Present Perfect Tense (already, just, yet)
тест по английскому языку на тему

Комарова Ирина Николаевна

Раскройте скобки и поставьте alredy, just или yet.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Put the verb in Present Perfect and use the words “already/ yet/ just”

  1. – Would you like something to eat?

- No, thanks. I ...……………. (have) lunch. (already/ yet/ just)

  1. I ...…………….(not buy) new car.  (already/ yet/ just)
  2. ……….. he………..(give up) smoking? (already/ yet/ just)
  3. – What time is Mark leaving?

- He ...……………. (go) (already/ yet/ just)

5. She ...……………. (buy) new trousers (already/ yet/ just) and don’t have much money with her.

6. – Is Ann coming to the cinema with us?

    - No, she ...…………….(see) the film. (already/ yet/ just)

7. I’m very happy: I ...……………. (receive) (already/ yet/ just) a letter from my parents.

8. I ...……………. (not read) this book (already/ yet/ just). Is it good?

9. My mother is angry with me: I ...……………. (not throw away) (already/ yet/ just) our rubbish today.

10. – Are your friends here(already/ yet/ just)?

      - Yes, they ...……………. (arrive) (already/ yet/ just).

11. – What do your parents think about your new hairstyle?

      - They ...……………. (not see) it (already/ yet/ just).

12. Those who ...……………. (do) (already/ yet/ just) exercise number one, please, do exercise number two.

13. A minute ago Mark has his keys in his hand, now they are gone. He ...……………. (loose) the keys (already/ yet/ just).

14. Yesterday the bus ticket cost 9 rubles, today it costs 10 rubles. The price for the tickets ...……………. (go up) (already/ yet/ just)

15. – Do you know Sasha has a birthday today?

      - Yes, I ...……………. (congratulate) her (already/ yet/ just).

      - Am I the only person who ...……………. (congratulate) her(already/ yet/ just)?

16. - ...………… it (stop) raining (already/ yet/ just)?

      - Yes, it  ...……………. (stop) raining (already/ yet/ just).

17. I ...……………. (not do) (already/ yet/ just) the household duties, that is why I can’ go with you to the café.

18.  - ...…………….you (hear) (already/ yet/ just)a new song by Madonna?

       - Yes, I ...……………. (buy) her new CD (already/ yet/ just).

19. – Return me my DVD film, please.

      - I’m sorry, I ...……………. (not watch) it (already/ yet/ just).

20. We ...……………. (finish) (already/ yet/ just) doing this exercise.

Put the verb in Present Perfect and use the words “already/ yet/ just”

  1. – Would you like something to eat?

- No, thanks. I ...……………. (have) lunch. (already/ yet/ just)

  1. I ...…………….(not buy) new car.  (already/ yet/ just)
  2. ……….. he………..(give up) smoking? (already/ yet/ just)
  3. – What time is Mark leaving?

- He ...……………. (go) (already/ yet/ just)

5. She ...……………. (buy) new trousers (already/ yet/ just) and don’t have much money with her.

6. – Is Ann coming to the cinema with us?

    - No, she ...…………….(see) the film. (already/ yet/ just)

7. I’m very happy: I ...……………. (receive) (already/ yet/ just) a letter from my parents.

8. I ...……………. (not read) this book (already/ yet/ just). Is it good?

9. My mother is angry with me: I ...……………. (not throw away) (already/ yet/ just) our rubbish today.

10. – Are your friends here(already/ yet/ just)?

      - Yes, they ...……………. (arrive) (already/ yet/ just).

11. – What do your parents think about your new hairstyle?

      - They ...……………. (not see) it (already/ yet/ just).

12. Those who ...……………. (do) (already/ yet/ just) exercise number one, please, do exercise number two.

13. A minute ago Mark has his keys in his hand, now they are gone. He ...……………. (loose) the keys (already/ yet/ just).

14. Yesterday the bus ticket cost 9 rubles, today it costs 10 rubles. The price for the tickets ...……………. (go up) (already/ yet/ just)

15. – Do you know Sasha has a birthday today?

      - Yes, I ...……………. (congratulate) her (already/ yet/ just).

      - Am I the only person who ...……………. (congratulate) her(already/ yet/ just)?

16. - ...…………it (stop) raining (already/ yet/ just)?

      - Yes, it  ...……………. (stop) raining (already/ yet/ just).

17. I ...……………. (not do) (already/ yet/ just) the household duties, that is why I can’ go with you to the café.

18.  - ...…………….you (hear) (already/ yet/ just)a new song by Madonna?

       - Yes, I ...……………. (buy) her new CD (already/ yet/ just).

19. – Return me my DVD film, please.

      - I’m sorry, I ...……………. (not watch) it (already/ yet/ just).

20. We ...……………. (finish) (already/ yet/ just) doing this exercise.

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