Just thoughts.
опыты и эксперименты по английскому языку на тему

some texts


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Предварительный просмотр:

1. My name is Peter. (I’m Peter). I’m thirty. (I’m thirty years old). I’m tall and plump. I have green eyes and fair hair. I’m clever, kind, shy and very nice. I’m not married, but I have a girlfriend. Her name is Kate. She is a singer. Is she pretty? Oh yes, she is. We like skiing and surfing together. We often travel to the different countries.

I prefer eating only healthy food – vegetables, fish, rice and fruit. I’m a great cook.  Unfortunately, I don’t have enough free time for cooking.

To tell the truth I’m not a very happy person. Not quite. Sometimes I think I’m too complicated. Or nowadays life is too complicated for me? I’m not sure…Time. It’s always lack of time and possibilities. When you are young you don’t think about your career or future. You just enjoy. That’s all. But then something happens. Very soon and suddenly. And you realize that your choice is absolutely wrong. And you can’t do anything about it anymore. Time is over. To be continued…

Weather and a style of clothing – that’s the topic. There are only two seasons in Russia – summer and winter. Can’t believe your ears? That’s right, only summer and winter. O’key, to tell the truth it can be another pair – spring and autumn. That’s why we either wear T-shirts or put on heavy fur coats. The climate is changing, the nature is not the same no more. My favourite season is…Well, I’m not sure. On the one hand summer – what can be more beautiful and wonderful? Hot days, warm nights, green forests, picnics or trips, seaside, love is in the air. On the other hand, rain or snow bring something mysterious. They are like some powerful energy. They appear, change something around us and insensibly disappear. Besides, have you ever felt the sun in the early spring? I mean it. It’s not lifeless anymore. It wakes up and gives you its warm smiles.

Speaking about clothes. Fashion and all that stuff are not for me, really. Maybe it sounds too self-confidently, but a sense of style helps me to choose things. Comfortable but stylish, simple but attractive clothes are all that I need. Jeans, pullovers, coats, T-shirts, jackets sometimes. To be continued…

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