Урок на тему: «The ABC of Ecology”
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Хайдарова Рамзия Садиковна
Учитель английского языка
МБОУ «Видновская СОШ №2 г. Видное, Московская область
Класс: 8 класс
Урок на тему: «The ABC of Ecology”
Форма проведения: Диспут
Цели урока:
- образовательные:
- развивать умения учащихся в составлении предложений на основе знакомой лексики;
- развивать умения учащихся в понимании прочитанного текста;
- развивать умения учащихся в монологической речи, а также устной;
- неподготовленной речи;
- активизировать в речи учащихся изученные ЛЕ;
- воспитательные:
- познакомить с различными экологическими проблемами нашей планеты и родного города;
- воспитывать любовь и уважение к природе и животным;
- лингво-страноведческие:
- формировать интерес учащихся к родной планете и родному городу;
- развивать интерес учащихся к экологическим проблемам планета Земля.
Задачи урока:
- практические:
- практиковать навыки устной речи у учащихся;
- практиковать навыки чтения;
- практиковать навыки в аудировании.
- образовательные:
- Повторить, обобщить и закрепить лексико-грамматический материал по теме «Экология»; учить понимать иностранную речь в игровых ситуациях;
- Совершенствовать навыков чтения и умения монологических высказываний.
- развивающие:
- развивать умение применения полученных умений и навыков в новых условиях,
- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;
- развивать навыки аудирования и чтения;
- развивать умение работать в группе;
- повышать интерес к английскому языку;
- расширять кругозор учащихся.
- воспитательные:
- воспитывать уважительное отношение к мнению других людей, к природе;
- прививать интерес к изучению иностранного языка;
- воспитывать умение работать в коллективе.
Современные технология обучения:
- технология проблемного обучения,
- игровые технологии,
- технология коммуникативного обучения,
- здоровье сберегающие технологии,
- ИКТ технологии,
- технология проектного обучения.
- компьютер,
- проектор,
- экран,
- песочные часы,
- приложения с заданиями,
- презентация к уроку,
- видеоролики взяты с YouTube: 1) Майкла Джексона «Песня Земли» и 2) Об экологии нашего города (автор Александр Воробьев);
- УМК О.В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева Английский язык с углубленным изучением английского языка 8-й год обучения, «Просвещение».
Методы обучения:
- проблемное изложение,
- исследовательский,
- коммуникативный,
- дифференцированный,
- интегрированный.
Технические рекомендации по работе с Презентацией:
Смена слайдов производить по щелчку.
На 1-м, 4-м и 11-м слайдах нажать на ссылку для просмотра фильмов.
На 6-м и 8-м слайдах по щелчку появляются правильные ответы.
На 13-м слайде по щелчку выходит Девиз организации.
План урока «The ABC of Ecology»
1. Введение в тему.
- Просмотр клипа (1 часть).
- Постановка проблемы.
2. Защита учащимися своих проектов:
- Загрязнение воды;
- Загрязнение воздуха;
- Природный мир в опасности.
3. Основной ход мероприятия:
- выполнение задания по аудированию с последующей его проверкой;
- Чтение текста и выполнение задания после прочитанного с последующей его проверкой;
- Работа с текстом в формате ОГЭ (чтение статьи и подбор заголовков) (Приложение №3);
- Выполнение 2 упражнений на отработку лексического материала по теме «Экология» (Приложение №4) и (Приложение №5).
4. Создание организации в школе.
- Просмотр фильма (2 часть);
- Выбор названия, девиза и правил для своей организации.
5. Рефлексия.
Ход урока «The ABC’s of Ecology».
Слайд 1
1) Введение в тему.
Good morning, dear boys and girls, my colleagues and guests. I’d like to show you a clip of the well-known American singer. Please, watch it and then answer my question: What shall we discuss at our lesson?
(просмотр клипа Майкла Джексона «Песня Земли», 1 часть https://yadi.sk/i/GGMClWBY3766Hy)
Слайд 2
You are right. Today we’ll speak about Ecology of our planet. The pollution of our planet is getting worse and worse. And it could easily bring us to a global disaster. There are a lot of different societies and organizations in the world which try to protect our fragile planet. Do you know some ecology organizations?
Great. And I would like to offer you to create our own ecology organization in this school. We’ll choose a name and a motto of our organization. And we shall work out some rules of our organization. Well, let’s start out first meeting.
Слайд 3
Nowadays people understand how important it is to solve the environmental problems that endanger people’s lives. What global environmental problems do you know?
2) Защита проектов.
You are right. Some of you have prepared scientific projects on these problems. Shall we speak about water pollution? Please, come here and tell us about it.
(Water pollution)
I’ve got two questions to you, my dear boys and girls?:
1) What can you say about Lake Baikal?
2) Do you think people know how to protect our world?
Thank you very much for your report. And our second report is about air pollution.
(Air pollution)
May I ask some questions?
1) What cities are the dirtiest cities in the world?
Thanks a lot. You may sit down. You have never seen a lot of species of birds, animals which disappeared for ever. But I think the disappearance of plants is more dangerous. Shall we listen about it?
(Natural world in danger)
And more questions to you?
1) What extinct species of plants and animals can you remember?
Thank you very much for your reports.
Слайд 4
3) Основная часть
- Аудирование.
Oh, by the way. We have seen the clip of Michael Jackson’s song. I hope you have understood what this song is about. Great. You are right. Well, now let’s listen to this song again and then do the exercise on these sheets of paper. (Приложение №1). Please, look at these sheets of paper. You have to complete the text filling in the words. You’ve got 1- 2 minutes.
(после просмотра клипа https://yadi.sk/i/GGMClWBY3766Hy,
выполняют задания из Приложения№1)
And now let’s check up this exercise. Shall we read it one by one?
(проверка задания, ответы к заданию из Приложения №1:
1 – done; 2 – peace; 3 – fields; 4 – dreams; 5 – yours, mine; 6 – stop; 7 – children; 8 - Earth)
Слайд 5
- Чтение текста.
We have already listened to the reports and watched the clip about air and water pollutions, about endangered plants and animals. But now I have some more information about The Greenhouse effect. Take these sheets of paper (Приложение №2.) You can see a text. Who wants to read this text?
(чтение текста из Приложения№2)
Well. And now look through the text again and choose two of the statements bellow which are wrong according to the text.
Слайд 6
(выполняют задания после текста)
And now read the first wrong statement, the second one.
Слайд 7
- Работа с текстом в формате ОГЭ (Приложение №3):
Well, some of you will pass the English exams. So, shall we do this task? Look here, you can see 5 little stories and 5 titles for them. You have to match the texts with their titles. You have got 3-4 minutes to do the task.
(ответы к заданию из Приложения №3: 1 –D; 2 – E; 3 – C; 4 – B; 5 – A)
Слайд 8
- Игра-1: найти эквивалент. (Приложение №4)
Great. The theme of ecology is very large. We have already known a lot of words on Ecology. But now look at the blackboard. You can see the ABC’s of Ecology. But you don’t know some of these words. So, shall we read them and try to guess their Russian equivalents? Please, repeat after me.
And now, please, match the words and expressions from column A with the equivalents from column B. You’ve got 2-3 minutes to do this task.
(выполняют задания)
Sorry, but your time is up, shall we check it up.
(проверка задания)
Слайд 9
Кроссворд. (Приложение №4)
Great. You are good pupils. And now we’ll need some of these words to complete the crossword. At first you have to do it yourself then you’ll go to the blackboard and write down your variants of words. You have got two-three minutes.
(делают самостоятельно кроссворд)
Слайд 10
Your time is up. Please, go to the blackboard and complete the crossword. Let’s do it one by one.
(проверка кроссворда)
Слайд 11
4) Экология родного края.
- Let’s see the other part of the clip by Michael Jackson Earth song.
(после просмотра клипа https://yadi.sk/i/fItrspQp3766pL (2 часть))
We have spoken a lot about Ecology and environmental problems of our planet. I hope that you understand Ecological Situation of our Planet are in our hands. And now let’s speak about ecological problems in our native region and in our native town. What is your opinion of ecological situation in this region?
(ответы учащихся по улучшению экологической ситуации на планете и в родной стране)
Слайд 12
You see that there are some Ecological problems in our native town. What can we do to change this situation?
You are right. But what do you personally do for our native town?
(ответы учащихся о личном вкладе каждого для изменения экологической ситуации в родной стране и своем городе)
You are good children. If we all do so our native town will be clean and green.
Слайд 13
And I think it’s time to choose a motto and a name of our organization. Have you got any variants of a motto? For example, we can use some of the proverbs:
- Better to give than to take.
- Try to wake up happy.
- While there is life there’s hope.
(Выбираем название организации, ее девиз и правила работы)
That’s very good. Let’s choose. Who likes the first proverb, please, raise your hands? (the second, the third). Great! Our motto is: “While there is life there’s hope”.
Have you got any variants of the name of our organization? And I offer the word RAINBOW. Do you like it? So, RAINBOW is the name of our organization.
And I would like to offer you some rules of our organization. At the beginning of this year we read a quotation in our text-books. I think you remember it. Please, listen to me:
Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the place you can,
At all the time you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.
Do you like it? Well. We have created our own ecology organization at school. Its name is RAINBOW , its motto is «while there is life there’s hope» and our rules are:
Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the place you can,
At all the time you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.
Слайд 14
5. Рефлексия.
You worked very much. Thank you very much.
Our next meeting will be in December. You’ll have to think about an emblem of our organization.
Приложение №1
1. Complete the text filling in the words:
Done, fields, dreams, peace, yours, stop, children, mine, Earth |
- What have we've ………….. to the world
Look what we've done
- What about all the …………
That you pledge your only son
- What about flowering ………..
Is there a time
- What about all the ……….
- That you said was ……….. and ………..
- Did you ever …………. to notice
- All the …………… dead from war
Did you ever stop to notice
- This crying ……….. , these weeping shores
Приложение №2
The Greenhouse effect
The Greenhouse effect is very important; if it didn’t exist at all, the temperature of our planet would be 40 degrees lower and the oceans would freeze. But an increase in the greenhouse effect may equally lead to global warming with disastrous consequences.
The higher average temperatures produced by global warming could cause dramatic changes in weather patterns. Less rain might fall over large land masses; Central Africa, South Asia and some parts of the United States could risk severe drought and famine. More rain might fall in coastal areas and over the oceans, and there might be more storms and hurricanes in the Pacific. A rise in the earth’s average temperature of only one or two degrees would probably melt the polar ice caps and raise sea levels. Sea levels throughout the world are already rising by about two millimetres a year. If the polar ice caps do melt, sea levels could rise by more than a meter over a few decades.
Choose two of the statements bellow which are wrong according to the text:
- The greenhouse effect only leads to disastrous consequences.
- Without the greenhouse effect the climate on the earth would be much colder.
- Because of global warming there is now an increased risk of drought and famine in parts of Africa and Asia.
- If there is a rise in temperature of one or two degrees, the sea level will rise by about two millimetres a year.
Приложение №3
1. … The tropical rainforests surround the equator of the earth like a belt. They occupy a total area of about nine million square kilometers. The largest rainforests are in South America. The rainforests are being cut down rapidly. Nobody knows exactly how much of this resource is cut down every year.
2. … When we think of wildlife facing extinction, we are usually thinking of large majestic animals such as whales, elephants and rhinos, or of the “cuddly” black-and-white panda. These creatures are indeed under risk of extinction because of irresponsible and cruel hunting by human “predators”.
3. … The lower part of the stratosphere contains a band of warm gas called the ozone layer. Ozone absorbs very shortwave ultraviolet radiation – that is, the harmful, burning rays from the sun. These rays kill plants and cause burns, skin cancer, and cataracts in animals and humans.
4. … Smog is very bad for health. In the famous London smog of 1952, about4,000 people (mostly infants and the elderly) died in two weeks from chest diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia.
5. … The Mediterranean Sea occupies 2 percent of the world’s water surface. But it is the dumping ground for 50 percent of all marine pollution. Sixteen countries border on the Mediterranean. Almost all of them regularly dump shiploads of industrial waste a few miles off shore.
A. Water Pollution
B. Air Pollution
C. The Ozone Layer
D. The Destruction of Rainforests
E. Threat to Wildlife
Приложение №4
2. Match the words from the left column with the words from the right column.
Приложение №5
1. Don’t …………… wildlife.
2. They are asked to …………….. trees.
3. Tropical rainforests ……………… about nine million square kilometers.
4. Don’t drop ………………. when you walk down the street.
5. Don’t …………………… garbage where it doesn’t belong.
6. Don’t ………………………. gardens by breaking trees and picking flowers.
7. An increase in the ………………….. effect may lead to global warming.
8. Building motor roads can ……………………. countryside.
9. Greenpeace helps to …………………. nature.
10. Don’t ………………….. for rare animals.
11. Most of the ………………….. in big cities comes from cars and buses.
1 | E | ||||||||||
2 | N | ||||||||||
3 | V | ||||||||||
4 | I | ||||||||||
5 | R | ||||||||||
6 | O | ||||||||||
7 | N | ||||||||||
8 | M | ||||||||||
9 | E | ||||||||||
10 | N | ||||||||||
11 | T |
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