План-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Weather"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Мясникова Антонина Александровна

Урок для 6 класса на тему "Weather". Содержит упражнения на лексику и грамматику.


Microsoft Office document icon 6_klass_konspekt_uroka_weather.doc558 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

  • Teacher: Hello, my dear young scientists!
  • Good morning, our teacher! We are glad to see you!
  • Teacher: How are you today?
  • We are fine, thank you! What about you!
  • Teacher: Oh, yesterday I read incredible facts in the magazine (showing a magazine to the students)! Do you know what “incredible” means?  Right, the word incredible means that it is very hard to believe smth. So let me know tell you some facts and you will try to tell me if they are true or false. Ok?  (variation: it could be a game – stripes of paper in the hat)



Fact  #1. In Portugal people may not go to work if the weather is bad. (true)

Fact  #2  The Niagara falls was frozen one day because of very low temperature (true, in 1932)

Fact  #3  Lightning strikes to the oaks more often then to other trees. (true)

Fact # 4  According to a statistics lighting strikes to men five times more  often then to women (true)

Fact # 5  Raindrops contain vitamin B12 (true)

Fact # 6  Clean snow melts slower then dirty snow (true)

Fact # 7 People don’t survive after lightning strikes (false)

Fact # 8 It was a snowfall in Sahara once (true)

So, do you know what are we going to talk about today? You are right, we will talk about the weather. Did you know that the word  «weather» is one of the most popular in a google search? It takes the 4th place in the chart. Now let’s see what can you say about the weather. So, what is the weather like today?

S1: The weather is very good. I like the weather today. The sun is shining, light wind is blowing, it is cloudy but rather warm.

S 2: The temperature is 20 degrees above zero.

  • Now let’s see how many words about the weather you know. Look a t the blackboard and fill the gaps in words correctly and translate them. What words are new to you?

Beautiful wonderful excellent mild pleasant awful terrible nasty miserable unpleasant dull gloomy hot mild cool chilly freezing icy frosty bitter cold rainy wet humid dry foggy windy stormy breezy windless cloudy sunshine sunlight  daylight  wind breeze a gust of wind hurricane mist smog foggy snowfall snowstorm blizzard frost snow flake ice winter spring summer autumn Climate temperate severe earthquake, volcanic eruption avalanche flood tsunami fire weather report temperature

And now in pairs try to choose the words according to your topic (teacher gives the topics to each pair)

  • Teacher:  Good! Now let’s look at the pictures on the slides and will try to describe the weather on the pictures (describing the weather, reading the words on the slides). The world is an amazing place and the weather is one of the miracles

  • Were there any words that you didn’t know? Right, telling the temperature was not really easy for you. So, let’s learn the new material. When the weather is cold the temperature is usually bellow zero. When it is hot and warm the temperature is above zero (looking at the slide).

  • (Ex 9b, 10, 11)


Teacher: Tell me please, are there any professions to tell the weather? Who usually tells the weather? Let’s look at ex. 12 together and learn some new words.

So answer my question again. Who predicts the weather

Students. Weatherman or meteorilogist tells the weather.

Good! And what does he need to tell the weather?

  • He needs to make observations, to write a diary, he uses thermometers, barometers and some modern machines to tell the weather.
  • Right! Let’s watch a short video about meteorologists.

Let me introduce you Mr Green. He is a weathermen. Yesterday he got into thunderstorm and the pages of his diary got wet. Help him to read his diary (Ex. 14)

There are a lot of proverbs in English language about the weather. Let’s read some of them and explain them. (Ex 15)

  • Excellent! You did a lot of job today! It’s very important not only to write about the weather but also to speak about it. So, what English people usually say when they want to talk about the weather? In the end let us make short dialogues about the weather and act them out.  (Ex. 16, 17)

Reflection; Choose one of the weather picture from my desk describing your mood in the end of the lesson. Write on the back of it the explanation of your choice. Finish the sentence “ Now I can … “

Hometask; Learn the proverbs about the weather by heart, learn the new wards about the weather for the dictation.

So, I hope you enjoyed the lesson! See you tomorrow!

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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