план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Конспект  урока по теме  " To get a job you want"


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Предварительный просмотр:

L E S S O N   P L A N

Teacher’s name                                                      M.Khitsenko

The theme of the lesson                                         Get a Job You Want

The aim                                                                   By the end of the lesson the students will be able to make a list

                                                                                 of questions that are often asked during a job   interview and

                                                                                            to role play job interviews.




Material and equipment                                       Business English for Schools

New Language and structures                              expressing opinion/agreeing/disagreeing

                                                                                 I think …                          In my opinion …

                                                                                 I believe …                        I don’t agree that …

                                                                                 I quite agree that …         I can’t agree that …

Class for lesson implementation                             Grade 10

Age of pupils                                                             15-16



                                             L E S S O N   P R O C E D U R E



Purpose of activity


5 min.

5 min.

7 min.

7 min.

7 min.

10 min.

1. Warm up

2. Speaking



While Speaking

To introduce the topic

  1. Read part of the interview, and say whether you think Mrs Stout will get the job. Why? Why not?


‘ So tell me, Mrs Stout,’ asked the interviewer, ‘do you have any other skills or   achievements you think might be worth mentioning?’

 ‘Well, actually, yes,’ replied the applicant modestly. ‘Last year I had two short stories published in national magazines, and I also finished a novel.’

 ‘Very impressive,’ commented the interviewer, ‘but I was thinking of skills you could apply during office hours.’

  Mrs Stout explained brightly, ‘Oh, that was during office hours.’

   2. What skills do you think are worth mentioning when applying for a job?


1. To activate students background knowledge and practice asking questions.


Work in pairs, and write a list of questions that you think are often asked during a job interview.



2.To practice expressing and justifying opinions.

 In groups of four, compare and complete your lists.

Which of the questions do you think are more difficult? Why?

3. To raise students awareness of their right not to give details of their private life to an employer.

   Read the questions.

Which of them do you think should not be asked during an interview? Why not?

  1. Where have you worked before?
  2. Are you married?
  3. What duties have you performed in past job?
  4. What are your short and long-term career goals?
  5. Why are you interested in this organization?
  6. Tell me about yourself.
  7. Were your parents born in this country?
  8. What qualifications have you got?
  9. How old are you?
  10. How did you learn about this job?
  11. How many children have you got?
  12. What special qualifications do you have for this job?
  13. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
  14. Do you belong to any religious groups?


4. To discuss how to prepare for a job interview.

Make a list of things you should do to prepare for an interview.

Use the prompts and add your own ideas.

Write two or three reasons why you want the job, and get ready to explain them, speak clearly, be on time, practice, learn about the company, look interested, find out how to get there, ask questions, take a copy of your CV with you, make eye contact, dress smartly.

5. To role-play an interview.




Class work

Individual work

Pair work

Group work

Individual work

Group work

Pair work




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