План-конспект урока домашнего чтения по английскому языку в 5 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Развитие навыков чтения, диалогической и монологической речи на уроке домашнего чтения в 5 классе на основе сказки "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse"
Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок в 5 классе.
Home Reading 7.
“The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse”
Цель урока:
Развитие навыков чтения, диалогической и монологической речи.
Ход урока.
- Organizational moment.
Good morning, girls and boys! Glad to see you.
Today we are going to discuss the fairy-tale you read at home.
- Phonetic drill.
a) Learn the proverbs and the sayings:
- Nothing venture, nothing have.
- All is well that ends well.
- East or west, home is best.
- Life is quieter there but it’s safe.
- Honesty is the best policy.
b) Look at the list of the words before the text.
- Read the words after me.
- Find and read the nouns, verbs, adjectives.
- Lexical drills.
- Give synonyms to the following words:
say – tell; cry- shout; beautiful – smart; country house – cottage;
- Give antonyms to the following words:
Shout – whisper; upstairs – downstairs; loud – quiet;
small – large; town – country; to walk – to go by car;
- Find the odd word out:
- kitchen, hall, bathroom, dinning-room, armchair;
- bread, corn, bacon, hole, French cheese;
- safe, tasty, fresh, whisper, smart, quiet;
- her, him, us, bus, them, me;
- heard, saw, began, go, brought, jumped;
- Discussion of the tale.
- Warming up.
- Why do you think it’s good to live in the country ( in the town)?
- Where do you think food is better& air is fresher?
- Where is it more interesting to live? How can you spend time in the country& in the town?
- What clothes do people wear in the country and in a town?
- Did you like the fairy- tale?
- Who are the main characters of it?
b)Remember who did it in the text:
- tried to catch the mice:
- didn’t use the key to open the front door:
- ate French cheese and drank lemonade:
- ate corn & drank fresh water:
- took an apple & went out:
- began to cry ‘Help! A cat!’
- didn’t like the town at all.
c) Answer the questions:
- Where did Mr. Brown live?
- Was he happy in the country?
- How many floors were there in the cottage?
- What furniture was there in the cottage?
- Did he have a phone?
I think once Mr. Brown phoned his cousin and asked him to come and see him.
Make up a dialogue using the following phrases:
Mr. Grey -……………………..
Mr. Brown:-Oh, yes, I do. In a small country house.
Mr. Grey: - Is your house comfort table?
Mr. Brown:-………………..
Mr. Grey: - Do you like your house?
Mr. Brown:-…………………………………….
4) Make up short stories with the help of the key-words. (in groups)
5) Answer the questions:
- What do you think of the town mouse/ the country mouse?
- What life would you like to have?
- What is the moral of this story? (use the sayings and the proverbs)
6) Try to retell the tale if you were one of the characters of the tale.
5. Feed back.
6. Home task: retelling of the text.
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