Урок-домашнее чтение - Reading for pleasure "Helen Keller"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Бараева Ольга Владимировна

Урок-домашнее чтение  - Reading for pleasure "Helen Keller"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Reading for pleasure "Helen Keller"

Цели урока:


  • продолжить формирование умений в чтении,
  • повторить глагол have to, образование вопросов,
  • продолжить формирование монологической речи


  • развивать навыки восприятия речи с магнитофонной записи,
  • развивать внимание, память, мышление,
  • развивать умение прогнозировать, читать с извлечением информации из прочитанного текста


  • развивать навыки умения работать в группе,
  • воспитывать чувство сострадания к “disable people”

Ход урока

I. Warming up

Good morning, dear children. The theme of our lesson is “Reading for pleasure “Helen Keller” (Приложение, слайд 1)

Look at the screen (Приложение, слайд 2). Name the letters. Now name the words beginning with these letters on the theme “The first aid box”: (box, blood, bandages, cotton wool, class, cream, cut, clean, happen, hurt, have, plaster, pin, plastic, put, etc.)

Make up sentences or short stories, using as many words as you can.

Well done. You know the words on the theme and can use them in your speech.

II. Phonetic drill

For our phonetic drill let’s read a poem with the sounds [w] and [e]. (Приложение, слайд 3)

Listen. Pronounce the sounds [w], [e] correctly. Read.

III. Making up questions, intellectual task

Let’s recall the modal verb have to. Make up questions to the sentence (слайд 4).

Now we are ready to do intellectual task. We’ll develop attention. Sign your work. Read the task and begin doing it. Check up your answer with the key. If you have no mistakes write 100% on the line “your mark”. Attention will help us to do our next task.

IV. Predictions

Today we’ll read the text about Helen Keller. Look at the screen (Приложение, слайд 5)

Look at the pictures attentively. Try to guess what this story is about. Possible predictions:

  • the American flag (about somebody who lived in America)
  • the clothes (It isn’t modern. The action took place in the past.)
  • a girl, a young lady, a woman, an old woman ( somebody’s biography)
  • a woman is among a lot of people (maybe she is famous)
  • a book in Braille, a typewriter, a girl is touching another woman’s face (about a blind person)

Right you are. We are going to read about a blind girl. About whom did we read not long ago? Right you are, about Lois Braille. What do you remember about him? (слайд 6)

V. Relaxing.

Let’s have a short break. Let’s mime our everyday actions. Listen and mime the actions:

  • write a letter
  • put on a shirt
  • read a book
  • talk to your friend
  • draw a tree
  • ride a horse
  • play tennis
  • swim

Thank you. Well done. Remember all these actions. We are full of energy. Let’s continue our work.

VI. New words.

Look at the screen. (Приложение, слайд 7) These are the new words. Listen, try to guess their meaning.

VII. Listening

Open your Pupil’s books, page 47. Listen to the tape. Be ready to answer if your predictions are right.

Answer the questions. (Приложение, слайд 8)

VIII. Reading

Now let’s read the text for details. Follow each other.

Read and say “True” or “False”. (Приложение, слайд 9)

VII. Now I want you to work in two groups. One group makes the list of things Helen couldn’t do before she had a teacher. Another group writes the things Helen eventually succeeded in doing. (Приложение, слайд 10)

She couldn’t:

  • write
  • read
  • draw
  • sing
  • speak
  • listen to a song, a story
  • put on clothes
  • wim, etc.

She learned to:

  • speak
  • read in Braille
  • write on a special typewriter
  • study
  • write books
  • help blind and deaf people, etc.

Thank you. Well done.

IX. Speaking

Now you’ll get the envelopes with the sentences, but they are mixed. Arrange them into the right order to make a story about Helen Keller. Read them. Now speak about Helen Keller.

X.  Подведение итогов. Today we read the text and spoke about a remarkable woman who was deaf and blind but she found strength not only to learn to speak and read but she wrote books and helped those who were deaf and blind.

(Оценивание, комментирование оценок. Домашнее задание)

Helen Keller

        Life is not always easy. Sometimes it presents us serious problems that make us sad and even depressed. When it comes to this, you may remember the example of Helen Keller, born in a small American town in 1880.

         The illness struck Helen Keller when she was a baby and left her deaf and blind before she learned to speak. As a child Helen was wild and disobedient. She seemed not to understand what was going on in the world around her. In spite of Helen’s illness her parents decided that she should have some education and started looking for a teacher.

         Helen Keller's new life began on a March day in 1887 when she was seven years old. On that day Anne Mansfield Sullivan, a 20-year-old graduate of the Perkins School, came to the town to be her teacher. From that day, the two of them – teacher and pupil – were inseparable.

         Miss Sullivan began her first lesson by handing Helen a doll and pressing "d-o-l-l" into the child's hand. In this way she hoped to teach Helen to connect objects with letters. Helen quickly learned to form the letters correctly and in the correct order. In the days that followed, she learned to spell lots of different words.

       Helen Keller was a talented pupil and quickly learnt how to read and write. She enjoyed reading books written for blind children. In 1890, when she was just 10, she decided to learn to speak.

         At first Helen had difficulty with speaking, but with the time and help from Anne she developed a clear voice. Later, she was able to speak in public for large crowds which came to her whenever she gave her lectures. There was usually a storm of applause after her every lecture.

          After school Helen went to college and graduated it with honours. She got a Bachelor of Arts degree. Helen did everything possible to help and encourage those who were blind. For the rest of her life, Helen Keller worked for improving education for the blind and deaf.

1. In spite of Helen’s illness her parents decided that she should have some education and started looking for a teacher.

2. Anne Sullivan, a 20-year-old graduate of the Perkins School, came to the town to be her teacher.

3. Helen learned to spell lots of different words.

4. When she was just 10, she decided to learn to speak.

5. After school Helen went to college and graduated it with honours.

6. Helen Keller worked for improving education for the blind and deaf.

1. As a child Helen was wild and disobedient.        

2. In 1887 Anne Sullivan, a 20-year-old graduate of the Perkins School, came to the town to be her teacher.

3. Helen quickly learned to form the letters correctly and in the correct order.

4. Helen Keller was a talented pupil and quickly learnt how to read and write.

5. Later, she was able to speak in public for large crowds

6. Helen did everything possible to help and encourage those who were blind.

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