открытый урок по теме РАБОТА , 8 класс ГБОУ ШКОЛА 1474
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
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Open Lesson on developing speaking skills using topic Jobs.
Lead in : To arouse students interest to speak English in discussing the topic Jobs.
Good morning boys and girls! I am glad to see you
Today we have got our English lesson with a difference. Why? Because we have got a lot of guests.
1.Warm up: to use closed questions to elicit the topic of the discussion.
We are going to start out lesson with closed questions, I will give questions and you give me only yes/no answers.
Do adults usually work?
Do your parents work?
Do your parents work in building industry?
Are your parents paid enough money to support the family?
Is education important for having a well-paid job?
Have you heard about unemployment?
Have you heard about job centers?
Do job centers help people to get a good education?
Are new jobs appearing all the time?
Do you have a part-time job?
Would you like to take a part-time job?
Have you decided on your future job yet?
Will you work with children in the future?
Are you working at the moment?
Is your teacher working at the moment?
What do you suppose our today’s discussion is about?
Our today’s discussion: is about WORK (on the board)
First , give me some ideas .
2. Why do people work? (0n the board)
Students give their own answers to the question.
3. The students develop the idear and discuss it with the partner.
They are provided with questions for making a dialogue.
1) Why would you like to work?
2) What is an ideal job for you?
3) Which subjects are important for your future jobs?
Now let’s look at the main stages of getting an ideal job. What should we do to have one? First we are to order the stages and discuss them. Who can help?
Possible answer:
- If you ask me we should think about getting a good education in the first place.
- After that choosing the right job is important.
- The next step will be going to the job center.
- Writing an application letter is also essential part.
- Sometimes CVs play the most important role in finding a job.
- Going for an interview is a crucial step.
You are absolutely right you have arranged them logically well.( education, choosing your job, going to the job centre, writing an application letter, CV writing, going for an interview )
5 . Now we are going to work in pairs again, first you are to choose the stage then to discuss the point with your friend and later to share your opinion with the whole of the class. One comes up and chooses the stage.
I’ll give you 2 minutes.
6. -Let’s begin with education. (students’ answers)
-Let’s move on. Choosing the right job is really crucial(students’ answers)
-Next, the importance of job centers. As for me, about 15 yeas ago they helped in finding a job. I know they work. (students’ answers)
-Now , what should we know about application letters? On the screen you have got a sample letter. (students’ answers)
-CVs are not always easy to write. Again a sample CV on the screen. Students describe the structure of CVs.
-And going for an interview. Tips and hints for being successful at the interview.
5. So if you are successful at the interview, you start your working career, no matter whether it is a full-time work or a part time work.
6. Let’s watch a film about a teenager and find out if she is happy to have a part time job or not.
Questions to discuss on the board:
1. Is she happy to have a part time job?
2. Why do you think so?
After watching a film about a teenager who works as a shop assistant at the week end, answer the questions.
7. At the end of the lesson I would like to add that you have been working hard, you have got interesting ideas about getting a good job and being successful. And I am sure that you are on your way to an ideal job because you are here at school and you are getting a good education.
7. So your home task is to write a short essay (100-120) about your ideal job: “ An ideal job for me is….”.
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