Урок по теме Туризм в старших классах
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок по развитию творческих способностей учащихся
How to arrange a successful tourist destination?
Тема урока: Как организовать успешный туристический маршрут?
Цели: активизация пройденного материала в устной монологической и диалогической речи по теме «Туризм», развитие умения анализировать информацию, воспитание патриотического отношения к родному краю.
Средства и оборудование: учебник Millennium English 11 // Гроза О.Л., 2006, доска, карточки с названиями городов (3), карточка с ключевыми словами для составления вопросов.
Ход урока
- Warming up (teacher asks questions):
- Do you like to travel?
- Why?
- Do many people travel nowadays?
- What countries do people prefer?
- Why do people come to our country?
- Why do people choose Kaliningrad region as a tourist destination?
(On the board: How to arrange a successful tourist destination? But you apply to the question only at the end of the lesson.)
- Note: texts about Kaliningrad, Suzdal and London were given to students as homework beforehand.
Teacher: Imagine that you live in Smolensk, and you have been to London, Suzdal, and even Kaliningrad just as tourists. Now you have arrived at Smolensk and you will share your impressions with your classmates and other people. We’ll divide our class into four groups: 1) those who are back from London, 2) from Suzdal, 3) from Kaliningrad, and 4) who are owners of a successful travel agency experienced in the tourism industry. The task: three groups prepare reports on their travelling to London, Suzdal, and Kaliningrad (on the city they’ve taken the card with); the fourth group will prepare questions to learn information about several details of the travels. They have 5 minutes to complete the task.
- Now the three groups will perform their reports (one or several speakers are possible). Then they’ll answer the fourth group’s questions about accommodation, transport, roads, traffic jams, places to go out to at night, inconveniences, prices etc. Before answering the questions the cards with the cities’ names should be exchanged among the three groups. The answers will be taken down by another group (for example, 1-2, 2-3, 3-1).
- The task: try to map out a plan how to remove all the inconveniences mentioned in the answers. While the three groups prepare their plans, the fourth group think about their final word – recommendations they can give to those who are going to arrange a tourist destination to develop the tourism industry in their native city.
- The three groups represent their plans to the group of “experts”. The experts give their opinion (little arguing is possible). Then the experts give recommendations, the three groups take them down.
- Now the students’ attention should be paid to the board (How to arrange a successful tourist destination?). Students should write necessary points to be taken into account when arranging a tourist destination on the board. (For example, hotels with a lot of facilities, night-life opportunities, coaches, environmental friendliness, various prices of package tours, proper roads etc.)
- Homework: prepare a tourist project for Kaliningrad (describe Kaliningrad or Kaliningrad region, describe your idea of an available tourist project, and don’t forget to supply your project with pictures, illustrations, necessary comments, tips for visitors).
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