КВН по английскому языку для 11 класса "People's social welfare"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
КВН " People's social welfare" "Cоциальное благополучие людей" по английскому языку для учащихся 11 класса по УМК "Английский язык", авторы Кузовлев В.П.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Цели Активизация материала по темам « Социальное благосостояние» и « Halloween » Совершенствование навыков устной речи Тренировка лексических навыков. Поддержание интереса к изучению ИЯ
Задание №1 Warming up What is the Russian for “vindictiveness” ? Give the Russian equivalents to the next English proverbs : ( 1 point each) -Live and learn - Knowledge is power -Repetition is the mother of learning -First think then speak -He laughs best who laughs last -Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth -Forbidden fruit is sweet -So many men, so many minds -Everything is good in its season -A new broom sweeps clean
Halloween All saints’ Day Задание №2 Each answer is 2 points 1.Look at the poster and say what symbols of the holiday you know 2.What happens at Halloween most people believe 3.What do usually children do and say at Halloween? 4.Where does the celebration derive from?
Задание №3 What are your associations connected to the welfare topic? 3 minutes for preparation. 5 points maximum
A funny quiz There is a very, very tall coconut tree and there are 4 animals: King Kong, an Ape, an Orang-utan and a Monkey They decide to compete to see who is the fastest to get a banana off the tree. Who do you guess will win? So think carefully . . . Try and answer within 30 seconds Got your answer? Now scroll down to see the analysis.
Comments A Coconut tree doesn't have bananas ! Obviously you're stressed and overworked. Take some time off and relax ! Try again next year One realizes the full importance of time only when there is little of it left.
Задание №4 Let’s play “ Paired letters” Find 5 words for 3 minutes 2 points per word Unemployment Health Entitled Indignity Vindictive un he nt me In en th so ci dig ti al ni oy al tl em ty pl vi ed ve ti ic nd
Задание №5 Flash questions for captains The correct answer is 1 point 1.It’s paid to disabled people to pay for transport or to buy vehicle (mobility allowance) 2. A large metal container which keeps food cool ( fridge) 3.It removes dirt from carpets (a vacuum cleaner) 4.A person who can’t spend money wisely (spendthrift) 5.A small machine which can do mathematical calculations (a calculator) 6. A portable music machine (a CD player)
7. An instrument which measures time (a clock/a watch) 8.Name the largest private health insurance company in Great Britain (BUPA) 9.An object which is used for making clothes smooth ( an iron) 10.This machine is used to access the gigantic web (a computer) 11. Who invented the telephone? (Graham Bell) 12 Who invented the electric light bulb ( Thomas Edison)
Задание№6 The queen of Great Britain is reading a royal decree to the British. What is she saying ? The most comic and wittiest answer is 3 points for 3minutes
The end
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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