Книга для домашнего чтения по английском языку 3 класс
Вторая часть книги по собачку Баки и его семью. Автор учебного издания К. Левченко.
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Barky is a busy little dog. He looks like his mother - he is grey, black and white. His head and his neck are white. His ears are grey. His tail is black. And he has a black nose, too.
He lives in a big house in a village with his mother, father, a little girl Lily and her mother and father. Barky likes to live in the country because he can walk in the garden and the forest, swim in the river and can get fish there. He doesn't want to live in a town or a city. In a city or in a town you have a small park and trees but you don't have a beautiful garden, a forest and a river.
Sometimes Lily's grandmother and grandfather visit Lily, her mother and her father. They visit Barky, too. Barky doesn't like them. He is a hospitable dog but he must teach them, too. They must be nice and kind in his house. They must not be angry. Barky likes shy people. He can teach them well when they are shy.
Story 2. IN THE Morning
Usually Barky wakes up early in the morning. He gets up at 7 a.m. He has a clock in his room. When he wakes up, he looks at the clock and sees it is 7 a.m. He doesn't want to sleep. He thinks it is nice to get up at 7 a.m. every day.
'Good morning, Barky,' says Lily.
'Good morning, Lily,' says Barky.
He gets up and goes to the garden. He goes to the garden in any season – in summer, in autumn, in winter and in spring. Lily opens the door for him and he goes out. When he comes back to the house, he knocks on the door and Lily opens the door for him again. Barky can't open and close the door and Lily must help him.
Lily washes her face and her eyes and cleans her teeth. Barky doesn't wash his face and his eyes. He doesn't like to clean his teeth.
In the morning Barky is hungry. He wants to have his breakfast with Lily. Lily usually has sweet tea with lemon for breakfast. She doesn't like coffee. She eats porridge, an egg and bread with butter, cheese and ham. Lily doesn't like to eat porridge, she likes to eat cakes, sweets, ice cream, jam, chocolate and bananas. But she wants to be healthy and she eats porridge for breakfast. Barky has meat and a bone for breakfast. He likes to eat meat and bones. He doesn't have tea, he has water for breakfast. He doesn't drink tea.
'Would you like to eat an egg, Barky?' asks Lily when she eats an egg.
'Yes, I would,' says Barky.
'Here you are,' says Lily and gives an egg to Barky. 'Help yourself.'
'Thank you,' says Barky and eats the egg.
'May I have bread?' asks Barky.
'No, Barky,' says Lily. 'Bread is not good for you.'
He would like to eat much ham and bread but he must not. Ham and bread are not
healthy for a dog, but he can eat many bones.
Story 3. IN SUMMER
In summer Lily doesn't go to school and doesn't do her homework. She has summer holidays. Lily and Barky can walk in the garden every day. They often go to the river with Lily's mother and father.
'Let's go to the river,' says Lily and runs to the river.
'Let's go!' says Barky and runs to the river.
Lily likes to swim. Sometimes Barky swims with Lily, because he loves her, but he doesn't like to swim. He is not afraid to swim, but he doesn't like to swim.
Lily takes a ball to the river. They like to play football at the river. They are very good football players. Lily likes to ride a bicycle. When she rides her bike Barky usually runs with her. Barky can't ride a bicycle because he doesn't have fingers. He can only run. They like to play jokes at the river.
When they come back home Lily has her lunch. Barky is not hungry in the afternoon.
Lily usually has soup, meat or fish, potatoes and tomatoes for lunch. She drinks tea, juice or water. Then she eats sweets, chocolate, cakes and fruit. She can eat apples, nuts or honey for lunch.When Lily is not hungry Barky can play with her again.
Lily has a lot of toys at home. When it is rainy Lily and Barky play in the house. She has puzzles, teddy bears, toy cars, dolls, books and a computer. Lily likes to play computer games or to watch TV. When she plays computer games or watches TV Barky usually sleeps. He doesn't like to play computer games and to watch TV. He likes to read fairy tales and poems because he can eat books when Lily reads. He likes to draw funny pictures because he can eat pencils when Lily draws. He likes to water the flowers because he can eat some flowers when Lily waters them. He likes to blow bubbles because he can jump and get some
wonderful bubbles. He doesn't like to listen to music, to sing songs or to play the piano because he can't sleep when Lily listens to music, sings songs or plays the piano.
When it is sunny Lily and Barky play together in the garden. They can play badminton and tennis. Barky likes to play tennis because he can get a ball and run away.
Story 4. IN WINTER
In autumn, in winter and in spring Lily is very busy. She is a pupil. She is in the third form. She gets good marks.
In the morning on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, she has
breakfast and goes to school. She meets her friends, boys and girls, and teachers. When Lily is at school Barky misses her.
In the afternoon she comes back, has her lunch and does her homework. She can't play with Barky.
Lily does her homework on Friday, too. They can play together on Saturday and
Sunday because she doesn't go to school.
It is not summer and they can catch a cold and then sneeze. Lily skis and skates
and Barky runs with her. He likes to ski and to skate because he can run and jump
when Lily skis and skates. When he runs and jumps he doesn't catch a cold.
Story 5. IN THE Evening
In the evening Lily, her mother, her father and Barky have their dinner. Lily tells about her school. Father and Mother ask questions.
'Do you have good marks today?' asks Mother.
‘Yes, Mummy, I do.’ says Lily. ‘We read and write and I get good marks.’
'Do you help your friends?' asks Father.
'Yes, Dad, I do,' says Lily. 'When my friends forget to take pens or pencils I give them my pens and pencils. And we read books together.'
'Do you help them to do homework?' asks Father.
'No, I don't,' says Lily. 'We don't do our homework together.'
'It is night, it is dark and it is time to sleep,' says Mother. 'Lily and Barky must go to bed.'
'Let's go, Barky,' says Lily and runs.
She washes her hands, arms, face, legs, knees, toes and feet. She doesn't wash her hair every day. She cleans her teeth and goes to bed. Usually she goes to bed at 9.30 p.m. Barky doesn't like to wash his hair and he doesn't clean his teeth. Because he is a dog, he must not clean his teeth every day. Barky goes to his little bed. Lily and Barky like to dream at night.
It is sunny. Lily and Barky go to the garden to blow bubbles. Lily blows.
'One, two, three bubbles,' she says.
The first bubble is very little. The second bubble is not very little. The third bubble is very big. The bubbles fly away. Lily blows again. When it is sunny the bubbles have a lot of colours - red, yellow, green, blue and violet. Lily likes to blow bubbles when it is sunny. The bubbles are very beautiful.
'Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten bubbles,' she says.
Barky jumps and gets one bubble with his teeth. He is happy. Lily smiles. The fourth bubble has yellow colour. The fifth bubble has green colour. The bubbles fly away.
'Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen bubbles,' says Lily. Barky jumps again and gets the thirteenth and the sixteenth bubbles.
'Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one bubbles,' says Lily.
Barky gets three bubbles. He jumps and runs. Lily smiles. She loves Barky.
'Twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five bubbles!' says Lily.
She blows and blows. Barky and Lily blow thirty, then forty, then fifty, then sixty, then seventy, then eighty, then ninety bubbles. Barky likes to jump and to get bubbles with his teeth. He gets twenty-nine bubbles! The twenty-ninth bubble is very big and has red colour.
Lily blows and says, 'Ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety-five
She blows again and says, 'Ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine ... and one hundred!'
Lily jumps and smiles.
'I can blow one hundred bubbles!' she says.
Barky is very happy. He gets thirty-five bubbles!
It is very funny to blow bubbles!
Once a year men, women, children and their pets have birthdays. Lily's mother has her birthday on 10th of January. Lily's father has his birthday on 20th of March. Lily has her birthday on 23rd of June. Barky usually forgets his birthday.
It is June and it is Lily's birthday.
Lily has two favourite holidays - her birthday and Christmas. She likes the holidays
because she gets presents. In winter, when New Year comes, Lily finds her presents under the Christmas tree. When she has her birthday people usually give presents to her. They don't put birthday presents under trees!
Lily's mother and Lily's father go to buy a present for Lily. The shop is very big.
They see a lot of presents in the shop.
Lily's mother sees a pink scooter and says, 'Is it a good present?'
Lily's father sees the scooter, too. He says, 'Yes, it is nice!'
He sees red roller skates. He says, 'Are roller skates a good present for Lily?'
'I don't think it is a good present,' says Lily's mother. 'Lily can't roller skate!
'But she can learn to roller skate,' says Lily's father. 'I think it is a good present.'
'Let's buy the scooter,' says Lily's mother.
'Let's buy the roller skates and the scooter!' says Lily's father and smiles.
'Ok,' says Lily's _mother and smiles, too.
Finally they buy the pink scooter and the red roller skates. They have very good presents for Lily.
Lily's mother has a nice birthday cake for Lily, too.
Lily's grandmother and grandfather come to Lily's house. They are Father's mother
and father.
Lily gets a letter from her grandmother and her grandfather who live in a city. They are Mother's father and mother. They can't come to Lily. They send a letter to her. Lily sees an envelope. She sees a stamp, her name, her surname, the number of her house, her street's name and a postcode on the envelope. Lily opens the envelope and sees paper. It is a letter. Lily sees a postcard and a photo, too. She sees her granny and her grandpa in the photo. They wish her a happy birthday. When they write letters to Lily they put them into a letter box and a postman in the post office helps them to give the letters to Lily.
It is time to celebrate Lily's birthday. They have a birthday party. 'Mummy, thank you,' says Lily. 'The scooter is a great present! I like it!'
'Happy birthday, Lily!' says Lily's mother.
'Daddy, thank you,' says Lily. 'The roller skates are a great present! I like them!'
'Happy birthday, Lily!' says Lily's father.
They eat the birthday cake and drink tea. Lily is very happy.
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