Технологии подготовки к ГИА (ЕГЭ) Grammar and Vocabulary. Part 1
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (10, 11 класс) на тему
Технологии подготовки к ГИА (ЕГЭ). Раздел 3. Задания 19-25, направленные на проверку владения грамматическими навыками.
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Exam Practice. Use of English. Part 1
Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets:
Miss Langworthy: old age pensioner
Miss Langworthy was born in 1924. Her eyes are not very good now, and she (1) ………. (have) a lot of trouble with her heart. But she still jumps up quickly to (2)…………….. (make) every visitor a cup of tea.
“It’s been an interesting life,” she says. “I could write quite a lot about it.”
Although she was born in London, Miss Langworthy (3) ………………… (spend) most of her childhood on the island of Jersey. Island schools in 1934 were primitive, she says, but they (4)………………….. (teach) the “three Rs” – reading, (w)riting, (a)rithmetic, and one more – respect.
Young people were different then, she says. They had to do what they (5)…………………. (tell). They (6) …………………. (not/have) all the things young people have these days. But they showed more respect for the old than they do now. They never (7) ……………. (put) old people into homes then.
Miss Langworthy lives in an old people’s home. She has a small room with (8) ……….…. (she) own furniture in it, and she (9) ………….. (get) all her meals, and everything she needs. “The staff are very good,” she says. “We’ve got a wonderful matron, and staff. I say they’re not staff, they’re (10) ………… (I) friends. We get tea in bed the (11) …………………. (one) thing in the morning, then breakfast, & lunch, then tea & biscuits in the afternoon, then supper, that (12) ………….. (call) high tea, then a hot drink at bedtime.
What about the old age pension? Miss Langworthy smiles. “It’s enough for my needs,” she says, “but not enough for my wants.” Then she laughs. “It’s a good thing I’m not a smoker or a drinker, isn’t it?”
Miss Langworthy can look back on a lifetime of helping others. She wanted to be a teacher, but her family (13) …………………. (think) differently, so she (14) ……………(leave) school at fourteen. First she (15) ………… (learn) dressmaking in a girl’s workroom, but after a year she (16) ………… (leave) to help her mother at home. Years (17) ……….. (late), when her mother died, she worked in different places as a companion or a housekeeper. But her health was never very good. Now she needs plenty of peace & quiet.
“There’ve been many ups & downs,” she says. “I’ve been through deep waters at times.” What has kept her (18) …………….. (go)? “I put my life into God’s care,” she says. “And he has never let me down. The (19) …………… (old) I get, the more precious he is to (20) ………………… (I). That’s all I can say. “
1 | has | 8 | her | 15 | learned/learnt |
2 | make | 9 | gets | 16 | left |
3 | spent | 10 | my | 17 | later |
4 | taught | 11 | first | 18 | going |
5 | were told | 12 | is called | 19 | older |
6 | didn’t have | 13 | thought | 20 | me |
7 | put | 14 | left |
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