Подготовка к ОГЭ в 9 классе (словообразование)
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (8, 9 класс) на тему
Практические материалы и примеры для обучения к выполненитю заданий на словообразование
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Able Способный | Unable Ability Disabled Disability | Неспособный Способности Инвалидный Неспособность | He was disabled in the war; he lost his left arm. |
Academy Академия | Academic Academically | Академия Академичный | In Britain the academic year runs to October to July. |
Accept Принять | Acceptance Accepting Acceptable Unacceptable Acceptably | Принятие Принимаемый Приемлемый Непреемлимый Приемлемо | This standard of work is not acceptable, do it again! |
Accuse Обвинять | Accused Accusation | Обвиняемый Обвинение | He was accused of murder. |
Achieve Достигнуть | Achievement | Достижения | He will never achieve anything if he doesn’t work harder. |
Act Действие | Active Inactive Acting Actor Actress Action Activity | Действие Бездействие Действие Актер Актриса Действие Занятия | There has been a lot of activity in the town center today. |
Add Прибавлять | Added Addiction Additionally | Сложение Дополнительный Дополнительно | Additions are made to the list from time to time. |
Addict Наркоман | Addicted Addictive Addiction | Склонный Вызывающий привыкание Привыкать | It doesn’t take long to become addicted to these drugs. |
Advertise Реклама | Advertisement Advertising Advertiser | Реклама Рекламный Рекламодатель | He’s not a very good advertisement for the driving school-he has failed his test six times! |
Allergy Аллергия | Allergic | Аллергичный | She’s allergic to the fur of cats. |
Allow Позволять | Disallow Allowance Allowable | Отвергать Позволение Допустимый | She failed one of the exam papers, but we ought to make allowance for the fact when he was ill. |
Amuse | Amusing Amusement | Забавно Развлечения | I don’t find his jokes very amusing. |
Announce Объявлять | Announcement Announced Unannounced | Объявление Объявлять Не объявленный | Everyone was silent as he announced the winner of the competitions. |
Anxious Озабоченность | Anxiously Anxiety | С тревогой Беспокойство | We waited with great anxiety for more news about the accident. |
Appear Появляться | Appearance Apparently | Появление Проявленный | I wasn’t there, but apparently it was a good party. |
Apply Применять | Applicable Applied Applicant Application | Применимый Пригодный Претендент Заявление | This rule is only applicable to UK citizens. |
Appreciate Оценивать | Appreciative Inappreciative Appreciation | Оцененный Неоцененный Оценка | The pupils wrote an appreciation of the play they had just seen. |
Argue Спорить | Argument Argumentative | Спор Доказательный | They were having an argument about whose turn it was to do the cooking. |
Arrange Приводить в порядок | Rearrange Arrangement | Переустройство Устройство | We still have to arrange where to meet. |
Arrive Прибывать | Arrival | Прибытие | We apologize for the late arrival of aircraft. |
Assist Помогать | Assistance Assistance | Помощь Помощник | I was given some assistance in coming to my decision. |
Associate Общаться | Disassociate Association Unassociated Associated | Разъединять Объединение Необъеденёный Объединять | He associates with criminal. |
Attend Обслуживать | Attention Attentively Inattentively Attendance Attendant | Внимание, уход Внимательно Невнимательный Присутствие Дежурный, сопровождающий | Attendance at school is demanded by law. |
Attract Привлекать | Unattractive Attraction Attractively | Непривлекательный, Привлекательность Привлекательно | I find the idea of travel very attractive. |
Aware Знать | Unaware Awareness | Неосведомленный Неосведомленность | He seamed to be unaware of the trouble he was causing. |
Beauty Красота | Beautiful Beautifully | Красивый Красиво | His mother was a woman of great beauty. |
Behave Вести себя | Behavior | Поведение | She was been behaving rather oddly. |
Belief Вера | Disbelief Believe Believable Unbelievable Believably Unbelievably | Неверие Верить Вероятный Невероятный Вероятно Невероятно | He shook his head in disbelief. |
Benefit Выгода | Beneficial | Выгодный, благотворительный | His holiday has had a beneficial effect. |
Bore Скука | Boring Boringly Bored Boredom | Скучный Скучно Скучающий Занудство | She made no attempt to conceal her boredom. |
Broad Широкий | Breadth Broaden | Ширина Расширять | What is the breadth of this river? |
Build Строить | Building Builder | Здание Строитель | Hard work is a great character-builder. |
Care Забота | Careful Carefully Careless Carelessly Caring Uncaring | Заботливый Заботливо Беззаботный Беззаботно Заботящийся Незаботливый | You should be more carefully with your money. |
Certify Удостоверять | Certificate Certified | Справка Дипломированный | She has just received a certificate of health. |
Comfort Удобство | Discomfort Comfortable Uncomfortable Comfortably Uncomfortably | Неловкость Удобный Неудобный Удобство Неудобство | The doctor said that another was comfortable of her operation. |
Commerce Торговля | Commercial | Финансовый Финансово | The film was highly praised but is not a commercial success. |
Communicate Сообщать | Communication Communicative Uncommunicative Communicator | Связь Общительный Необщительный Отправительный, передаточный | You are not very communicative this morning. Is anything the matter? |
Compete Соревноваться | Competition Competitor Competitive Competitively | Соревнования Соперник Конкурентоспособный Честолюбиво | There were 10 competitors in the race. |
Converse Сведущий | Conversation | Разговор, Беседа | It’s difficult to converse with people who hold extremist views. |
Convict Осуждение | Convicted Conviction | Осужденный Осуждение | She is a woman of strong convictions. |
Convince Убеждать | Convinced Unconvincing | Убежденный, Не убеждающий | I’m convinced that she’s telling the truth. |
Correspond Соответствовать | Correspondence | Соответствие | The library bought all the correspondence between Quinn Victoria and her daughter. |
Create Создавать | Creative Creatively Creation Creator | Творческий, Творчески, Создание, Создатель | The best education system is lets children use their creativity. |
Crime Преступление | Criminal | Преступник, Преступный | A criminal lawyer is a specialist in criminal. |
Culture Культура | Cultural Culturally Cultured Uncultured | Культурный Культурно, Культурный, Некультурный | Khabarovsk is a good city for people who are interested in culture. |
Current Валюта | Currently | Текущий, Находящийся в обращении | The rate of inflation currently stands at 7%. |
Danger Опасность | Dangerous Dangerously Endanger Endangered | Опасный, Опасно, Подвергать опасности, Находящийся в опасности | You will endanger your health if you work so hard. |
Day День | Daily Everyday | Ежедневно, Каждый день | She goes there twice daily. |
Decide Решать | Decision Decisive Decisively Indecisive Undecided | Решение, Решающий, Решительно, Нерешенный, Нерешительный | You’ll have to be more decisive if you won’t to do well in business. |
Dedicate Преданный | Dedicated Dedication | Посвященный, Посвящение | She is very dedicated to her work. |
Desire Желать | Desirable Undesirable | Желательный, Нежелательный | The incident could have undesirable consequences for the development. |
Develop Развиваться | Developed Undeveloped Developing Developer Development | Развивающийся, Неразвивающийся, Развитие, Развивающий, Расширение, Эволюция | The use of computers in business is a fairly recent development. |
Differ Отличаться | Different Differently Difference | Другой Различно Разница | It doesn’t make any difference to me whether you go or stay. |
Direct Прямой | Indirect Direction Director Directly Indirectly | Косвенный Направление Руководитель Прямо Косвенно | She drove off in the direction of London. |
Discover Открывать | Discovery | Открытие | The archaeologists have made a number of important discoveries. |
Discuss Обсуждать | Discussion | Дискуссия | We haven’t made a decision about it-the subjects are still under discussions. |
Disgust Отвращение | Disgusting Disgusted | Отвратительный Возмущенный | What disgusting food! |
Distant Далекий | Distantly Distance | Расстояние Далеко | Those 2 people are distantly related. |
Economy Экономика | Economic Economical Economically Uneconomically Economics Economist | Экономический Экономный Экономно Неэкономно Экономика Экономист | She is study economics at college. |
Edit Редактировать | Editor Editorial Edited | Редактор Редакционный Отредактированный | She has made a lot of editorial changes in their book. |
Educate Просвещать | Education Educator Educational Educationally | Образование Воспитатель Учебный Педагогически | He was visiting schools and other educational establishment in the area. |
Effect Эффект | Effective Ineffective Effectively | Эффективный Неэффективный Эффективно | Their efforts to improve the school have been very effective. |
Emphasis Значение | Emphasize Emphatic | Подчеркивать Убедительный | I’d like to emphasize that we are ready to meet the management at any time. |
Employ Нанимать | Employed Unemployed Employable Unemployable Employer Employee | Работающий Неработающий Работоспособный Неработоспособный Служба Служащий | The car industry is one of the biggest employers. |
End | Endless Endlessly Ending Unending | Бесконечный Бесконечно Окончание Нескончаемый | I’m fed up with your endless complaining. |
Enjoy Наслаждаться | Enjoyment Enjoyable | Удовольствие Приятный | That was an enjoyable holiday! |
Enter Входить | Entrance | Вход | Excuse me, where is the entrance to the cinema? |
Entertain Развлекать | Entertaining Entertainment Entertainer | Развлекательный Развлечение Развлекающий | It’s not a very serious film, but its good entertainment. |
Enthuse Приходящий в восторг | Enthusiastic Enthusiastically Unenthusiastic Enthusiasm Enthusiast | Восторженный Восторженно Без восторга Энтузиазм Энтузиаст | We explained our planes, and he was very enthusiastic about them. |
Environment Среда | Environmental Environmentalist | Связанный с окружающей средой Защитник окружающей среды | The environmentalist is a person who tries to prevent the environment from being spoilt. |
Equip Снаряжать | Equipment Equipped | Оборудование Оборудованный | She tested all her equipment. |
Evident Заметный | Evidence Evidently | Показания Очевидно | Is there any evidence for believing the world is round? |
Excite Возбуждать | Exciting Exited Excitement | Восхитительный Взволнованный Возбуждение | The exited children were opening their Christmas present. |
Expect Ожидать | Expected Expectation Expectancy | Ожидаемый Ожидание Предвкушение | They closed the window in expectation of rain. |
Expense Трата | Expensive Inexpensive Expensively Expenses | Дорогой Недорогой Дорого Расходы | Her company sent her to Paris and paid all her expenses. |
Explain Объяснять | Explanation | Объяснение | She has written an explanation of how the system works. |
Extreme Крайний | Extremely Extremity Extremist | Крайне Крайность Экстремист | The poor animal was in an extremity of pain. |
Fail Проваливаться | Failure Failing | Неудача Недостаток | His planes ended in failure. |
Fame Слава | Famous Famously Infamous | Знаменитый Знаменито Незнаменито | He is getting on famously at his school. |
Fashion Мода | Fashionable Unfashionable Fashionably Unfashionably | Модный Немодный Модно Немодно | She is always fashionably dress. |
Finance Доходы | Financial Finances | В финансовом отношении Финансы | The City of London is a great financial center. |
Fit Пригодный | Fitness Unfit |
Состояние здоровья Непригодный | They are doing exercises to improve their fitness. |
Forge Подделывать | Forgery Forger | Подделка Подделывать | They were sent to prison for forgery. |
Fortune Удача | Misfortune Fortunate Unfortunate | Неудача, Удачный Неудачный Удачно | I was late in getting to the station but fortunately for me, the train was late too. |
Freeze Холодать | Froze Frozen Freezing Freezer | Холодал Замороженный Ледяной Морозильник | I’m absolutely frozen. |
Friend Друг | Friendship Friendly Unfriendly | Дружба Дружелюбно Недружелюбно | He is not very friendly to newcomers. |
Globe Земной шар | Global Globally | Всеобщий В общем | The report takes a global view of the company’s problems. |
Great Великий | Greatly Greatness | Очень значительно Сила | Her reading has improved greatly since she changed school. |
Grow Расти | Growth Grown-up Growing Grown Home-grown Grower | Рост Взрослый Растущий Увеличенный Домашний Садовод | She has a grow-up daughter who lives abroad. |
Happy Счастливый | Unhappy Happiness Unhappiness Happily Unhappily | Несчастный Счастье Несчастие Удачно Неудачно | Happily, the accident was not serious. |
Harm Вред | Harmful Harmfully Harmless Unharmed | Вредный Вредно Поврежденный Неповрежденный | Smoking is harmful to health. |
Help Помощь | Helpful Unhelpful Helpfully Helpless Helplessly Helping Helper | Полезный Бесполезный Полезно Беспомощный Беспомощно Помощь Помощник | It was very helpful of you to do that typing for me. |
Honest Честный | Dishonest Dishonesty Dishonestly Honestly | Нечестный Нечестность Нечестно Честность | It was very dishonest of yours to lie to them about your qualifications. |
Humor Юмор | Humorous Humorless | Смешной Лишенный чувства юмора | That is a humorous character in the play. |
ILL Больной | Illness | Болезнь | Tuberculosis is a very serious illness. |
Important Важный | Unimportant Importance Importantly | Неважно Важность Важно | How much importance do you attach to the latest events? |
Improve Улучшать | Improvement Improved | Улучшение Улучшенный | Your English is getting better, but there is still room for improvement. |
Industry Промышленный | Industrial Industrially Industrious | В промышленном отношении Трудолюбиво Промышленный | Industrial relations concerned the relationship between the management and the workers in an industry. |
Inform Сообщать | Information Uninformed Uninformative | Информация Неосведомленный Бессодержательный | Please, keep me informed of any developments in the situations. |
Inhabit Населять | Inhabitant | Житель | Moscow is a city of 9 million inhabitance. |
Inject Вводить | Injection | Укол | The drug is taken by injection. |
Injure Ранить | Injury Injuries | Повреждение Повреждения | The driver received serious injuries to the legs and arms. |
Intense Сильный | Intensity Intensify Intensely | Интенсивность Усиливать Сильно | The strong wind seemed to intensify the coat. |
Interest Интерес | Uninteresting Interesting Interestingly | Неинтересный Интересный Интересно | I have no interest in politics. |
Introduce Вводить | Introduction Introductory | Введение Вступительный | This little book is a very good introduction to geometry. |
Invent Изобретать | Inventor Invention | Изобретатель Изобретение | The whole story complete invention; I don’t believe a word of it! |
Invest Вкладывать | Investment Investor | Вложение Вкладчик | She mad an investment of 1000$ in the new form. |
Investigate Расследовать | Investigative Investigation Investigator | Исследователь Расследование Исследовать | Scientists of the world contribute to the investigation of the laws of the Universe. |
Involve Включать в себя | Uninvolved Involvement | Невключенный Затруднительное положение | She gave a long and involved explanation on the theme. |
Jealous Ревнивый | Jealously Jealously | Ревниво Ревность | He is jealous of their success. |
Journal Журнал | Journalist Journalism Journalistic | Журналист Журналистика Журнальный | Journalism is the profession of writing for newspapers and magazines. |
Kind Доброта | Unkind Unkindness Kindly | Злой Злость Добрый | She spoke unkindly. |
Know Знать | Knowledge Unknowledgeable Knowledgeable | Знание Незнающий Знающий | He is very knowledgeable. |
Law Закон | Lawyer Unlawful Lawful | Адвокат Незаконный Законный | I was going about my lawful business. |
Like Похожий | Alike Dislike Unlike Likeness Unlikable Liking | Одинаково Неприязнь Непохожий Сходство Несимпатичный Симпатия | That’s a good likeness of Julie. |
Likely Вероятность | Unlikely Likelihood | Непохожий Вероятность | There is no likelihood of rain. |
Literate Литературный | Illiterate Illiteracy Literature | Безграмотный Безграмотность Литература | She has moved to another job; it’s a great lost of our firm. |
Lose Потерять | Lost Loss | Потерянный Потеря | There is now a vast literature on the subjects. |
Low Низкий | Lower Lowness | Нижний Низ | Please, lower your voice. |
Luxury Роскошь | Luxuries Luxuriously Luxurious | Предметы роскоши Роскошно Роскошный | We couldn’t afford to spend money on luxuries. |
Machine Машина | Machinery | Оборудование | New machinery is being installed in the factory. |
Maintain Поддерживать | Maintenance | Поддержка | I hope you will maintain your recent improvement. |
Manage Управлять | Managing Management Manager | Распоряжающийся Руководство Управляющий | The company’s failure was mainly due to bad management. |
Marry Женить | Marriage Unmarried | Брак Холостой; холостая | The marriage took place in church. |
Medal Медаль | Medalist Medallion | Медалист Медальон | He was the silver medalist in the 800 metes. |
Meet Встречать | Met Meeting | Подходящий Встреча | Our meeting in Tokyo was quite by chance. |
Mix Смешивать | Mixed Mixture Mixer | Смешанный Смесь Миксер; смеситель | I listened to her excuse with a mixture of amusement and disbelief. |
Murder Убийство | Murderer | Убийца | There have been several murders this year. |
Nature Природа | Unnatural Natural Naturally | Неестественно Природный Естественно | Try to look natural for your photograph. |
Neighbor Соседский | Neighborly Neighboring Neighborhood | Добрососедский Соседний Соседи | There is a bus service between the town and neighboring village. |
Nerve Хладнокровный | Nervously Nervous Nervousness | Нервно Нервность Нервный | I’ve got to give a speech and I’m a bit nervous about it. |
Obey Повиноваться | Disobey Disobedient Disobedience | Не слушаться Непослушный Неповиновение | He disobeyed his mother and went to the party. |
Observe Заметный | Observer Observation | Наблюдатель Наблюдение | She is in hospital under observation. |
Offence Проступок | Offensive Offend Offender | Оскорбительный Обижать Правонарушитель | I found him extremely offensive. |
Operate Управлять | Operation Operator Operating Cooperate Cooperative Uncooperative | Работа Оператор Операционный Сотрудничать Сотрудничество Некооперативный | The film was produce in cooperation with Australian TV. |
Oppose Противостоять | Opposition Opponent Opposite Opposing | Оппозиция Оппонент Напротив Противоположный | His opponent didn’t stand a chance. |
Origin Источник | Unoriginal Originate Originator | Неоригинально Происходить Создатель | This TV series originated from a short story. |
Pay Плата | Paid Payment Payable | Оплачиваемый Платеж Выгодный | This bill is payable now. |
Perform Выполнять | Performing Performance Performer | Дрессированный Выступление Исполнитель | His performance of Othello was very good. |
Person Человек | Impersonal Personality Personally | Безлико Личность Лично | Id likes to speak to her about personal matter. |
Photograph Фотографировать | Photography Photograph Photographic | Фотография Фотограф Фотографический | Photography is one of his hobbies. |
Poison Яд | Poisonous Poisoning | Ядовитый Отравление | Some planes have poisons berries. |
Polite Вежливый | Impolite Impolitely Impoliteness Politely | Невежливый Неучтиво Невоспитанность Вежливо | It was rather impolite of you not to say goodbye. |
Politics Политика | Political Politics | Политически Политик | You need to be a bit of politicians to succeed in this company. |
Pollute Загрязнять | Unpolluted Polluted Pollution Pollutant | Незагрязненный Загрязненный Загрязнение Загрязняющий агент | Pollutants are constantly being released into the atmosphere. |
Poor Бедный | Poor Poverty | Плохо Бедность | They live in poverty. |
Popular Популярный | Unpopular Popularly Popularly | Непопулярный Обычно Популярно | It popularly believed that taken large amounts of vitamins C curses colds. |
Possible Возможно | Impossible Impossibility Impossibly Possibly | Невозможно Невозможность Невозможно Возможно | Is there any possibility that you will be back by the weekend? |
Power Сила | Powerful Powerfully Powerless Empower Powerlessly | Сильный Сильно Невозможно Уполномочивать Бессильный | I was powerless to prevent the accident. |
Practice Привычка | Practise Impractical Practical Practically | Упражняться Нереально Практический Практически | You will never leach to ride a bike if you don’t practice. |
Prepare Подготавливать | Preparation Preparatory Unprepared Prepared | Подготовка Подготовительный Неподготовленный Готовый | He didn’t do enough preparation for his exams and failed. |
Prison Тюрьма | Prisoner Imprison Imprisoned Imprisonment | Заключенный Заключенный в тюрьму Тюремное заключение Заключать в тюрьму | He was sentences to life imprisonment. |
Produce Производить | Product Producer Production Unproductive Productive Productively
| Изделие Производитель Выработка Неплодородный Продуктивный Продуктивно | She was been involved in the production of several well-known films. |
Profession Профессия | Professional Professionally Unprofessional Unprofessionally | Профессиональный Профессионально Непрофессиональный Непрофессионально | She is a real professional. |
Prove Доказывать | Proof Proven Unproven Disprove | Доказательство Доказанный Недоказанный Опровергать | I believe what you say I don’t need any proof. |
Psychology Психология | Psychologist Psychologically Psychological | Психолог Психологически Психологический | There could be psychological for his bad health. |
Qualify Определять | Unqualified Qualified Qualifying Qualification | Неквалифицированный Квалифицированный Квалификационный Квалификация | He is not qualified to teach young children. |
Real Настоящий | Unreal Realize Really Realization Reality Realistically | Нереальный Осознавать Действительно Осознание Реальность Реалистично | The next year saw the realization of my hopes. |
Reason Причина | Reasonable Unreasonable Reasonably Unreasonably Reasoning | Разумный Неразумный Разумно Неразумно Рассуждение
| The car is in reasonably good conditions. |
Recognize Признавать | Unrecognizable Recognition | Неузнаваемый Признание | She hopes she would avoid recognition by wearing dark glasses. |
Recover Возмещать | Recovery | Восстановление | She made a quick recovery from he5r illness. |
Relate Рассказывать | Relative Relatively Relation Relationship | Родственник Относительно Отношения Связь | The relations between our two countries are not good just now. |
Research Исследование | Researcher | Исследователь | This book has been very well researched. |
Reside Проживать | Residential Resident Residence | Жилой Проживающий Резиденция | This building is an ambassador’s official residence. |
Responsible Ответственный | Irresponsible Responsibly Irresponsibly Irresponsibility Responsibility | Безответственный Ответственно Неответственно Безответственность Ответственность | Now that you are 15 you should have more sense of responsibility. |
Revise Изменять | Revision Revised | Изменение Исправленный | That book needs a lot of revision. |
Revolution Революция | Revolutionary | Революционный | His surfed for his revolutionary principles. |
Ridicule Насмешка | Ridiculously Ridiculous Ridiculousness | Смешно Смешной Нелепость | The fad old man looked ridiculous in his tight pink trousers. |
Rob Красть | Robbery Robber | Ограбление Грабитель | He has committed several robberies in the neighborhood. |
Safe Безопасный | Unsafe Unsafely Save Safety Savior Saver | Опасный Неблагополучно Спасать Безопасность Спаситель Спасатель | Our new washing-machine is a real time-and money saver. |
Say Сказать | Saying | Высказывание | «There is no smoke without fire»; as the saying goes. |
Scholar Ученый | Scholarship Scholarly Scholastic | Ученость Академический Учительский | She won a scholarship to Oxford. |
Science Наука | Scientist Scientific Scientifically Unscientific Unscientifically | Ученый Научный Научно Ненаучный Антинаучно | Scientist is a person who works in a science. |
Second Второй | Secondly Secondary | Во-вторых Вторичный | First I need your name secondly what’s your date of birth? |
Similar Подобный | Dissimilar Dissimilarly Similarity | Не так же Сходство Разнородный | How much similarity is there between the 2 religions? |
Solve Решать | Solution Solvable Unsolvable | Решение Разрешимый Неразрешимый | There are no simple solutions to the unemployment problem. |
Strong Сильный | Strength Strengthen Strongly | Прочность Развивать Крепко | The wind strengthened during the night. |
Study Учиться | Student Studies Studious | Учащийся Курсы Усердный | He always pays studious attention to detail. |
Style Стиль | Unstylish Stylist Stylist Stylishness | Неэлегантный Шикарный Стилист Элегантность | Stylist is a person who develops styles of appearance. |
Succeed Преуспевать | Success Successful Successfully Unsuccessful Unsuccessfully | Успех Успешный Удачно Неудачный Неудачно | I’m afraid my attempt to make a cake was not very successful. |
Suggest Предлагать | Suggested Suggestive Suggestively Suggestion | Предложенный Намекающий (неприл.) Неприлично Предложение | Id likes to make a suggestion. |
Sun Солнце | Sunny Sunshine | Солнечный Солнечный | I was sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine. |
Supervise Наблюдать | Supervision Supervisor | Наблюдение Смотритель | The work was done under my supervision. |
Surgery Хирургия | Surgeon Surgical Surgically | Хирург Хирургический Хирургически | The surgeon is a doctor whose job is to perform medical operations. |
Surprise Сюрприз | Surprising Unsurprising Unsurprisingly Surprisingly Surprised | Неожиданный Неудивительный Неудивительно Удивительно Удивленный | We were surprised to learn that he was French. |
Sweet Сладкий Конфета | Sweetly Sweetener Sweetness | Сладко Заменитель сахара Сладость | She usually uses honey as a sweetener rather then sugar. |
Teach Учить | Teacher Taught | Учитель Наученный | Her husband is a history teacher at the local school. |
Technology Технология | Technological Technologically Technically | Технологический Технологически С технической точки зрения | This book is too technical for me. |
Theft Вор | Thief | Вор | The building has been injured against theft. |
Think Думать | Thought Thinkable Unthinkable Thoughtful Thoughtless | Обдуманный Мыслимый Немыслимый Задумчивый Неосмотрительный | It was thoughtless of you to forget your sister’s birthday. |
Thorough Полный | Thoroughly Thoroughness | Вполне Тщательность | After a hard day’s work I thoroughly tired. |
Time Время | Timetable | Расписание | The meeting is timetabled of 2 o’clock. |
Tour Тур | Tourism Tourist | Туризм Турист | The country depends on tourism for much its income. |
Train Тренировать | Retrain Trainer | Перевоспитывать Инструктор | He is training to be a doctor. |
Treat Обращаться | Treatment | Обращение | He is receiving treatment for cancer. |
Understand Понимать | Misunderstood Understood Understanding Misunderstanding Understandable Understandably | Непонимание Понимание Согласованный Несогласованный Понятный Понятно | He was understandably annoyed. |
Use Использовать | Usage Useful Usefully Useless User Unusable | Употребление Полезный Полезно Бесполезно Пользователь Непригодный | It useless to complain. |
Value | Invaluable Valuable Invaluably Valuably Valueless Valuation | Бесценный Ценный Бесценно Полезно Ничего не стоящий Оценка | The metal look like gold but in fact it was valueless. |
Vary Менять | Invariable Variable Invariably Variably Varying Varied Variously Variation Variety | Постоянный Изменчивый Постоянно Изменчиво Меняющийся Разнообразный Различно Изменение Разнообразный | Because these clothes are handmade there may by some variation in color. |
Wealth Богатство | Wealthy | Состоятельный | The country’s wealth comes from its oil. |
Willing Согласный | Unwilling Willingness Unwillingness Willingly Unwillingly | Несогласный Готовность Неготовность Охотно Неохотно | Do you have willingness to help? |
Wood Дерево | Wooden | Деревянный; Ненастоящий | The actress gives a rather wooden performance. |
Work Работа | Working Workable Unworkable Worker Works | Деятельность Выполнимый Невыполнимый Рабочий Завод | She is a real worker; she get twice as much done as always else. |
World Мир | Worldwide | Всемирноизвестный | French cheeses are famous worldwide. |
Write Писать | Writer Writing Wrote Written Unwritten | Писатель Писание; почерк Сочинял Написанный Ненаписанный | I can’t read the doctors writing. |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Словообразование.подготовка к ЕГЭ.11 класс
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Подготовка к ЕГЭ:Трудные случаи словообразования
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Подготовка к ЕГЭ по теме "Словообразование" -презентация
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Подготовка к ЕГЭ. Задание В1. Словообразование
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Подготовка к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ. Словообразование (приставки).
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Русский язык : подготовка к ЕГЭ. Сквозь призму словообразования
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