План-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему:«I was looking for joy in this woman, But I found perdition instead». Sergey Esenin.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Данный материал участвовал в открытом педагогическом конкурсе "Есенинские уроки" в номинации для общеобразовательных учреждений "Есенинский урок" получил Диплом II степени.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Школа № 20»
План-конспект урока по английскому языку для 8 класса на тему:
«I was looking for joy in this woman,
But I found perdition instead».
(«Я искал в этой женщине счастье,
а нечаянно гибель нашел».)
учитель анг. яз. Зенкова Ю.Ю., IKK
учитель анг. яз. Чеботарева И.В.
Рязань, 2017
План-конспект урока
Цель урока: формирование основных языковых компетенций обучающихся на уроке английского языка.
Задачи урока:
– активизировать навыки обучающихся с целью решения коммуникативных задач различной степени сложности.
– активизировать словарный запас обучающихся.
– развивать интерес к изучению литературы родного и изучаемого языков;
– воспитывать чувство патриотизма и гордости за родной край.
– развивать познавательные и мыслительные способности обучающихся;
– активизировать навыки работы в группах, индивидуальной, фронтальной работы;
– развивать способность обучающихся к самоанализу.
Тип урока:
интегрированный урок
– формирование интереса к новому;
– формирование стремления к саморазвитию.
– формирование умения планировать работу;
- формирование способности к самоанализу.
– развитие умения слушать собеседника;
- развитие умения обосновывать свою точку зрения.
– формирование умения выбирать необходимые стратегии для решения поставленной задачи;
– создание способов решения проблем поискового характера;
Средства обучения: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор и экран, мультимедийная презентация, карточки с заданиями.
Этапы урока
I. Организационный момент.
Учитель приветствует учащихся и задает вопросы.
– Hello, dear students! I am very glad to see you! How are you? (Ответы учащихся)
- What date is it today? (Ответы учащихся)
- Who is absent today?(Ответы учащихся)
- Здравствуйте, дорогие учащиеся! Я очень рада вас видеть! Как у вас дела?
- Какое сегодня число?
- Кто отсутствует?
II. Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения.
- We study works of famous English and American writers at our lessons. Have you ever read the books of Russian writers that are translated into English? (Ответы учащихся)
- На уроках английского языка мы изучаем произведения американских и английских писателей. Вы когда-нибудь читали русские книги, переведенные на английский язык? (Ответы учащихся)
- What is the role of these books for foreign readers? (Ответы учащихся: People who live abroad learn the life and creative works of Russian writers; study Russian culture and traditions; enrich their inner world).
- Какую роль играют эти книги для иностранных читателей? (Ответы учащихся: люди, которые живут за границей, изучают жизнь и творчество русских писателей, русскую культуру и обычаи, развивают свой внутренний мир).
- Eventually the Great Russian literature plays an important role for World culture.
- В итоге великая русская литература играет важную роль в мировой культуре.
III. Постановка темы и цели урока.
- Let's look at the screen. You will see a short video about a famous person lived in the Ryazan region. Answer the question please. Who are we going to speak about today? (Ответы учащихся)
- Давайте посмотрим на экран. Перед вами короткое видео об известном человеке рязанской области. Пожалуйста, ответьте на вопрос? Кому посвящен наш сегодняшний урок? Ученики выполняют задание и делают предположения кто это.
- Sergey Yesenin. (Ответы учащихся: Сергей Есенин).
- But there is another person on the video. Does someone know who is it?
- Но есть еще один человек на видео. Кто это?Предположения учеников.
-It is a great American dancer, Isadora Duncan , one of Esenin’s beloved woman. She was his official wife from 1921 till 1923. (Это знаменитая американская танцовщица Айседора Дункан, одна из любимых женщин Есенина. Она была его официальной женой с 1921 по 1923 годы).
IV. Актуализация знаний.
- So, now we will work in two groups. The first group will read a short text about Sergey Esenin and the second group will read a text about Isadora Duncan. After reading your task will be to answer some questions concerning the texts.
- Сейчас мы будем работать по группам. Первая читает текст о С. Есенине, а вторая об Айседоре Дункан. Затем вы отвечаете на вопросы по тексту.
Тексты для чтения. Работа по группам. Cм. Приложение 1 и 2.
IV. Этап тренировки.
1. - Let’s answer some questions!
- Давайте ответим на несколько вопросов!
Вопросы для 1 группы:
- What was Duncan’s favorite activity?
- At what age did she hold dance classes for the neighborhood children?
- How did she change her lifestyle at the age of 12?
- What was her revolutionary motto?
- Which style of dancing did she develop?
- What did she want to express through her manner of dancing?
Вопросы для 2 группы:
- At what age did he begin to write poetry?
- What was Esenin’s profession in 1912?
- How much was Isadora older than Esenin?
- How long did their marriage last?
- Was S. Esenin a well – known poet in Europe?
- Were they happy in the marriage?
Ученики отвечают на вопросы по текстам.
- Then, please, look at the board and say if these sentences are true or false.
- Теперь, пожалуйста, посмотрите на доску и скажите, верны предложения или нет.
- Sergey Esenin was born in October 3, 1986. True/False
- He was born in Moscow. True/False
- Esenin was older than Isadora Duncan. True/False
- Isadora Duncan was a great singer. True/False
- In 1912 Esenin worked as a proofreader in a printing company. True/False
- Their marriage lasted for five years. True/False
3. Your next task will be to complete sentences using the phrases in the right column.
- Следующее задание закончить предложения, используя фразы из правой колонки.
| interpreters |
| of school |
| military duty |
| scandals |
| dance |
| as a proofreader |
- Now you can see one of Esenin’s famous poems in English. Your task is to guess what the poem is it?
Yes, you remember,
You certainly remember
The way I listened
Standing at the wall
As you walked to and fro about the chamber
Reproving me
With bitter words and all.
You said
That it was time we’d parted,
And that my reckless life,
For you, was an ordeal,
And it was time a new life you had started
While I was fated
To go rolling downhill.
My love!
You didn’t care for me, no doubt.
You weren’t aware of the fact that I
Was like a ruined horse, amidst the crowd,
Spurred by a dashing rider, flashing by.
- Speak about these great person using new words and phrases.
V. Рефлексия.
So let’s think was the lesson useful for you?
- Давайте подумаем был ли урок полезен для вас?
- What new information about great Russian poet did you learn today?
- Какую новую информацию о великом русском поэте мы сегодня узнали?
- Which of the Yesenin’s poems would you like to read in English?
- Какие стихотворения Есенина вы бы хотели прочитать на английском языке?
Приложение 1
The Theme is «I was looking for joy in this woman
But I found perdition instead». Sergey Yesenin
- Read the text and answer the questions.
Isadora Duncan, the first american modern dancer, was born on May 27, 1877. Duncan sought happiness through dance from an early age. Her favorite activity was to venture down to the beaches near her home in San Francisco and imitate the waves and birds. When she was six years old, Duncan held dance classes for the neighborhood children. Tall for her age, she told everyone she was 16, earning enough credibility to charge them money. At 12 years of age, she made decisions to change her lifestyle. She took her first ballet class. The same year, she dropped out of school. With the support of her artistic mother, Duncan strove to escape the restraints of convention. She lived in an era where women still had very limited rights and Duncan, in revolutionary fashion, expressed, “I have my will.”
During the practice in the ballet class Duncan knew the Romantic ideal of the ballerina. Dancing in painful shoes she explored and expressed the natural symmetry of human bodies. Duncan developed a style so natural that many critics believed that her dance was improvisation. She used “wave” motions and circular forms throughout her dance to demonstrate her philosophy. Her popularity began to rise after she moved to London in 1898.
“The dancer of the future will dance, not in the form of nymph, nor fairy, but in the form of woman in its greatest and purest expression. She will realize the mission of woman’s body. She will dance the changing life of nature, showing how each part is transformed into the other. From all parts of her body shall shine radiant intelligence, bringing to the world the message of the thoughts and aspirations of thousands of women. She shall dance the freedom of woman.” Isadora Duncan.
to venture down [ˈventʃə(r) daʊn] - рисковать, осмеливаться
credibility [ˌkred.əˈbɪl.ɪ.ti ] -авторите́т, правдоподобие
to charge money |tʃɑːrdʒ| - выпрашивать деньги
to drop out |drɒp ˈaʊt| - выбывать
to strove |strəʊv| - прилагать усилия
restraint [ rɪˈstreɪnt ] - сдержанность, ограничение, пресечение
convention |kənˈvɛnʃ(ə)n| - принятое правило
- What was Duncan’s favorite activity?
- At what age did she hold dance classes for the neighborhood children?
- How did she change her lifestyle at the age of 12?
- What was her revolutionary motto?
- Which style of dancing did she develop?
- What did she want to express through her manner of dancing?
- Read the sentences and say if they true or false?
1. Sergey Esenin was born in October 3, 1986. True/False
2. He was born in Moscow. True/False
3. Esenin was older than Isadora Duncan. True/False
4. Isadora Duncan was a great singer. True/False
5. In 1912 Esenin worked as a proofreader in a printing company. True/False
6. Their marriage lasted for five years. True/False
- Complete sentences using the phrases in the right column.
| interpreters |
| of school |
| military duty |
| scandals |
| dance |
| as a proofreader |
- It’s one of Esenin’s famous poems in English. Try to guess what the poem is it?
Yes, you remember,
You certainly remember
The way I listened
Standing at the wall
As you walked to and fro about the chamber
Reproving me
With bitter words and all.
You said
That it was time we’d parted,
And that my reckless life,
For you, was an ordeal,
And it was time a new life you had started
While I was fated
To go rolling downhill.
My love!
You didn’t care for me, no doubt.
You weren’t aware of the fact that I
Was like a ruined horse, amidst the crowd,
Spurred by a dashing rider, flashing by.
- Speak about these great person using new words and phrases.
Приложение 2
The Theme is «I was looking for joy in this woman
But I found perdition instead». Sergey Yesenin
- Read the text and answer the questions.
Sergey Yesenin was born in Konstantinovo in the Ryazan Province of the Russian Empire to a peasant family. He spent most of his childhood with his grandparents. He began to write poetry at the age of nine.
In 1912, Yesenin moved to Moscow, where he worked as a proofreader in a printing company. In 1916, Yesenin published his first book of poems. From 1916 to 1917, Yesenin was drafted into military duty, but soon after the October Revolution of 1917, Russia exited World War I. Believing that the revolution would bring a better life. Esenin briefly supported it, but soon became disillusioned. He sometimes criticized the Bolshevik rule in such poems as The Stern October Has Deceived Me.
In the fall of 1921, while visiting the studio of painter Georgi Yakulov, Yesenin met the Paris-based American dancer Isadora Duncan, a woman 18 years his senior. They married on May 2, 1922. Yesenin accompanied his celebrity wife on a year-long tour of Europe and the United States. Actually, Esenin did not speak French—or any other language except Russian. He and Duncan communicated through interpreters. He was probably the most popular poet in Russia. It was a rude shock to Esenin to learn that in Western Europe and America he was merely the boyish husband of a celebrated dancer and that his poetry was unknown outside Russia. The concept of Isadora’s free dance resonated with Esenin’s vision of poetry, their shared artistic vision was not enough to keep their love growing.
Their marriage was full of endless scandals, destroying hotel rooms or restaurants, addiction to alcohol and misunderstandings, which is nothing surprising considering the fact that they could not talk to each other. His behavior received a great deal of publicity in the world press. Yesenin, a handsome ladies’ man, ended the marriage as soon as he came back to Russia in May 1923, continuing his new lifestyle of a drunken hooligan, as he often called himself. Nine months after their marriage, Esenin walked out on Duncan, declaring in an interview: “I married for her money and for a chance to travel. ”After his break with Duncan, Esenin returned to Russia toembark on a self‐destructive course that led to his suicide two years later at the age of thirty.
peasant[ ˈpez.ənt ] - крестьянский
proofreader[ ˈpruːfˌriː.dər ]–корректор
military duty|ˈmɪlɪt(ə)ri ˈdjuːti| - военый долг
disillusion[ ˌdɪs.ɪˈluː.ʒən ]- разочаровываться
interpreter |ɪnˈtɜːrprɪtər|– переводчик
toembark|ɪmˈbɑːrk| – браться за что-либо
self – destructive [self-dɪsˈtrʌktɪv] –саморазрушающий
- At what age did he begin to write poetry?
- What was Esenin’s profession in 1912?
- How much was Isadora older than Esenin?
- How long did their marriage last?
- Was S. Esenin a well – known poet in Europe?
- Were they happy in the marriage?
- Read the sentences and say if they true or false?
1. Sergey Esenin was born in October 3, 1986. True/False
2. He was born in Moscow. True/False
3. Esenin was older than Isadora Duncan. True/False
4. Isadora Duncan was a great singer. True/False
5. In 1912 Esenin worked as a proofreader in a printing company. True/False
6. Their marriage lasted for five years. True/False
- Complete sentences using the phrases in the right column.
| interpreters |
| of school |
| military duty |
| scandals |
| dance |
| as a proofreader |
- It’s one of Esenin’s famous poems in English. Try to guess what the poem is it?
Yes, you remember,
You certainly remember
The way I listened
Standing at the wall
As you walked to and fro about the chamber
Reproving me
With bitter words and all.
You said
That it was time we’d parted,
And that my reckless life,
For you, was an ordeal,
And it was time a new life you had started
While I was fated
To go rolling downhill.
My love!
You didn’t care for me, no doubt.
You weren’t aware of the fact that I
Was like a ruined horse, amidst the crowd,
Spurred by a dashing rider, flashing by.
- Speak about these great person using new words and phrases.
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