Конспект занятия "Лондон- столица Англии"
план-конспект по английскому языку на тему
Данное занятиепредназначено для детей второго года обучения по дополнительной общеобразовательной общеразвивающей программе "Английский язык дляобщения"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
дополнительного образования детей
“Дворец детского (юношеского) творчества”
г. Узловая Тульской области
План – конспект занятия
«Лондон-столица Англии»
Дополнительная образовательная общеразвивающая программа
«Английский язык для общения»
Педагог дополнительного
Борисова М.Л.
занятия по дополнительной общеобразовательной
общеразвивающей программе
"Английский язык для общения".
Коллектив «Умники и умницы»
педагог дополнительного образования
Борисова Марина Львовна (категория первая).
Раздел 3 Страноведение 65/15 Тема «Лондон-столица Англии»
Дата проведения апреля 2017 г.
Место проведения МБОУ ДОД ДДЮТ
Цель: проверить знания детей по усвоению материала при изучении темы «Лондон-столица Англии».
Задачи занятия:
Образовательные: автоматизация грамматического навыка в оформлении речевых высказываний;
автоматизация лексического навыка на базе изученной лексики;
формирование орфографического, аудитивного навыков;
автоматизация навыка чтения и понимания текста.
Воспитательные: формирование положительного отношения к культуре народа, говорящего на английском языке.
Развивающие: развитие готовности вступать в иноязычное общение.
Форма занятия – занятие – экскурсия.
Тип занятия – занятие промежуточного контроля (обобщение знаний).
Техническое оснащение ноутбук, мультимедийная установка, экран, презентация Power Point «A trip to London», картинки достопримечательностей Лондона, карточки с заданиями для учащихся.
грамматические таблицы;
тексты сообщений.
- Организационный момент.
- Hello, children! Sit down, please! (СЛАЙД 1. Звучит бой Биг Бена.)
It`s time to start our lesson. How are you?
We spoke about London a lot at last lessons. Today we are going to an excursion about London. You must be very attentive and creative. Ребята выступят в роли гидов.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
- Look at the screen. Read the words and find the odd word in each column.
(Ученики читают слова вслед за учителем и находят в каждом столбике лишнее слово.)
What help abbey
Where study theatre
When had square
Who learn tower
Why swim apple
3. Речевая зарядка.
- What is the name of the famous clock in London? (Big Ben)
- How often can you hear Big Ben? (Every hour)
- Does the Queen of England live in the Tower? (She doesn’t live in the Tower)
- Where does the Queen stay when she is in London? (In Buckingham Palace)
- Who founded Westminster Abbey? (St. Peter)
- What places of interest in London would you like to visit?
4. Активизация орфографических навыков.
Put letters in a correct order and make the words. (СЛАЙД 4)
bebay (abbey)
numontme (monument)
retteha (theatre)
distamu (stadium)
liaparmetn (parliament)
umsemu (museum)
legalry (gallery)
nemaic (cinema)
aresqu (square)
5. Защита проектов.Совершенствование навыков аудирования.
- Look at the photos. Do you know these sights? (СЛАЙДЫ 5-9)
(The Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Tower Bridge, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, the Palace of Westminster)
5 слайд. Учащийся 1. It is very old. It has a long and cruel history. You can see it from the river Thames. It has twenty towers. Many years the Kings and the Queens of Britain lived in this place. (The Tower of London)
6 слайд. Учащийся 2. It stands near the Houses of Parliament. It is really a bell. It weighs 13,720 kilograms. It has a deep tone and you can hear it on the radio. It is a famous clock. (Big Ben)
7 слайд. Учащийся 3. It is not far from the Houses of Parliament. It is a symbol of England. It was founded by St. Peter and built by King Edward in 1065. Some famous English people are buried there. (Westminster Abbey)
8 слайд. Учащийся 4. The tall column stands in its middle. It is a monument of Admiral Nelson. Four bronze lions look at the square from the monument. There are two beautiful fountains on it. (Trafalgar Square)
9 слайд. Учащийся 5. It is a very beautiful building. It is a place where the British Queen Elizabeth lives when she is in London. (Buckingham Palace)
6. Работа в парах. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.
- Next task for you is to arrange the sentences in a logical order and act out the dialogue.
- You are welcome. Have a nice day. (6)
- Good. Go along that street it will lead you to Trafalgar Square. (4)
- Yes, I can. (3)
- Oh, it’s very easy. Can you see that street over there? (2)
- Thank you very much. (5)
- Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to Trafalgar Square. (1)
(После проверки задания заслушиваются !образцы всех диалогов!.)
7. Совершенствование лексических навыков.
1) Работа в парах.
Find some London`s attractions in the table and add a necessary word.
R | W | A | O | H | E | M | Q | E | N | F | E |
S | E | P | A | R | L | I | A | M | E | N | T |
T | S | B | U | L | M | J | N | O | M | C | P |
V | T | U | R | S | H | U | D | S | L | A | Q |
K | M | C | K | Y | T | K | G | R | O | T | W |
L | I | K | N | M | E | K | M | O | T | H | G |
O | N | I | M | H | D | X | C | T | G | E | B |
T | S | N | B | I | G | D | U | O | R | D | I |
R | T | G | R | E | N | P | A | W | H | R | A |
D | E | H | W | A | H | Y | D | E | O | A | V |
T | R | A | F | A | L | G | A | R | T | L | N |
Z | E | M | N | Y | O | K | N | K | Y | M | Z |
R | W | A | O | H | E | M | Q | E | N | F | E |
S | E | P | A | R | L | I | A | M | E | N | T |
T | S | B | U | L | M | J | N | O | M | C | P |
V | T | U | R | S | H | U | D | S | L | A | Q |
K | M | C | K | Y | T | K | G | R | O | T | W |
L | I | K | N | M | E | K | M | O | T | H | G |
O | N | I | M | H | D | X | C | T | G | E | B |
T | S | N | B | I | G | D | U | O | R | D | I |
R | T | G | R | E | N | P | A | W | H | R | A |
D | E | H | W | A | H | Y | D | E | O | A | V |
T | R | A | F | A | L | G | A | R | T | L | N |
Z | E | M | N | Y | O | K | N | K | Y | M | Z |
- Westminster (Abbey)
- Big (Ben)
- Buckingham (Palace)
- (The White, the Bloody) Tower (of London)
- Trafalgar (Square)
- (The Houses of) Parliament
- (St. Paul’s) Cathedral.
- 8. Закрепление пройденного материала. Драматизация экскурсии.
- Работа в микрогруппах.
- Let’s divide into 2 groups. The guide of the first group will be …
- Guide 1: Hello! My name is … We will travel by bus.1
- Tourists: What are we going to see?
- Guide 1: You will see Westminster (Abbey), Big (Ben), Buckingham (Palace).
- Guide 2: Hello! My name is … We will travel by subway.
- Tourists: What are we going to see?
- Guide 1: You will see(The White, the Bloody) Tower (of London), Trafalga(Square),
- (The Houses of) Parliament, (St. Paul’s) Cathedral.
- 7. Итог урока.
- - Did you like the lesson? What did you like about the lesson?. I hope you will go to London in future. Home task will be to make up the dialogue. Using the map explain the tourist how to get to the place of interest.
- You have worked hard today. Your marks are…Our lesson is over. Good- bye.
- Резервные задания.
- Match the words and their definitions
- Stadium
- Cinema
- Museum
- Gallery
- Theatre
- is a place where people can see works of art
- is a place where people watch plays
- is a place where people watch films
- is a place where people can see different collections of important things
- is a place where people can watch football matches
- Write down the word combinations
Buckingham Tower
The Tower of Abbey
Tower London
Big Bridge
Bloody Parliament
Trafalgar Tower
Westminster Ben
The Houses of Palace
White Square
- Make up sentences. Use the words:
- to, London, are, many, In, places, there, visit
- of, Tower Bridge, one, the, across, Thames, is, famous, bridges, river, the
- the Bloody Tower, You, see, in, today, do, not, blood
- Match the sights of London and their Russian equivalents
- Tower of London
- The Houses of Parliament
- Westminster Abbey
- Big Ben
- St. Paul’s Cathedral
- The British Museum
- The National Gallery
- Buckingham Palace
а) Национальная галерея
b) Британский музей
c) Вестминстерское аббатство
d) Букингемский дворец
f) Лондонский Тауэр
g) Биг Бен
h) Собор Святого Павла
e) Дома Парламента
5. Fill in the gaps
London is the ________ of the UK. There are a lot of places to ______ there. The ______ of England is Westminster Abbey. It’s a ______ near the Houses of Parliament. The coronation of all British Kings and Queens takes ______ in Westminster Abbey.
6. What sight of London is this text about ?
- It’s a big bell which weighs 13,720 kilograms. It has a deep tone and you can hear it on the radio.
- It’s a church near the Houses of Parliament. The legend says it was founded by St. Peter. Most British kings and queens were crowned there.
- It’s one of the symbols of London. It has a log and cruel history. It’s not just one building. You can see it from the river Thames.
- The country’s leaders speak there.
- It’s next to the Tower of London . It opens and ships go up and down the river Thames.
- Do the test
- London stands on the river
- Nerl
- Nil
- Thames
- Rhein
- Westminster Abbey was built in
- 886
- 1247
- 1115
- 1065
- When Queen Elisabeth is in London she lives in
- The Tower of London
- Westminster Abbey
- The Houses of Parliament
- Buckingham Palace
- The famous British clock Big Ben stands near
a) The Houses of Parliament
b) St. Paul’s Cathedral
c) Buckingham Palace
d) The Tower of London
5) The Changing of the Guard takes place in
a) Westminster Abbey
b) Buckingham Palace
c) The Tower of London
d) The Houses of Parliament
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