Чтение в формате ОГЭ по теме "W. Disney. Mother Teresa"
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Задание формата ОГЭ (верно/неверно/в тексте не сказано) к текстам о Уолте Диснее и Матери Терезе (учебник Биболетовой М.З. "Enjoy English", Unit 4)
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Предварительный просмотр:
T, F, NS (1v)
1. Walt Disney was born in the UK.
2. He created his films for children and adults.
3. When Walt Disney was a child, he lived on the farm.
4. He was a good student at school.
5. His film company was the first one after World War II.
6. Disney died in 1966.
7. Disneyland was created after Disney's death.
T, F, NS (2v)
1. Mother Teresa is not her real name.
2. She was the first child in the family.
3. Her family wasn't rich when she was three.
4. . When Agnes was nine, her family took poor children from the orphan school (детский дом).
5. Her father was died when she was 8.
6. Mother Teresa won a Noble Prize.
7. She lived in India and helped poor people.
T, F, NS (3v)
1. Walt Disney was born in the UK.
2. He created his films for children and adults.
3. When Walt Disney was a child, he lived on the farm.
4. He was a good student at school.
5. His film company was the first one after World War II.
6. Disney died in 1966.
7. Disneyland was created after Disney's death.
T, F, NS (4v)
1. Mother Teresa is not her real name.
2. She was the first child in the family.
3. Her family wasn't rich when she was three.
4. . When Agnes was nine, her family took poor children from the orphan school (детский дом).
5. Her father was died when she was 8.
6. Mother Teresa won a Noble Prize.
7. She lived in India and helped poor people.
T, F, NS (5v)
1. Walt Disney was born in the UK.
2. He created his films for children and adults.
3. When Walt Disney was a child, he lived on the farm.
4. He was a good student at school.
5. His film company was the first one after World War II.
6. Disney died in 1966.
7. Disneyland was created after Disney's death.
T, F, NS (6v)
1. Mother Teresa is not her real name.
2. She was the first child in the family.
3. Her family wasn't rich when she was three.
4. When Agnes was nine, her family took poor children from the orphan school (детский дом).
5. Her father was died when she was 8.
6. Mother Teresa won a Noble Prize.
7. She lived in India and helped poor people.
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