Внеклассное мероприятие по теме "St Patrick's Day"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Цель данного мероприятия - ознакомить обучающихся с историей, символами и традициями празднования Дня Святого Патрика в Ирландии.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Сценарий St. Pаtrick’s day
Цели мероприятия:
- Познакомить учащихся с традициями Ирландии на примере празднования 17 марта праздника Святого Патрика.
- Заинтересовать учащихся в изучении английского языка как средства для знакомства с традициями англоязычных стран.
- Активизировать у учащихся творческие способности при подготовке и проведении праздника.
- Оформление (зеленые шары, листья клевера, бумажный лепрекон.)
- Презентация к мероприятию.
- Компьютер, мультимедиапроектор, раздаточный материал к конкурсам.
- Призы (зеленые конфеты).
Ход мероприятия:
Выходят 2 ведущих
1 ведущий: Good afternoon, students! We are glad to see you at our event. Today we’d like to pay our attention to the language that has become global and unites people all over the world – this is English.
2: English is an official language in many countries. What English-speaking countries do you know? (появляется слайд с вопросом, дети называют страны, появляются названия этих стран) просмотр видео.
1: We can see how English is widely spread. But which is the country that introduced this language to the whole world? – the UK. (появляется карта Великобритании) It consists of four countries. What are they?
2: Yes, the first is England. What symbols of England do you know? (уч-ся называют, появляются картинки). And what do you know about Scotland? What symbols does it have? (появляется Шотландия)
1: What can you tell us about Wales? … And what is special about Northern Ireland?
2: How clever you are. But is there only one Ireland or are there two of them? Who can help us? We don’t remember. (уч-ся называют, появляется слайд с Ирландией) What can you tell us about Ireland?
1: We don’t know much about this beautiful country. But the pupils of the 7 form, will help to learn more about it.
Выходят ученики с презентацией и рассказывает об Ирландии.
2: We are closer and closer to this country. And there is one thing that unites us with the Irish today. Have you noticed that we wear green clothes? And what is the date today? (появляется дата the 17th march)
1: Well. What is special about this day? It’s St Patrick’s Day!!! And we, like the Irish, will celebrate it. (Появляется картинка с празднованиями)
A poem for St. Patrick's Day:
St. Patrick's Day is here, you see.
We'll pick some shamrocks, one, two, three.
We'll count the leaves and look them over,
And maybe find a four-leafed clover.
I'll sew green buttons on my vest,
Green for St. Patrick is the best.
I'll wear a green hat, very high,
And dance a jig--at least I'll try!
1: But who was Patrick? Why do the Irish celebrate his day?
Выходят ученики и рассказывают о Патрике, их рассказ сопровождается слайдами.
Before reading the story, enjoy the Irish music
St. Patrick’s Day has its origin in ancient times. Legend tells us that a young boy named Patrick lived in the British Isles. Аt the age of 16 Patrick was captured by Irish people, who often raided the territory of the British Isles. They brought him to Ireland. At that time Ireland was a pagan country. It was inhabited by Celts and their priests were druids. Patrick lived there for several years. He was a shepherd. Being a religious boy, every day he prayed that he would be able to return to his homeland. According to a legend, one night while he was praying, a voice told him to go to the seaside and find a ship that was waiting for him in a harbour. Patrick did what he was told, got aboard the ship and managed to sail to Great Britain.
Легенда о святом Патрике имеет древнее происхождение. Она рассказывает о мальчике по имени Патрик, который жил на Британских островах. В возрасте 16 лет его похитили ирландцы, которые в то время часто совершали набеги на остров Великобританию. Они привезли его в Ирландию, где он прожил несколько лет. В то время Ирландия была языческой страной, ее населяли кельты и правили там друиды. Патрик был пастухом. Каждый день он молился о возвращении на родину. Согласно легенде, однажды ночью он услышал голос, который велел ему иди на берег моря и сесть на корабль. Так он и сделал, и корабль привез его на Родину.
But in the year of 423 Patrick returned to Ireland as a missionary. He travelled from village to village and talked about the Christ. He believed that he was called by God to perform this important mission and covert the Celtic people to the Christian religion. But they didn’t understand him and didn’t believe in the Holy Trinity. One day Patrick picked up one of the plentiful shamrocks, growing wild in Ireland. It struck him how to explain. «Here are there leaves», he said to the people «but yet one plant. Imagine the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit as each of three leaves. Here they are and they are the one. » He used the familiar object and the tribesmen understood him. From that time on, the shamrock has become the symbol of Ireland.
Но уже в 423 году Патрик вернулся в Ирландию как миссионер. Он путешествовал по всей стране и говорил о Христе. Он полагал, что он призван богом выполнить важную миссию, а именно обратить кельтские племена в Христианство. Но люди не понимали его и не верили в Святую Троицу. Однажды Патрик обратил внимание на растение, которое в изобилии росло повсюду. И его осенило. «Вот три листа,»- сказал он людям, — «но это одно растение. Представьте, что Бог отец, сын и святой дух — это каждый из этих листьев. Их трое, но они едины. » Так объясняя, Патрик использовал знакомый предмет и люди поняли его. С тех пор, трилистник стал символом Ирландии.
St. Patrick is revered as a patron saint of Ireland. The stories of his miracles reached far and wide. There is a legend that he got rid of all the snakes in Ireland.
Святого Патрика почитают как святого покровителя Ирландии. Истории о совершенных им чудесах известны по всей стране. Существует легенда, что он избавил Ирландию от змей.
St. Patrick died on the 17th of March. First, it was a day of mourning but then it turned to commemoration of him and his deeds. But the 17th of March is not only St. Patrick celebration. It is an Ireland’s national holiday. On that day Irish people all over the world put on green clothes and go out to the streets. As you probably know, green colour is a national colour of the country. So, people wear green hats, shirts, ties and hair ribbons and green stripes are painted on the streets.
Святой Патрик умер 17 марта. Сначала это был день траура, но потом превратился в день почитания святого. И не только. 17 марта — это национальный день Ирландии. В этот день ирландцы во всем мире надевают на себя зеленую одежду и выходят на улицы. Зеленый считается национальным цветом Ирландии. И люди надевают зеленые шляпы, рубашки, галстуки и бантики, а улицы украшают зелеными лентами.
2: The Irish like playing musical instruments. But they also like to dance. Do you know how their national dance is called? – River Dance or jig. Let’s see how it looks like. (Появляется видео с выступлением.)
1: During the celebrations the Irish sing a traditional song. Let’s try to sing it together.
The Story of St. Patrick’s Day
The story of St Patrick’s Day
Began so long ago
The lyrics in this song
Will tell you
All you need to know
The seventeenth of March
Is when this joyous holiday
Is celebrated happily
With colorful parades
Dee Lai Dee Dai Dee
Dai Dee Dai Dee
Lai Dee Dai Dee Dai
Patrick was only sixteen when
The pirates captured him
They sold him to slavery
And took him to Ireland
He kept the faith
And made his escape
When he was twenty-two
And made it back to Britain
‘Twas the only home he knew
Patrick had a vision
To return to Ireland
And vowed to teach Christianity
Until the bitter end
Legend says that Patrick used
The shamrock to explain
That the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Are all and one the same
On this day the Irish dress
In many shades of green
And some are feeling lucky
With the leprechauns they’ve seen
It’s music and fun for everyone
We’ll party and we’ll play
Come one, come all
Come join along
On this St. Paddy’s Day!
Появляется видео с песней. Дети слушают и стараются подпевать
2: There are other traditions while celebrating St Patrick’s Day. For example, in Chicago, the USA, they colour the River Chicago green. People organize parades. The first parade took place in New York. They also have a traditional meal this day. It’s called Irish stew which is made of lamb, onions and potatoes. (просмотр видео-ролика)
1: On this day you can also meet fairy creatures. And if you meet them you will be lucky… Aha, here it is. A leprechaun. (Появляется мальчик в костюме липрикона, показывает золотые монетки).
St Patrick's Day Song with Lyrics
I'm a little leprechaun
Dressed in green,
The tiniest man
That you have seen.
If you ever catch me, so it's told,
I'll give you my big pot of gold.
I’m a little leprechaun
Imagine that
With my little green boots
And my big green hat
At the end of the rainbow
So, it’s told
You will find my pot of gold.
1: He is an elf who always has a pot of gold coins. But to get his treasure you need to participate in our quiz. Those who will be active and answer a lot of questions will get his coins.
Появляется викторина в виде презентации.
Saint Patrick’s Day quiz
1. Saint Patrick’s day is a…
a) winter holiday b) spring holiday c) summer holiday
2. On Saint Patrick’s people wear…
a) green clothes b) white clothes c) no clothes
3. The most famous Irish dance is called…
a) a tango b) a jig c) a waltz
4. People eat Irish stew. This is made from…
a) lamb, onions and potatoes b) fish, tomatoes and potatoes c) sausages, carrots and potatoes
5. In the parades, they make music with…
a) guitars b) canes c) fiddles
6. How many petals does the "lucky" Shamrock have?
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5
7. Where can you find a "pot of gold"?
a) in the forest b) in the sea c) at the end of the rainbow
8. Who lives in "the hollow of a tree"?
a) Fairies b) Leprechauns c) Easter bunnies
2: There is also one trick to be happy, lucky and successful. You have shamrocks (clovers).
One green shamrock, in the morning dew,'
Another one sprouted,
and then there were two.
Two green shamrocks, growing beneath a tree;'
Another one sprouted,
and then there were three.'
Three green shamrocks, by the cottage door;'
Another one sprouted,
and then there were four.
Four green shamrocks, near a beehive'
Another one sprouted,
and then there were five.
Five little shamrocks, bright and emerald green,'
Think of all the luck
these shamrocks will bring.
But if you have a four-leaf clover you are the luckiest one. Let’s put up our shamrocks and shake them. Happy St Patrick’s Day!!!
1: The aim of our performance is to show how the world is rich and diverse. There are a lot of things that we know. And there are a lot of things that we can learn. Studying foreign languages broadens our knowledge.
2: We, the pupils of this school, know more than those who don’t have an opportunity to study foreign languages. We know more about culture of different countries, about their holidays, customs and traditions. We can say that we are closer to the Americans, English, and Irish because the language unites us.
1: We, the pupils of this school, know more than those who don’t have an opportunity to study foreign languages. We know more about culture of different countries, about their holidays, customs and traditions. We can say that we are closer to the Americans, English, and Irish because the language unites us.
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