Подготовка к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ. Словообразование (приставки).
тест (английский язык) на тему

Спиридович Наталия Евгеньевна

В данной разработке предлагается справочный материал по словообразованию (приставки), мини-тест с ответами и без в 2-х вариантах. Материал может быть распечатан.


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Предварительный просмотр:

The opposites formed by using prefixes:



happy- unhappy

appear- disappear

healthy- unhealthy


dress- undress

believe- disbelieve

popular- unpopular

pleasure- displeasure

true- untrue

respectful- disrespectful

wise- unwise

obey- disobey

willing- unwilling

like- dislike

skilled- unskilled

honest- dishonest

certain- uncertain

appoint- disappoint

grateful- ungrateful

pleased- displeased

known- unknown

respect- disrespect

interesting- uninteresting

ambitious- unambitious


successful- unsuccessful


prepared- unprepared

perfect- imperfect

usual- unusual

polite- impolite

professional- unprofessional

modest- immodest

believable- unbelievable

movable- immovable

friendly- unfriendly

proper- improper

practical- impractical


patient- impatient

correct- incorrect

direct- indirect


attentive- inattentive

spell- misspell

dependent- independent

lead- mislead

human- inhuman

understand- misunderstand

visible- invisible

expensive- inexpensive

experienced- inexperienced

Forming verbs with prefixes

re- (= again)

under- (not enough)                  over- (too much)

think- rethink

charge- undercharge- overcharge

wind- rewind

pay- underpay- overpay

write- rewrite

do- underdo- overdo

make- remake

estimate- underestimate- overestimate

do- redo

go- undergo

create- recreate


Variant I


Variant II

I Complete the sentences with the correct word formed with the help of the prefix.

I Complete the sentences with the correct word formed with the help of the prefix.

1 When you take off your clothes, you undress.

1 I didn’t mean any disrespect when I spoke with you coldly.

2 A pupil who is not paying attention to a lesson is inattentive.

2 It is unusual to see very tall buildings in the countryside.

3 If you are uncertain about something, you are doubtful about it.

3 An ungrateful person gives no thanks for the kindness he receives.

4 Those children who disobey their parents are naughty.

4 An impolite person is lacking in good manners.

5 An unpopular person is one who is disliked.

5 An unskilled workman is one who is untrained.

6 This picnic table is so heavy that it is impractical.

6 The car I saw for sale was inexpensive.

7 A disrespectful boy has no respect for others.

7 A sum which is incorrect is wrong.

8 The word disappear means to go out of sight.

8 An immovable object cannot be moved.

9 It’s unfriendly not to greet your neighbours.

9 People who disagree hold different points of view.

10 It was an unbelievable day for the British team. They won 5 gold medals.

10 Sarah has always been independent. She loves travelling on her own.

11 She found the film uninteresting.

11 She was unprepared for the exam and did badly.

12 I get very impatient waiting for buses. It’s such a waste of time.

12 Unfortunately, Ben was unsuccessful in his application to Cambridge University.

13 You shouldn’t wear jeans in the office. It’s unprofessional.

13 The boys were displeased with the results in the competitions.

14We can’t believe dishonest people.

14 It seems to me that you dislike that boy. Why do you?

15 A word which is false is untrue.

15 An unhealthy person often has to consult a doctor.

16 Don’t misunderstand me- I think the painting is good.

16 The pupil had to rewrite the exercise twice.

17 Eve made a lot of mistakes in her homework so she decided to redo.

17 Paula had to undergo surgery on her knee.

18 They overcharged us in the restaurant but they quickly realized and gave us some money back.

18 Don’t overestimate your abilities. You are not strong enough after the illness.

II Form the new words using the prefixes:

II Form the new words using the prefixes:

1 think- rethink

1 wind- rewind

2 visible- invisible

2 create- recreate

3 wise- unwise

3 willing- unwilling

4 appoint- disappoint

4 pay- underpay- overpay

5 human- inhuman

5 ambitious- unambitious

6 happy- unhappy

6 known- unknown

7 create- recreate

7 modest- immodest

8 perfect- imperfect

8 proper- improper

9 spell- misspell

9 lead- mislead


Variant I


Variant II

I Complete the sentences with the correct word formed with the help of the prefix.

I Complete the sentences with the correct word formed with the help of the prefix.

1 When you take off your clothes, you (dress).

1 I didn’t mean any (respect) when I spoke with you coldly.

2 A pupil who is not paying attention to a lesson is (attentive).

2 It is (usual) to see very tall buildings in the countryside.

3 If you are (certain) about something, you are doubtful about it.

3 An (grateful) person gives no thanks for the kindness he receives.

4 Those children who (obey) their parents are naughty.

4 An (polite) person is lacking in good manners.

5 An (popular) person is one who is disliked.

5 An (skilled) workman is one who is untrained.

6 This picnic table is so heavy that it is (practical).

6 The car I saw for sale was (expensive).

7 A (respectful) boy has no respect for others.

7 A sum which is (correct) is wrong.

8 The word (appear) means to go out of sight.

8 An (movable) object cannot be moved.

9 It’s (friendly) not to greet your neighbours.

9 People who (agree) hold different points of view.

10 It was an (believable) day for the British team. They won 5 gold medals.

10 Sarah has always been (dependent). She loves travelling on her own.

11 She found the film (interesting).

11 She was (prepared) for the exam and did badly.

12 I get very (patient) waiting for buses. It’s such a waste of time.

12 Unfortunately, Ben was (successful) in his application to Cambridge University.

13 You shouldn’t wear jeans in the office. It’s (professional).

13 The boys were (pleased) with the results in the competitions.

14We can’t believe (honest) people.

14 It seems to me that you (like) that boy. Why do you?

15 A word which is false is (true).

15 An (healthy) person often has to consult a doctor.

16 Don’t (understand) me- I think the painting is good.

16 The pupil had to (write) the exercise twice.

17 Eve made a lot of mistakes in her homework so she decided to (do).

17 Paula had to (go) surgery on her knee.

18 They (charged) us in the restaurant but they quickly realized and gave us some money back.

18 Don’t (estimate) your abilities. You are not strong enough after the illness.

II Form the new words using the prefixes:

II Form the new words using the prefixes:

1 think-

1 wind-

2 visible-

2 create-

3 wise-

3 willing-

4 appoint-

4 pay-

5 human-

5 ambitious-

6 happy-

6 known-

7 create-

7 modest-

8 perfect-

8 proper-

9 spell-

9 lead-

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