Методическая разработка ролевой игры " Суд над технологиями"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
В рамках обобщения темы " Технологии" по УМК по английскому языку для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка Афанасьевой О.В и Михеевой И.Н. использован прием ролевой игры. Ролеевая игра на уроках является мощным стимулом и мотивацией к изучению иностранного языка, так как учит использовать его в реальных ситуациях общения.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Mock trial
People vs. Technology
Bailiff: All rise. [Wait for everyone-except the judge- to stand.]
Department Eight В of School Lingvist is now in session.
Judge Nikita Korobov is presiding. Please be seated.
Judge: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of the People versus Technology. Are both sides ready?
Public Defender (общественный защитник): Ready for Technology, Your Honor.
Public Prosecutor (общественный обвинитель): Ready for people, Your Honor
Judge: Will the clerk please swear in the jury?
Clerk/ bailiff: Will the jury please stand and raise your right hand? [Wait for everyone to stand.] Do each of you swear that you will fairly try the case before this court, and that you will return a true verdict according to the evidence and the instructions of the court. Please say “I do”
[Wait for jurors to say “I do.
Clerk/ bailiff: You may be seated. We are going to start Preliminary Hearing.
I call on Public Prosecutor .
: [Stand up and talk to the jury.] Your Honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury: the defendant has been charged with the crime against humanity. The evidence will show that with the development of technology people face dramatic problems and dangers. I mean the ecological problems, the threat of nuclear war and terrorists activities.
The most controversial technological drawback is the inventions of the massive weapon. From the very first primitive arrows to the latest atomic |əˈtɑːmɪk| bomb, all are a result of technological inventions. These products have not only caused World Wars and loss of innocent lives, but also lifelong tragedies, such as the atomic bomb blasts in Hiroshima |hi'rDfims| and Nagasaki |t nags'sa:ki|.
Furthermore, the technological progress gave a rise to ecological problems, different forms of pollution- air, water, soil, noise and nuclear pollution. It influences the global warming and destruction of nature and disappearing of wildlife.
Apart from this, there is a problem of genetically modified food. Moreover, lots of people has become victims of the Internet and Social Network addiction which cause various troubles
So, Man has invented a dangerous weapon against himself.
Public Defender: [Stand up and talk to the jury.] Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury: under the law my client is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
It is quite evident, the population of the planet has significantly grown. So, there is an increasing necessity of food, clothes and other things to provide good living conditions. So, new technology, rapid development and progress in science solve such important problems.
Besides, the development of transport makes it possible to travel all over the world.
More than that, the invention of antibiotics, use of vaccination and constant development of medicine let it possible to struggle against dangerous diseases and helped to increase our average life expectancy |ɪkˈspektənsi| (продолжительность жизни).
So, technological progress has more advantages than disadvantages.
Judge: Get down to Cross Examination.
Clerk: Public Prosecutor (обвинение) can call on their witnesses to give their evidence.
Public Prosecutor: I’m calling on a representative of parents’ community.
Clerk: Please stand up. Raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you shall give in the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Parent: I do. My evidence is against the Internet and Social Network. Nowadays lots of schoolchildren are hooked on (сидят как пришитые) chatting online and playing computer games. Moreover, there is a danger of intellectual terrorism and bullying (запугивание). Some teens become involved into terrorist or suicide groups which can have non-reversing ( |ri 'v3:rs| необратимые) consequences. We are extremely worried about the young generation and our children. A lot of adults think the same way I do.
Clerk: Defense can call on their witnesses to give their evidence.
Public Defender: I’m calling on a representative of student’s community.
Clerk: Please stand up. Raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you shall give in the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Student: I do. We cannot agree with the parents’ community. Students use the Internet for the educational purpose. The Internet lets us find information and resources necessary for study. Besides, we can use online encyclopedias, dictionaries and download books free of charge. That is a great advantage. Then, we can see films and listen to music without leaving home. All of this lets us make progress at school and saves our parent's money.
As to Social Network, we are sure it has lots of benefits. Firstly, it can connect people who have common interests and give them an opportunity to look for friends, build communities, send messages and share news and pictures.
Secondly, many people use networks to communicate and exchange personal information, for example homework.
By the way, adults are also active Internet users as they do online shopping, pay utility |ju:’ tiliti| bills (счета за коммунальные услуги), book and buy tickets and watch films. More than that, thanks to Skype we can be in touch with all our relatives and friends who have the Internet access |ˈækses|. I’m sure, the majority of modern people stick to my standpoint (придерживаются моей точки зрения).
Public Prosecutor: I’m calling on a representative of teacher’s community.
Clerk: Please stand up. Raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you shall give in the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Teacher: I do. As for me, I represent the teachers' community. All mentioned above makes sense. Technology helps make the educational process more effective and enjoyable for students. The classrooms are equipped with interactive boards and computers.
However, I am to say about such drawback as cheating and using ready-made homework given on the Internet. So, lots of students don’t work hard and don’t think doing their homework. The result is sad.
What’s more, smart and cell phones are really a big problem. Teenagers are constantly chatting on the phone, coming messages distract their attention during the lessons!
By the way, the use of calculators causes student’s poor calculation skills and maths problems. That’s all I wanted to say.
Public Defender: I’m calling on one more representative of the student’s community.
Clerk: Please stand up. Raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you shall give in the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Another Student: I do. I have something to object |'obd3ikt| (возразить) to the above-given opinion. I stand for cell phones. First and foremost, (прежде всего), young people use their mobile phones to call their parents or an emergency service in case of accident. Secondly, they let teenagers keep in touch with their friends. Thirdly, teenagers can use them at school for educational purposes. So they have lots of benefits.
Besides, I stand for technology because it helps us do household work and makes our home more comfortable and convenient.
Judge (to jury): Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, all of the evidence has now been presented. Now I am going to read to you the law that you must follow in deciding this case.
To prove the crime charged against the defendant, the prosecution must prove three things to you: First, technological progress has more disadvantages than advantages. Second, technology has made people’s life worse and vulnerable |ˈvʌlnərəbl| (уязвимой). Third, life without technology is more secure and better.
Clerk: Jury is sitting in conclave |'konkleiv|. (на 2 мин.)
Jury are coming back.
Judge: Will the jury foreperson please stand?
Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict |ju'nasnmi9s| (единогласное решение)?
Foreperson: The jury has reached a verdict.
Clerk: Do you find technological progress has more disadvantages than advantages?
Foreperson: No, we find this statement wrong.
Clerk: Do you find that technology has made people’s life worse and vulnerable |ˈvʌlnərəbl| (уязвимой)?
Foreperson: We cannot absolutely agree with it.
Clerk: Are you convinced |kon’vinst| (убеждены) that life without technology is more secure and better?
Foreperson: False.
Clerk: So, the verdict is: technology is innocent.
Judge: The jury is thanked and excused. Thank you for a fair trial, (удар молотка)
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