Текст № 6 Too well
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Короткий адаптированный рассказ известного американского мастера короткого рассказа предназначен для широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский язык в школах, на языковых курсах и самостоятельно.
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Too well
Miss Rosie Carrington was a famous actress. She began her life in a little village named Cranberry. But that was long ago. Now she was at her height of her fame, and in the coming season was to perform the leading part in a newly-written comedy. But who was to perform the male character in the play?
One day a capable young actor by the name of Highsmith called on Mr. Timothy Goldstein, the manager. Highsmith dreamed of being Miss Carrington’s partner in a new play.
“My boy”, said Goldstein, “take the part if you can get it. Miss Carrington doesn’t want to listen to any of my suggestions. She says that all our best actors won’t do. You know it is the part of a young farmer. She wants something genuine, a real imitation of country manners. If you want to play the part, you must convince Miss Carrington. I wish you luck, my boy”.
Next day Highsmith took the train for Cranberry. He remained there for three days. He found Miss Carrington’s family and collected many facts concerning life and people at Cranberry. Then he returned to the city.
That same night a small party was sitting at a table in one of the restaurants where actors used to gather when the performance was over. The star of that small party was Miss Carrington – gay, happy, at her height of her fame.
At half past twelve a plain-dressed flaxen-haired youth entered the restaurant. He seemed very shy and awkward. The moment he entered he upset a chair, and sat awkwardly in another one. He looked shyly around, and then suddenly saw Miss Carrington. He rose and went to the table with a shining smile on his face.
“How are you, Miss Rosie?” he said. “Don’t you remember me – Bill Summers – the Summerses that lived near the blacksmith’s shop? I think I have grown a little since you left Cranberry. Eliza Perry told me I might see you in the city while I was here”, he went on, “you know, Eliza married Benny, and she says …”
“You don’t say so!” interrupted Miss Carrington. “Eliza Perry is married!”
“She married in June”, grinned the young gossip, “and the youngest of the Walton girls ran away with the music teacher last March. Matilda Hockins died from pricking her finger with a needle, and Tom is courting Sally”.
“You don’t say so!” exclaimed Miss Carrington. “Excuse me a while, gentlemen, this is an old friend of mine. Come here, Mr. … What is your name? Oh, yes, Mr. Summers – I shall call you Billy, may I? Come here, Billy, and tell me some more”.
She led him to an isolated table in a corner. She sat down in front of him and laid her chin upon her hands.
“I don’t recollect any Bill Summers”, she said thoughtfully, gazing straight into innocent blue eyes of the rustic young man.
“Miss Rosie”, said he, “I called on your family just or three days ago”.
“How is ma?” asked Miss Carrington.
Highsmith understood that a bit of pathos was necessary.
“She is older than she was, Miss Rosie. When I saw her last, she was sitting at the door and looking at the road”
“Billy”, she said, “I am waiting for Rosie. She went away down that road and something tells me she will come back that way again.” “When I was leaving”, the young man went on, “I took this rose from a bush by the front door, I thought I might see you in the city and I knew that you would like to have something from Cranberry”.
Miss Carrington took the rose with a smile and got up. “Come to the hotel to see me, Bill, before you leave city”, she said. “I am awfully glad to see you. Well, good night. I am a little tired. It’s time to go to bed”. When she had left the restaurant, Highsmith approached Goldstein, the manager.
“It was a brilliant idea”, said the smiling actor, “I am sure I shall get the part in that play. Miss Carrington will have to confess that my performance was genuine, and that I was a good actor.”
“I didn’t hear your conversation,” said Goldstein, “but your make up and acting were O.K. Here’s to your success! Call on Miss Carrington early tomorrow, tell her all, and I hope she will agree to take her as her partner in the play”.
Next morning Mr. Highsmith, handsome, dressed in latest fashion, called on Miss Carrington at the hotel. “Is Miss Carrington at home?” he asked the maid.
“Miss Carrington has left,” the maid answered, “and will not come back. She has cancelled all her engagements on the stage, and has returned to live in that – what do you call that village? Oh, yes, - Cranberry”.
Highsmith understood that he had acted too well.
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