Викторина "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Irland and its people"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Викторина содержит вопросы. связанные с национальной символикой, гербом, флагом, языком и традициями королевства Великобритании.
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Подписи к слайдам:
What kind of country is it? Where is it situated ? Is it a continental country? No it is not It is an island country
What are the largest islands of the Britain Isles ?
Scotland England Wales Northern Ireland How many parts does the UK consist of ? Name them .
Which is the biggest country? 1. Scotland 2. England 3. Northern Ireland 4. Wales
Name the capital of each part Edinburgh London Cardiff Belfast
Which is the newest capital in the world? London (I BC was founded by Romans) Cardiff (1955 became a capital) Belfast (1921 was founded) Edinburgh (1583 was founded)
What’s the population of the UK? 1 . 53 million people 4. 65 million people 3. 3 million people 2. 2 million people
What big cities of the UK do you know ? England Leeds , Manchester , Liverpool , Brighton Scotland Glasgow, Aberdeen Wales Swansea, Newport, Caernarfon Northern Ireland Londonderry, Newtown
What are the longest rivers ? England The Th a mes Scotland The Esk Wales The Severn Northern Ireland The Bann
What are the official languages? England English Scotland Scottish Gaelic Wales English, Welsh Northern Ireland Irish Gaelic
What are the symbols of these parts ? 1.Daffodil 2.Rose 3. Thistle 4. Shamrock
Name the flags St Andrew’s Cross St Patrick’s Cross St David’s Cross St George’s Cross Union Jack
What is the political system of England? It is monarchy B ritish Royal couple
Who reign s the country? English queen Elizabeth II
Who does the real power in Britain belong to ? It belongs to the Parliament
Who heads the government? Theresa Mary May The Prime Minister does
What do the British people wear ? The Scots wear kilt The English people wear Europien clothes The Welsh wear big black hats and long skirts The Irish wear green clothes
What instruments do the British people play? England Violin , concertina Scotland Violin , bagpipe , whistle (род флейты), Wales lyre , horn , harp Northern Ireland Guitar , violin , accordion
What English city is it ? 1. Bath 2. London 3. York
What historical building is it ? 1. The Houses of Parliament 2. The Tower 3.W estminster Abbey
Which birds, according to legend, protect London?
What building is it ? 1. Buckingham Palace 2. Tower of London 3. Tart Gallery
Thank you for your work !
В презентации использованы фотографии и картинки из Интернет- источников http://www.bathpostalmuseum.co.uk/ http://www.bpunitedchurch.com/outreach.htm upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e...ouse.jpg www.brooklynfarmhouse.com/wp-con...-cut.jpg www.hotelchatter.com/files/3/bath_uk.jpg www.bath360.co.uk/history/roman-baths.jpg http://panoramicearth.blogspot.com/2006/10/buckingham-palace-london.html http://www.fotoart.org.ua/displayimage.php?album=24&pos=3 http://www.bugbog.com/gallery/england_pictures/york-england.html http://www.houseplanet.dj/index.php/Table/U.K./Page-1-30.html http://www.picturesofengland.com/englandflags/ http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/Europeweb/factfile/Unique-facts-Europe31.htm http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/europe/uk/scotland/ http://ltflaher.stu.cofc.edu/Hobbies.html http://rhapsodyinbooks.wordpress.com/2009/03/17/who-celebrates-st-patricks-day/
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