  2. One ounce
  3. One pint

10. The British are _________________ about anything  which is a sign of Britishness.

  1. very innovative
  2. stubbornly conservative
  3. indifferent

11. One of the most popular hobbies in Britain is _________________ .

  1. playing soccer
  2. gardening
  3. collecting stamps

12. The name of London probably derives from _________________ .

  1. the Celtic Llyn and Dun
  2. the Latin Londinium
  3. the Anglo – Saxon Loandan        

13. The Great Fire of London started _________________

  1. September 2, 1466
  2. September 2, 1566
  3. September 2, 1666

14. The Tower of London is guarded by the Yeomen Warders , popularly called _________________

  1. Beefeaters
  2. Porkeaters
  3. Hameaters

15. Harrods in Knightsbridge is _________________ in London .

  1. the most expensive department store
  2. the most expensive hotel
  3. the most expensive  restaurant

16. The patron saint of England is _________________ .

  1. St. Patrick
  2. St. George
  3. St. David

17. In the fifth century the territory of England was settled by _________________

  1. the Angles
  2. the Normans
  3. the Celts

18. The flower symbolizing England is _________________ .

  1. thistle
  2. daffodil
  3. rose

18. Identifying symbols of Wales are _________________ .

  1. rose , St.George  s Cross and the white colour
  2. thistle , St.Andrew s Cross and the blue colour
  3. daffodil , the dagon of Cadwallader and the red colour

19. In Wales _________________ more popular  than football.

  1. tennis
  2. rugby
  3. basketball

20. Scotland s two major cities are _________________ .

  1. Edinburgh and Belfast
  2. Glasgow and Manchester
  3. Glasgow and Edinburgh

21. People consider _________________ to be a distinctly Scottish musical instrument.

  1. the harp
  2. the violin
  3. the bagpipes

22. Eire is _________________ .

  1. another name of the Republic of Ireland
  2. a city in Ireland
  3. a typical Irish surname

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