"Секретарь-моя будущая профессия."
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Материал освещает многие аспекты деятельности профессии "Секретарь" на английском языке: составление деловых писем, формальная и неформальная речь, офисное оборудование, канцелярские товары, профессиональные качества секретаря.
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Job hunting (advertisement , an acceptance letter) Interview Office furniture, stationery. Business Letters (types of letters, formal – informal speech). Hand-out (1,2,3) Receiving Visitors Professional features or the secretary. Hand-out 4 Text « My future profession » Summing up The Plan
Advertisement Secretary Komus joint venture Komus joint-venture is now offering a permanent, part-time secretarial position in our sales department at our downtown office. The position offers a minimum of 20 hours a week, with possibility of full time work in the future. Secretarial and sales experience required. Please phone 554-3264 for an appointment.
A Business Letter 18 Blandfield Road London SW10 8RP October 18, 1998 Mr J. Smith Smith and Sons 14The Mews LondonW8 9EG Subject: Post of Secretary Dear Mr Smith, I am writing in reference to your advertisement in the Times for a post Secretary and would like to apply. As you will see from the enclosed curriculum vitae, I have two years experience as Secretary with a German company. I am currently looking for a new position and would like to be considered for the post you advertise. Please let me know if you need any further information. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Eleanor Miller
Канцелярские принадлежности A stapler is used for fixing pieces of paper together. Equipment Function stapler a. stick one piece of paper to another hole punch b. fix pieces of paper together ruler c. make holes in paper tippex fluid d. correct mistakes paper clips e. draw straight lines paper glue f. sharpen pencils pencil sharpener g. hold pieces of paper together
Составляющие части письма: The Heading The inside address The Greeting The Body of the letter The Ending Signature References to enclosures Salutation Opening sentence Body Friendly ending Complimentary close
Составьте письмо из приведенных ниже предложений, указав их правильную последовательность : a) I am interested in a position of Office Manager. b) I will be available to start work from the middle of June. c) I look forward to hearing from you. d) Yours faithfully, e) I enclose my CV as requested. f) I speak fluent English and French. g) I am writing in reply to your advertisement which appeared in The Courier on 27 th March. h) Dear Sir Madam, i) Carol Westport 1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___ 6___ 7___ 8___ 9___
Составить письмо из приведенных ниже предложений, указав их правильную последовательность: Dear Sir/Madam which was held last June. and may be interested in retailing them through our outlets in Germany. We saw a large selection of your products at the Frankfurt Fair… Could you send us your latest catalogue and price-list… We are particularly interested in your industrial ware… quoting c.i.f. terms to Hamburg. including overalls, boots helmets, glovers, and fire-proof jackets. We look forward to hearing from you soon. We can assure you that if your prices and discounts are competitive, Yours faithfully Chief Buyer We will place regular large orders T. Hamacher 1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _ 6 _ 7 _ 8 _ 9 _ 10 _ 11 _ 12 _ 13 _
Dear Sirs, We are grateful for your letter of March 15and the samples of paper you sent us. We are familiar with your range of products and highly appreciate the quality of your goods. We would like to inform you that we are interested in placing an order with your company. We would appreciate if you could send us an offer for items E110, E128 listing discounts for wholesale purchases and approximate delivery periods. Yours faithfully , John Brown Ответьте на письмо, указав следующую информацию: Price of paper: $2.50 per box; 5% discount on orders of 5 boxes and 10% discount on orders of 10 boxes or more; Delivery term: 10 days after receiving an order Переведите письмо:
Подберите к неформальным фразам первого списка их формальные эквиваленты из второго списка : it’s not our fault you should make it right we want our money back you have to pay when the goods are returned to you we will sue you you made a mistake we won’t buy anything the goods are rubbish we’re complaining about why don’t you pay attention? we would like to complain about… we are not responsible for the error we will have to take legal action we are sending the consignment to you carriage forward you seem to have made an error the products are not satisfactory we will not re-order you have not followed our instructions please correct the error we would like the refund
Model Letter 1. Dear Sir we should be obliged if you would kindly confirm the date and time of your arrival in London next week, and state whether you would like us to book hotel accommodation. We look forward to your reply. Yours faithfully Compose letters out of the following: 1. We / obliged / you / confirm / date / time / arrival / New York / state / whether / you / like / us / book / hotel accommodation. We / look / reply. 2. We / obliged / you / confirm / date /next meeting / state / whether / you / like us / bring / our latest proposals. . We / look / reply. Model letter 2. Gentlemen: in receipt of your letter of 4 June, we write to confirm that Mr. R. Simpson will arrive in London on Wednesday 17thJune at 12.15 – flight P.A. 365. We should be obliged if you would kindly book hotel accommodation for him for two nights. Yours Faithfully Compose letters out of the following: 1. In receipt / letter / 25 February / we / write / confirm / our delegation / arrive / Stockholm / 2 nd March / 6.40 / flight P. A. 316. We / obliged / you / book / accommodation / them / four nights. 2. In receipt / enquiry / 3 July / we / write / notify / our exhibition / to be held / 5 August / exhibition grounds / London. We / obliged / you / let us / know / your intentions . Составить письма, пользуясь клише:
Secretary (professional features) Secretaries should be tactful, efficient, helpful and very courteous. They must have a polite manner , sound friendly, address people correctly and keep their private calls to a minimum. A good secretary must be Pleasant – приятный , sincere - искренний , efficient - квалифицированный , friendly - дружелюбный , confident - уверенный , calm - спокойный , honest - честный , skilful - умелый , intelligent - понятливый , ni с e - красивый , helpful - полезный , polite - вежливый . But the most important thing is a nice smile ( красивая улыбка ) and friendly eye contact ( непосредственное общение ). She mustn´t be Sleepy - вялый , unclear - замкнутый , lazy - ленивый , dishonest - нечестный , clumsy - неуклюжий , stupid - глупый , inefficient – неквалифицированный , nasty - неприятный , unhelpful - неполезный , off-hand - бесцеремонный , rude - грубый .
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