Конспект урока по теме: “Ecology. Global environmental problems.”
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Конспект урока по теме:
“Ecology. Global environmental problems.”
Учитель: Хайлитдинова Г.Р
Тип занятия: обобщающее повторение.
Вид занятия: комбинированный урок.
Цель: коммуникативно-речевое развитие учащихся через обобщение знаний об основных экологических проблемах современности.
1. Образовательные:
1.1. Продолжить формировать следующие специальные умения:
— произносить фонетически правильно слова и словосочетания по теме;
— читать текст с целью охвата общего содержания;
— воспринимать на слух аутентичную речь на английском языке;
— совершенствовать навыки употребления лексических и грамматических
структур в речи учащегося с соблюдением норм английского языка;
— развивать языковую догадку.
1.2. Продолжить формирование общего и филологического кругозора по теме.
2. Воспитательные:
2.1. Воспитывать любовь к природе, прививать чувство заботы об окружающей среде.
2.2. Поддерживать высокий уровень мотивации к изучению английского языка.
2.3. Учить объективно оценивать информацию, работая самостоятельно.
2.4. Воспитывать толерантное отношение к собеседнику, работая в группах.
3. Развивающие:
3.1. Развивать аудитивную память, внимание, воображение, логическое мышление.
3.2. Развивать спонтанную речь учащегося.
3.3. Развивать коммуникативные навыки и умения.
3.4. Развивать познавательный интерес учащегося в творческой и проектной деятельности.
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Конспект урока по теме:
“Ecology. Global environmental problems.”
Учитель: Хайлитдинова Г.Р
Тип занятия: обобщающее повторение.
Вид занятия: комбинированный урок.
Цель: коммуникативно-речевое развитие учащихся через обобщение знаний об основных экологических проблемах современности.
1. Образовательные:
1.1. Продолжить формировать следующие специальные умения:
— произносить фонетически правильно слова и словосочетания по теме;
— читать текст с целью охвата общего содержания;
— воспринимать на слух аутентичную речь на английском языке;
— совершенствовать навыки употребления лексических и грамматических
структур в речи учащегося с соблюдением норм английского языка;
— развивать языковую догадку.
1.2. Продолжить формирование общего и филологического кругозора по теме.
2. Воспитательные:
2.1. Воспитывать любовь к природе, прививать чувство заботы об окружающей среде.
2.2. Поддерживать высокий уровень мотивации к изучению английского языка.
2.3. Учить объективно оценивать информацию, работая самостоятельно.
2.4. Воспитывать толерантное отношение к собеседнику, работая в группах.
3. Развивающие:
3.1. Развивать аудитивную память, внимание, воображение, логическое мышление.
3.2. Развивать спонтанную речь учащегося.
3.3. Развивать коммуникативные навыки и умения.
3.4. Развивать познавательный интерес учащегося в творческой и проектной деятельности.
Учебная группа: учащиеся 6 класса.
Оснащение урока (ТСО): компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, компьютерные слайды, магнитофон, CD, раздаточный материал, смарт-доска.
Подробное содержание этапов урока:
1. Организационный этап.
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you! Sit down, please.
На смарт-доске высечен слайд с названием урока и проблемами для обсуждения:
2. Сообщение темы и целей занятия.
Teacher: The name of our lesson is “HUG THE EARTH”. It is the title of a beautiful poem which you will recite and discuss at this lesson. And now look at this slide and say, what else you will talk today about?
Учащиеся определяют цели урока.
P1: I think, we`ll speak about the beauty of the world.
P2: To my mind, we`ll also speak about ecological problems, such as air and water pollution and deforestation.
P3: And we`ll also discuss the problem of endangered animals and speak about our pets.
Teacher: You`re absolutely right. And the main goal of our lesson is to speak about solutions to these problems. To achieve it we`ll hold a conference on environmental problems and do some project work. Let`s start!
3. Фонетическая разминка.
Teacher: I want you to start the lesson with some lines from a beautiful poem by Lorraine Bayes “Hug the Earth”.
На смарт-доске высвечивается слайд со строками из стихотворения ”Hug the Earth”:
I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me
She’s our friend,
We’d like together forever to be.
And I would like to thank you Mother Earth
I like to see you dressed in green and blue
I want to be by you.
Учащиеся повторяют фразы за диктором.
Teacher: I think these words can be the motto of this lesson.
(Ниже приводится полный текст стихотворения):
Walking along feeling free
Felling the Earth here with me
And I love her, she loves me.
I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me
She’s our friend,
We’d like together forever to be.
The earth is a garden.
It’s a beautiful place.
For all living creatures,
For all the human race.
Helping Mother Earth
We can peacefully roam.
We all deserve a place
We can call our home.
Food is a treasure from the soil and the sea.
Clean, fresh air from the plants and the trees.
The warmth of the sun giving life each day
Turns water into rain, it’s nature’s way.
And I would like to thank you Mother Earth
I like to see you dressed in green and blue
I want to be by you.
Lorraine Bayes
Teacher: I want you to recite this poem.Учащиеся декламируют стихотворение наизусть.
4. Речевая разминка.
4.1. Монологические высказывания по теме “Красота природы. Необходимость ее защищать”.
Teacher: What are the main ideas of the poem?
P1: The author compares the Earth with a beautiful garden, and I agree with her. There are so many nice trees and flowers on our planet with birds flying and singing and the sun shining over it. And our task is to keep this wonderful garden clean and to plant more trees and flowers, to care for animals and birds living in it.
P2: The author calls the Earth our Mother and I think, it’s absolutely right. Like our mother, the Earth gives us food, warmth, home and life.
P3: The Earth loves us. It gives us all its treasures: fresh air, clean water, the beauty of parks and gardens, the warmth of the sun, food from the soil and the sea. And sensible people also love the Earth and must take care of it.
4.2. Повторение лексики по теме. Дефиниции слов и словосочетаний.
Teacher: I absolutely agree with you, but, unfortunately there are a lot of environmental problems nowadays. Before reading and speaking about them read the words and explain their meaning.
На смарт-доске высвечен слайд со словами:
- Ecology
- Environment
- Pollution
- Oxygen
- Carbon dioxide
- Extinct
- Habitat
- To encourage
- To get involved
- To recycle
Pupils: 1. natural balance between plants, animals, people and their environment;
2. climate, air, water and soil in which people, animals and plants live;
3. making water, air and soil dirty and dangerous for people and animals to live in;
4. a gas that makes up about 21% of the Earth atmosphere, all living creatures need it to
5. a gas which animals breath out and green plants breath in to make food;
6. died out and gone from the Earth forever animals and plants (like dinosaurs);
7. an area that provides an animal or plant with food, water, shelter and living space;
8. to set a personal example to make other people do something;
9. to become interested, to take part in;
10. to use over and over again.
5. Основной ход урока.
5.1. Чтение текста в формате ЕГЭ.
Teacher: Now let’s turn to the text about the main environmental problems of the day. The text is divided into 6 passages. Each passage has its title. Each title is a name of an environmental problem. Read the texts and match them with the titles. One title is extra.
На смарт-доске высвечивается слайд с текстом и иллюстрациями к нему, a также с 7 заголовками.
Titles to the text “Environmental problems”.
1. Being in danger or becoming extinct.
2. Deforestation
3. Litter
4. Water Pollution
5. Global warming
6. Encouraging others and taking action
7. Destruction of the ozone layer
Passage | A | B | C | D | E | F |
Title |
A. People produce too much packaging and food waste and throw them in the streets; that causes many illnesses which spread more easily.
B. A lot of animals become endangered or die out because of deforestation or because people kill them for their horns, tusks and beautiful skin. Only 50.000 wild tigers and 40 (!) far-eastern white leopards remain. They are hunted and killed for their skin and body parts which are used in medicine.
C. Factories and cars produce poisonous gases which go up into the air. More and more people are getting skin cancer.
D. Forests are disappearing as trees are cut down or burnt. Less and less oxygen is produced.
E. Our task is to set example to other people how to recycle plastic things, cans and paper; not to litter and to get involved in the protection of nature.
F. Dangerous waste from factories goes into oceans, seas and rivers, killing fish.
Сначала учащиеся читают заголовки вслух, затем они читают текст про себя(вслух) и заполняют таблицу.
Teacher: Let’s check up your answers.
На смарт доске учащиеся записывают правильные ответы. Keys: A3 B1 C7 D2 E6 F4
5.2 Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений в формате ЕГЭ.
Teacher: I know, you like it when we organize different conferences at our lessons. At our conference today we`ll discuss the problems mentioned in the text and we`ll think over solutions to them. But before our discussion you will revise the new words and grammar structures that will help you speak about the problems. Look at this slide. You are to fill in the gaps with the right form of the words given in bold.
Ученики на смарт-доске вписывают правильные формы слов.
1. Air pollution is one of the ______ ecological problems. SERIOUS
2. It can ______ by traffic jams in cities. TO CAUSE
3. Rivers will be polluted, if people _______ waste into them. TO DUMP
1. There are a lot of _______ problems nowadays. ENVIRONMENT
2. _______ of rain forests is one of them. TO DESTROY
3. Many lakes, rivers and seas are _______ nowadays. TO POISON
4. Too many cars are _______ for people in towns and cities, DANGER
5. because they cause air _______ . TO POLLUTE
KEYS: 1. 1. most serious; 2. be caused; 3. dump 2. 1. environmental; 2. destruction; 3. poisoned 4. dangerous; 5. pollution
5.3 Монологические высказывания по теме.
Teacher: Now it`s time for our conference “THE MAIN ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS OF THE DAY. Items on the agenda are:
1. Air pollution
2. Destruction of the ozone layer На смарт- доске высвечен слайд с названием
3. Water pollution конференции, вопросами для обсуждения
4. Litter и флагами «стран-участниц» конференции.
5. Forests destruction
6. Endangered animals
At our conference I’d like you to speak about the main ecological problems and the ways to solve them.
P1: I think, the most serious environmental problem is air pollution. We live in a big city with a lot of cars on the roads, factories and plants. Cars release exhaust fumes, factories give off chemicals which poison the atmosphere and damage people’s health. Polluted air can cause serious lung diseases and also destroy the ozone layer. To my mind, factories managers must set up good filters
and people should go not only by cars but by buses or on foot to stop air pollution.
P2: Normally the ozone layer in the atmosphere protects us from ultraviolet radiation. But if there are holes in the ozone layer the radiation can get to the earth and it can cause skin cancer.
P3: To my mind, another dangerous problem is water pollution. Three-quarters of our planet is water. But very little of this water is fresh and drinkable. Many oceans, seas, rivers and lakes are polluted with industrial and household waste and it’s absolutely impossible nowadays to swim or to fish in the rivers which flow in towns and cities. Waste mustn’t be dumped near or into seas, rivers and lakes.
P4: I’d like to add that litter in our parks, forests, on river banks is a terrible thing, a great problem. It damages the life of insects, birds and animals, pollutes soil and water, makes the environment look unhealthy and ugly and makes people depressed and uneasy. People must use rubbish bins!
P5: I believe, that destruction of forests is a very serious problem, too. People cut down trees to make new roads, to build houses, to make furniture or paper from wood. But the fewer trees are left the less oxygen is in the atmosphere. And it’s very dangerous for our health.
P6: A lot of animals are on the verge of extinction nowadays, unfortunately. They leave their habitats because of deforestation or they are hunted and killed illegally.
There are a lot of endangered animals nowadays: pandas, tigers, leopards, mountain gorillas. Of course, poaching must be banned and new conservancies must be built.
5.4 Аудирование по теме в формате ЕГЭ.
На смарт-доске высвечен слайд1 со словами “Pets. Pet keeping.” и фотографиями учащихся с их любимцами. И слайд 2:
1. The woman wants to buy some exotic animals.
2. The dog in the pet shop is expensive.
3. The woman thinks that cats are unfriendly.
4. Parrots are quiet birds.
5. Goldfish is the best present for everybody.
True False Not Stated True False
Teacher: During our work on the subject “Ecology” we spoke much about your pets. Now you will listen to the dialogue “In the pet shop” . 5 statements are given to you. You are to understand if they are TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED.
Учащиеся читают высказывания на смарт-доске.
You will listen to the dialogue twice.
Учащиеся слушают диалог и выполняют задание.
- Good afternoon, madam. Can I help you?
- Yes. I’m looking for a pet for my son. Can you show me anything?
- What kind of pet does it like? A cat, a dog, or something exotic?
- Well. he’d like a crocodile, but he’s not going to get one.
- We’ve got a nice big dog.
- Oh, a dog…I think it’s very. Is it expensive?
- Yes, rather. What about a cat? Cats don’t eat much, and they are cheap.
- Yes, but they are not friendly.
- Perhaps your son will like a bird? A parrot, for example? The price is reasonable.
- Well, I don’t know…Parrots are very noisy.
-Then take a goldfish. It isn’t very noisy.
- Oh, yes! That’s a good idea! It suits me perfectly.
KEYS:1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. Not stated.
5.5 Проектная работа. Подведение итогов работы по теме «Экологические проблемы современности»: устная (монологическая и диалогическая) речь и письменная речь.
На смарт-доске высвечен слайд со словами Thinkers. Designers. Interlocutors. и иллюстрациями к ним.
Teacher: At the end of the lesson we shall sum up our work on the subject. I want you to take decisions about what you can, must and mustn`t do to protect out nature. Let’s divide our group into 3 subgroups. The first group will be “Thinkers”. They will think of the ways to protect our environment, to keep it clean and beautiful. The second group will be “Designers”. They will design some up-to-date T-shirts with prints reflecting our topic. The third group will be “Interlocutors”. They will make up dialogues about pets and pet keeping.
Работа в группах. 1-я группа учащихся обсуждает способы решения некоторых экологических проблем современности с опорой на таблицу. На смарт-доске высвечен слайд с таблицей:
Some tips for “Thinkers”
№ | Think of what we can, must and mustn’t do to protect the environment |
1. | Think about using rubbish bins. |
2. | Think about clean-ups. |
3. | Think about plants, animals and birds. |
4. | Think about saving and recycling. |
5. | Think about encouraging people. |
Вариант высказываний учащихся 1-й группы ( “Thinkers”):
1. We mustn’t litter in the streets, parks, forests, near lakes and rivers. We must put rubbish into rubbish bins.
2. We mustn’t break plants, kill animals and birds. We are all parts of the environment. We are all interconnected and interdependent.
3. We can plant flowers and trees, feed birds in our gardens and forests.
4. We can get involved in clean-ups.
5. We must save energy, water and we must recycle materials.
6. We can and must encourage other people to keep our nature clean and beautiful.
2-й группе учащихся выдаются листы для рисования, фломастеры, маркеры, и они создают макеты футболок на заданную тему. Презентация макетов сопровождается комментариями.
3-я группа учащихся составляет диалоги «Pets. Pets keeping.” с опорой на таблицу.
Teacher: Keeping pets at home is a popular hobby. However, it has some problems.
Make up a dialogue and speak about pros and cons of keeping pets.
+ | - |
Keeping pets is a good idea. Give us much joy and pleasure. Make us feel closer to nature, more relaxed and healthier. All things considered, it’s rewarding. | Rather expensive. Good food isn’t cheap. Make you very busy: take care, feed. Can make a terrible mess at home. Express your opinion |
6. Подведение итогов занятия. Выставление оценок.
Teacher: You have done a lot today: you have recited a poem, have listened to and made up
dialogues about your pets, have spoken much about the beauty of the world and global
ecological problems and the ways to solve them. We have done project work on the theme of the
lesson. I hope now you understand how wonderful our planet is and you will do you best to
make it cleaner and safer. Thank you for being sociable, attentive and friendly to each other.
Учитель объявляет оценки учащихся.
7. Домашнее задание.
Teacher: Look at the smart-board and put down your homework.
Тема "Let’s think about the future"
Цель урока: активизация знаний по теме
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор (презентация урока ), раздаточный материал
Коммуникативные задачи:
Закреплять ранее изученную лексику по теме
Развивать умения чтения с целью извлечения конкретной информации
Развивать умения говорения – аргументировано выражать мнения по обсуждаемой проблеме,
Развивать умения письма – написание советов,
Воспитательные задачи:
Воспитывать чувство любви и бережного отношения к окружающей среде, чувство ответственности за место, где ты живёшь.
Воспитывать способность работать в группе
Развивающие задачи:
Развивать критическое мышление
развивать память
развивать умения самостоятельно решать проблемы
развивать умения делать выводы, выражать собственное мнение
Ход урока
The beginning of the lesson.
T: Good morning, dear pupils!
Today we are going to continue our talk about ecology, ecological problems, the influence of a man on the environment, the importance of keeping our nature clean. You will find out how other people protect the environment and wildlife and think of the ways you can protect the environment.
1. Evocation
(slide 1) ( The teacher draws a cluster on the board)
Which words are associated with the word “ecology”?
Look at the pictures and say what they are about? (Presenting thematic pictures)
answer the questions.
(slides 2-7)
What is the current situation with the forests/rivers/air?
What happens in our country?
What ecological problems are the most important in our region?
Do you believe that our environment is in danger? Why/why not?
Do you agree that our nature is dangerously polluted? Why?/ Why not?
Do you agree that because of land, air, and water pollution our plants and animals are dying? Why/Why not?
Why do you think our environment is polluted?
Do you find that pollution is a very serious problem nowadays? Why?/Why not?
Why can’t fish live in rivers?
Why are the birds, animals and the wildlife in danger?
Do you think our planet needs protection? Why?
II. Realization of meaning
T: Yes, you are quite right. The ecological situation is very serious in our country.
Now I want you to see the presentation about ecological problems. Be ready to answer my questions.
Many animals are disappearing nowadays. People cut down trees and many animals lose their homes.
Plants and factories send smoke into the atmosphere. The results are changing of climate and global warming.
We have a problem with dirty air too. People can’t breathe in big cities because the air isn't fresh.
Water is very important for us and without drinkable water we’ll die. Different plants make water dirty. People can’t drink this water and animals die in this water.
People leave rubbish at the seaside too. It is also very bad.
The result is very sad.
T: What do you think people should do to protect our nature?
Example: We must(not)…
We must protect our nature and animals from disappearing.
We must keep water clean and mustn't leave rubbish on the roads.
We must keep air fresh and mustn't send smoke to the air.
We must think about our atmosphere and global warming.
In Britain there are a lot of people who think about the future of our planet. Your home task was to find out what Nick does to help the Earth? Please, say if it is true or false.
I think there are a lot of ways we can help to save the Earth. For example, we can reduce land pollution. One way is to remember the three R's (to reuse, to reduce, to recycle). I save plastic food containers. You can make good water toys from them. Before I buy something, I ask myself the following questions: "Can I recycle it?” If I cannot I try not to buy it in order not to spoil the environment.I try to help the planet. I've asked my mum to help me to make a protecting area for birds and other wild animals. We have planted trees. We've also made a pond to help frogs. I want to be the kid who saves the Earth!
Now, please, find out if these statements are true or false according to the text.
1-Nick thinks that there are not many ways we can help the Earth.
2- Nick tries to reduce air pollution.
3- Nick reuses plastic containers to reduce land pollution.
4- The boy is indifferent to the planet.
5- Nick takes care of the environment and wildlife.
T: Now I want you to express your opinion to the question “How to be friendly to the environment?” What does it mean? Organize a role play according to the technology “RAFT” (“Role, Audience, Form, Topic”). Divide into groups and choose roles. (scientists, ecologists, .)
Role Card 1
You are a scientist/ You are making a report at the international conference. Use the following ideas to support your report/
Role Card 2
You are an ecologist. You research different ecological problems in our region. /You are asked to describe the situation at the biology lesson at school/
Role Card 3
You are a group of young volunteers. You are discussing problems of our polluted environment at the meeting
I’ll give you five-seven minutes.
To be friendly to the environment means ...
to keep the country tidy
to respect the life and work of the countryside
to take litter home or put rubbish into the bins
to plant trees and flowers
to recycle and reuse plastic and glass containers
Many people all over the world ...
are concerned about pollution
have environmental programs
find environmental problems worrying
We must not...
spoil the countryside, damage flowers and trees
pollute water, air, land
catch or hurt birds and animals
We should...
help animals and feed birds
plant and protect trees
take care of wild flowers
save flora and fauna
help rare animals and young plants to survive
keep the environment clean
be in charge of the planet
T: Your time is up. Please, you are welcome.
T: We live in a small world too. It’s very important to protect nature where we live. It needs our help. Look at the slides about our settlement and tell us please what you can personally do to save our environment. (Presentation about our settlement) (Slides15-19)
T: Do you like our settlement? How do you protect our nature?
P1: I help the world. The problem of ecology is important in our country. Our nature is in danger. There many ecological problems. I never pollute nature. I don’t leave rubbish at the seaside.
P2: I and my family are responsible for nature. We think that our environment is a church. We must protect it as we are part of our beautiful nature.
P3: I don’t throw away empty bottles and litter. In spring I plant trees and flowers in the garden. I grow beautiful tulips and daffodils, roses and poppies. I hate people who destroy the beauty of our nature, break baby plants and pull out flowers. I want to protect our nature.
T: I hope you will protect our nature and never forget the main rules. What are they? Look at these signs and write the useful tips “How to Be Environmentally Friendly”
Work in groups. (five minutes
Example: Don’t break trees.
Don`t break trees.
Don`t leave litter.
Keep the town tidy.
Respect the life and work of the countryside.
Put litter away.
Grow trees and flowers.
Don`t frighten birds and animals.
Don`t cut wild flowers.
Don`t burn fires.
Don’t hurt animals
Feed birds and help them
Plant trees and flowers
Clean rivers
Always put garbage in a garbage bin.
Don’t cut down baby trees
Don’t paint on the trees
T: What are your useful tips? ( One member of each group presents them).
I hope you will never forget them and help the environment..You have worked very well and that’s why I want you to listen to the song our pupils have composed for you.
Today and tomorrow
Save the environment.
Oceans, sees, forests and animals
Today and tomorrow
Love the environment.
Plant trees and beautiful flowers
Today and tomorrow
Respect the environment
Feed birds and wonderful animals.
T: Did you like the song?
III. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.
Polluted, dangerous
Clean, save, protect
Don’t pollute, don’t hurt, don’t spoil
T: Did you like the lesson?
What task was very interesting for you?
What was easy, difficult?
Now, please, put down your home task. At home you are to make a booklet.
T: Our lesson is over. The famous English writer John Galsworthy said: "If you don`t think about the future you will not have it."
Let`s think about the future. Let`s keep our planet tidy and make it a better place to live in. Let`s save the Earth for ourselves and it`s important to save all forms of life.
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