Серия уроков по теме «Bullying»
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Материал разработан на основе УМК М.З. Биболетовой Enjoy English 8. Рассчитан на 2 урока. Содержит ссылки на видеофайлы, тексты для чтения. Задания сопровождаются комментариями автора.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Серия уроков по теме «Bullying»
УМК: Биболетова М.З. Enjoy English-8. Можно учебник не использовать.
- Введение в тему
Просмотр фрагмента 1 эпизода сериала «Джейн Эйр» 1:40-3:18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SJYxamq-3g&list=PLWBUT4nrnPf6McwQlEJoGdlbbiGvv90Nt
Who are the children? (relations) – They are cousins.
What happened between them? – The boy hit the girl and threatened her.
Why? – The girl was poor that’s why her aunt and cousins treated her like that.
This kind of behavior is called “bullying”.
Related words – to bully, a bully, to be bullied.
- What can be called bullying?
А)Разбор слов из учебника упр. 36, 38 стр. 102
Pick on
Gossip, rumour
B) Выполнение упр.37 стр. 102 – подбери заголовки к текстам.
Особое внимание стоит обратить на текст Е (пригодится при дальнейшем обсуждении).
C) There are some situations. Is it bullying? – It may be the hometask for the next lesson.
Students should prove their answer, using lesson vocabulary.
Situation | yes | no | may be | answer |
1 Tom asks Alex for some money and says "If you don't lend it, I won't be your friend." | + | It’s a blackmail. | ||
2 David spreads a false rumour about Van stealing money. | + | False rumour or gossip | ||
3 Alice elbows Lia on her way into class one day. | + | It was accidentally. | ||
4 Gino keeps telephoning Sandra at home even after she's asked him to stop. | + | He could fall in love with her or threaten her. It’s not clear. | ||
5 After an argument Henrietta tells the other girls not to sit with Therese one lunch time. | + | She was angry with Therese. | ||
6 A couple of boys keep making comments about Mia's body, which upsets her. | + | They make fun of her. | ||
7 Vikram asks people to his birthday party and, in front of everyone, Vikram tells Jason that he's not invited. They had never been friends. | + | Vikram has crude manners. | ||
8 Vanessa and Sonya keep making signs behind Leah's back. | + | It’s not clear what kind of signs. | ||
9 Bob tells Vanu how stupid she is, over and over again. Often when others are listening. | + | It’s an abusing. | ||
10 Alicia pretends to ask Alister to go to party and when he agrees she says "DER (stupid)" and goes back laughing to her friends. | + | It could be a joke. | ||
11 Sally is waiting in line for lunch at the canteen. Henry pushes in front of her without asking, but later says sorry. | + | He apologized. | ||
12 A group of students demand your money or something else valuable to you. | + | It’s a robbery. | ||
13 Ardy makes rude comments about Sheree and says them loud enough for everyone to hear. | + | It’s an abusing. | ||
14 Missy uses information she over hears to make Ange look bad in front of her friends. | + | It’s an abusing. | ||
15 April tells a secret to June about Maybelle that isn’t true and Maybelle tells everyone. | + | False rumour or gossip |
- План работы:
Для детей с более высоким уровнем владения языком: | Для детей со средним и низким уровнем владения языком: |
-знакомство со словами -просмотр видео -ответы на вопросы -просмотр второй части видео -подведение итогов | -знакомство со словами -работа с текстом -ответы на вопросы -просмотр второй части видео -подведение итогов |
Necessary words:
- medically induced coma
- honor student
- fracture
- concussion
- seizures
1. What happened to Baily O’Neil?
2. What consequences did it have?
3. Why was the boy hospitalized for the second time?
4. What punishment did the bullies get?
5. What do you think will the story have a happy ending?
Видео 1:
Sixth-grader Baily O'Neil, an honors student, of Darby Township, Pa., was involved in a fight four weeks ago at the Darby Township School. He was struck several times in the face by another student; the blow fractured his nose and he fell to the ground.
His parents brought their son, who had a concussion, to the A.I. DuPont hospital in Wilmington, Del., where he was treated and released. But his father saw that something wasn't quite right with their son when they returned home.
"He was sleeping. He was moody. He wasn't himself. He was angry a little bit. He wasn't really eating," Bailey's father Rob told ABC WPVI-TV.
Just a few days later, Bailey started having violent seizures and needed to be hospitalized again. The seizures were so bad that doctors at A.I. DuPont were forced to put Bailey in a medically induced coma
Southeast Delco School District Superintendent Stephen Butz told ABCNews.com the school has turned the investigation over to local police and is cooperating fully with their efforts.
"We take bullying seriously," he said. "We are very concerned about the medical condition of the student and our thoughts and prayers are with the family and students."
According to Bailey's father, the boy who struck his son was suspended for two days following the incident, but police have not filed any criminal charges in the case.
Видео 2
-Describe your emotions after watching this video. (shocked, sad…)
-Was the punishment fair in your opinion?
-What would you do in the place of headteacher? Parents? Classmates?
- How to handle a bully?
Bullies seek POWER and want to hurt you to make themselves feel better.
What could you do or say in response?
EXAMPLE: We don’t want you in our group - Superior! I can go make some new friends and start a new group then.
Your turn. React. (Возможна работа в парах или группах)
I don’t like you.
You are stupid.
You are a jerk.
Give me your money or I’ll clock (жарг. «дать в бубен») you.
I don’t want you to play with us.
You are fat.
- Составление ментальной карты
Пример карты по теме «здоровье».
В центре расположена картинка, характеризующая объект карты. В данном случае – яблоко.
Каждое смысловое направление имеет свой цвет и делится на более мелкие «веточки». Каждая веточка имеет рисунок.
Этот вид работы научит детей систематизировать информацию и мыслить логически. Таким образом, мы составим тематический словарь по теме и выйдем на подготовку к эссе.
Возможные направления для ментальной карты по теме «bullying»:
Who – a classmate, a stronger person, elder children,…
Whom – a classmate, weak, poor, not popular, fat, with no friends, with educational problems,….
What can a bully do – изученные выше слова. Могут давать дополнительные «ветки» - F.E. laugh at appearance, educational effort and so on, blackmail money, toys, gadgets…
Where/how - at school, at the lesson, during the break, in the school yard, in the street, by phone, in the Internet, face to face….
Leads to – health problems, stress, disconfidence….
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